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Make an X-COM game with Enforcer editor


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With the game you get also Enforcer editor, it installs automaticly, what about making a more realistic Enforcer like game? Isn't it possible to make a new skin and replace the Enforcer by an X-COM soldier, with programmed help of other soldiers who help you on the way? You don't have to design aliens like the guys who are making last hope. And make the aliens stronger and smarter without letting them explode into data-point, so it's a challange to kill every individual, instead of running around and killing them easy, so you have to use the terrain for cover and stuff, or is that insane.
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it is possible... although it may take a while... basically if you can do it to ut you can do it to enforcer... all we need is a model of an x-com soldier in unreal tournament model format, and some coder who know how to code ut script.
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Problem is....I have no experience with modding and stuff, I am always willing to learn, but it could take ages before I get it. Probably this means the idea suffers a quick death unless people who do know wanna give it a shot, as it's alright all the aliens already exist, only a model of an X-COM soldier is needed, I think if you made it a much more tactical game, sneeking up to a muton hoping he didn't see you and take him out with the risk that he spots you and takes you out with a one blast is much more exiting than running up to 5 mutons and blasting them to pieces while picking up data-points and come out without a scratch, so a few strong, smart aliens, weaker weapons and a vulnerable main character would do the trick, the levels could even remain the same, maybe a sniperrifle would be cool to shoot the aliens at a distance....
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Ha ha, code, C++, I don't even know where that stands for, no, I really don't know anything about it, I thought I needed to understand the editor of enforcer to do it, but I was thinking as Enforcer is based on the unreal engine you could also do it the other way around, as the alien models already are in enforcer and those same models could be used in unreal, and unreal already has armoured soldiers wich could go for an X-COM soldier, maybe with some X-COM logo on it's chest than we have a first-person shooter, and there is no need to develop an entire new soldier, it doesn't have to look exactly like an Enemy Unknown soldier, so maybe if there are a few guys who can we can start something, I will assist but I don't know nothing acctually, I also don't know if it will be worth the effort as there were more ideas of starting such projects.
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Wow, I have been checking at www.unrealtournament.com to learn about the editor, but their talking about codes that have to be written and not exactly in dummie language, it seems it's quite a study to learn this stuff :blink: ,and I thought it was like the C&C red alert editor, or the starcraft map editor, that's easy, no codes, nothing.
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*chuckles* thats the trouble with 3d games... with c&c you just have to make a nice simple tiled map... with 3d game maps you have to model it completely in 3d...


not only that, but the editor for UT / enforcer is a complete game editor... you can change almost everything, and of course that means programming.

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So you got experience mouse, can't you give it a try?

If we just could use the models of the aliens in enforcer and put them in unreal tournament, there are lots of armoured soldiers already made, just put an X-COM badge on its arm or chest and we would almost have Alliance multi-player, the only thing everyone has to do is buy a copy of unreal tournament, which is very cheap nowadays, we could organize great Alliance-like battles from here. What about "attack-defend", where the aliens are protecting an artifact while X-COM tries to steal it and stuff, we could come up with brilliant scenario's and blow new live into X-COM ourselfs.

I assure we will have fun from it for years just for a few bucks.

The only tiny thing is we need someone who knows how to get these models out of enforcer and place it on this site, so we could download them and put them in unreal Tournament.

At amazon at the zshops I have seen totally unreal, which contains unreal+ add-on and tournament for only $9.99 excl. shipping costs if it isn't possible to buy in the shop.

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I'm really not sure, as I said, QIII is a totally different ball game to Unreal, I'm not sure I could do anything. And mapping is one thing, modelling is another. I mean I could probably help out with the making the maps X-Com/Alien style.


I could, if any of you have Return to Castle Wolfenstein, build an X-Com map for that, with gravlifts, slidie doors, Avengers etc etc (It uses the QIII engine) if you decide to switch to that, and building models for QIII isn't hard I'm led to believe...

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