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Hello again. From today I want to start unusual AAR. In one topic there will be two games. If you haven't guessed by the title it's Stardrive 1 and Stardive 2. One title, 2 games and each different except two things. Both are 4X strategies and both have the same races in the game with exception of Stardrive 2 that has one additional game. The first game is RTS with turn elements (but on this later), while the second game is mostly turn based with exception of space combat. The second game is also heavily inspired by Master Of Orion 2. Both games also start in different StarDate.





First let's start with Stardrive 1:


Cordazine Collective. Sort of easy going aliens, that are also known to be slavers of the Owlwook people. Generaly they tend to be not aggressive.




The Draylok Council. They say they are good at spying and nothing else. You can't be too sure about them. Mostly they will leave you be as long as you will let them be. Not very friendly race, but also not aggressive.




United Federation also known as humans. Hey that is us.




Kulrathi also known as space bears. They call themselves also a Shogunate like medieval Japan, but it doesn't say the follow bushido. Also a race that mostly will keep it to itself.




Opteris. A race that discarded flesh for cybernetics. Since they are cybernetic they don't breed. They need to produce the citizens so it's somehow a flaw of theirs. In all games I've played Opteris always declared war, so they are generally very aggressive.




Pollops. A plant like things. Very peaceful. Most if not all the times, you will end up with alliance or very close relations. That is unless you will want to destroy them.




Ralyeh, a Cthulian tentacle like monsters. Very religious (probably worship Cthulhu). Very often will demand a tithe.




Vulfar or Vulfen. Space bat-wolfs (thank god not Batmen ;) ). Although sounding aggressive, they only tend to attack if you have no navy.




I of course will be playing as Humans, because Humans are the only reasonable race to play. Who would want to play as space bears. Preposterous. And of course the difficulty will be BRUTAL. Because that is the only way to play any strategy game. The map size will be large with normal amount of systems. The size only determines the radius of the galaxy and not the number of available planets.


Since this RTS the first order to do is to quickly pause and setup the research queue. The research is divided into 7 categories:


Colonization: focuses on basic colony stuff like production, growth, research.

Energy: focuses on developing better power output and few guns.

Socio-Logistics: focuses on diplomacy and economy.

Physics: Energy type weapons

Ballistics: Kinetic type weapons

Starship construction: new hulls, fighters, armour.

Secrets: currently hidden. Technology that need to be found in order to be researched.




Our first queue will contain following topics:

Industrial foundation: Will allow to build warehouse and rover bay. Warehouse increases storage of production and food, while rover bay increases flat production on the planet by +1. It's very must have stuff.


Missile theory: Allows to equip ships with missiles. A very cheap technology that will allow to mass produce tiny ships that will swarm with rockets. You have to build LOTS of them, but they are cheap to produce and maintain. Very needed to survive.


Aeroponics: Will allow to construct aeroponic farm, that boosts flat food production by +1

Interstellar governance: Gives building that increases money output. Money is generated from production. X% of tax is taken from the production output and turned into money.


Xeno Linguistics: Gives a flat bonus of reputation to newly met aliens.

Cryogenics: More people go with transports.

Mercantilism: Each delivery of food or production gives some cash.




Having science done, not let's take a look on our planet. We can't build anything right now except maybe some small ships, freighters and marines. Since we start with 1 scout ship, 1 colony ship and 1 protoype frigate, we need to build one more scout and for now we need marines to be sent maybe on some planets with strange anomalies. The anomalies may contain some artifacts that have magical properties.


How does things work here. While the game is RTS, it is divided into turns. Each turn takes place every 5 seconds in real time. On each new turn things are done. Planets generate / consume food, production, research. While research is obvious thing, with food and production you can do different things. First option is to import, that means any freighter will see this planet to deliver stuff. Generated food will be kept in the stores while production will be used to manufacture things or if idle it will store it in the warehouse. If you have excess of production you can hurry production by spending accumulated points. Every click is 10 points. It doesn't cost money so it is safe to use it. Next setting is export. Freighters will search planets that export things and begin trade route there. On production 20% of produced points are sent to warehouse if something is being made. The last option is store. The planet will keep everything produced to itself.


That is enough for basics now let time fly. We order the scout to automaticaly explore the galaxy, let's hope it will find quickly new good worlds to colonize. We of course can colonize, Mars, Mercury and Venus, but with current tech it's a waste.


The first reports of new systems were pretty bad. No habitable planet at all. Also although we were starting in sort of corner, we very quickly found The Draylock Council. Not very happy I am for such fast meeting. Let's just hope they will stay neutral.




We also met in the system where it had a planet that we could colonize, but they were first both in scouting it and sending colonizer. Oh well there are more planets out there. Like for example Windu IV, just north from the Draylock Homeworld. And of course north from Windu we find the Pollops. Good thing they already had colony in other system so the Windu IV is ours for the taking.




So now we are surrounded by 2 AIs. One friendly and one who knows what will do. Because once we have researched missiles, they suddenly demanded a gift. I'll give you a gift. Rocket to the face now buzz off. Of course they don't take "No" for an answer, and had stolen that tech. So I guess this means war. Well not now, I must produce massive army first. For now we will hire spy of our own and repay them with some tech stealing of our own.


In the meanwhile we keep exploring and finding more planets to colonize. Need to keep expanding and taking some good planets. We also find contact with the Kulrathi. They are pretty far from us, so I don't see any conflict for now, although we also started with competing for one system. The system is however protected by the drones of the ancient civilization. So getting a planet there will be tricky. And of course same as Draylock, they demanded a tech in the name of friendship.




Soon after we meet the Cordazine. They are pretty far located so I don't think they will make any problems. And in fact they proposed NAP almost immediately. Now that is what I can accept.




A lot of time has passed since we started the game. It is now StarDate 1036. Lots of tech has been acquired, so the queue needs to be updated. We will finish economic tree, because money is power and all that jazz and then we will focus on some weaponry - mainly lasers and armour. We also managed to steal Corvette hull from the Draylocks. It will fit nice with the lasers once we get them.




The Kulrathi are constantly fighting with the drones, that is good. Once they will reduce their numbers we will strike with force and take the high value planets. I like this plan. Checking also in the diplomacy overview I found that the good plant people are leading in scientific and military ranking.


On StarDate 1048 we meet the Vulfar and they are impressed by our ship. That means they will not attack us at least for now. And few seconds later we meet Opteris. And as I said in introduction, they declare war. They are very far so I will have some time to prepare. Guess Draylocks will have to wait. But I was wrong and the Opteris had invasion fleet right next door. Well I had my little ships too, so I wasn't worried that much.





And also speaking of the She Devils. I've noticed they started to colonize rest of the planets in the Sol system. In theory that should not be possible, because we don't have open borders. So either diplomacy doesn't work here or they clearly want to piss me off. Well they certainly did, but anyway without terraforming, those planets are useless.


And before the end of this episode, we met the last race, The Rayleh. So on next episode: WAR!



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Tentacles eh? I think I know why :P





Anyway, after the first part our position looks like this:




Currently we need to focus on defending from the Opteris, hold the line and get stronger. It looks like the Draylocks are boxed in. Let's just hope they don't come with silly idea of attacking. Since we now have Corvette type hulls, we can now make a little bigger ships:


Little Nook




Little SV




Seeing good oportunity to strike, we send our little ships and marines to the Yremy system. Opteris planet there is pretty much undefended. You cannot waste that opportunity.




Also being on good terms with Pollops and Cordrazine, we ask them to help with the war. They agree because we are such good friends, but they quickly sign peace treaty. Well Cordrazine managed at least take one planet at least. But fortunately the Kulrathi are also fighting Opteris. This will give us some time to prepare more powerful fleet.


Once we have gathered decent enough fleet, it's maiden battle was fought in Ritten system, where the old Remnanat drones were. Thesee drones needed clearing so our freighters there would be safe. When the battle was won, the remaining ships undergo repairs and rearming and more ships joined the rally point. Full scale invasion on Opteris will begin shortly.

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I think you little underestimate me :P







On last episode we have finished with clearing nearby planets from the Remnants presence. Now we can safely colonize those juicy looking planets. Since we are done, we can now focus on the war with the Opteris. They are already busy fighitng Kulhrati and Vulfar which means we will have easy pickings. First our fleet gathers in the Yremy system. Once all is set, we plot the course to the Opteris homeworld and capital. We have massive fleet, so massive that I've went under the budget limit. Being on the negatives means that now I will be pestered with rebel attacks. Stupid rebels. Fortunately we have some guardians, and we are finishing galactic banks research which should increase our income.




Opteris resistance in the Opteris system was almost non existent. Their first worlds fall immediately.




The next system to fall was Astermi. Also no resistance. Then Stett (although Stett felt to the Cordrazine), Mimas (captured by Rayleh), Laegzed.

Strangely the Opteris had Doom Fleet nearby but didn't use it. Not until we've managed to take Laegzed.

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In today's episode we finish of the Opteris. Our fleets clash in the Arizdum system, but our marines can freely go and conquer their planets.




Meanwhile other AI's jump to their throats and it's all out war Vulfar vs Opteris vs Kulrathi vs Rayleh. Although Draylocks are formerly in war with Opteris, they don't look like in sending any fleet.


Strangely once we have eliminated the Opteris, their remnant fleet swarmed us in the Arizdum system. It was pretty much very big battle but they had bigger ships. Thankfully remnants can't take planets, so let's say it was big scrapping operation. It was time to putaway SV Jr and Nook Jr. Because soon their granddaddies will be produced.



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Our war effort with Opteris came to an end. There are still remnants, but we will leave them be for now. We must focus on colony improvement and steal those techs. For dealing with Remnants we will employ SV Jr. and Nook Jr.





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  • 2 weeks later...


In last episode we finished Opteris remnants and initiated grand scale of technology stealing. Having gathered enough of the techs and lengthy planetary preparations, it's time to wage another war. Our target is Draylock Conucil, just because they had the nerve to colonize Sol system. Although it looks like they have deployed super heavy ships and our fleet is currently made of puny SVs Juniors and Nooks Juniors a temporary solution will be deployed. We can produce Archangel and Ragnarok type of super heavy warships. Those should be enough to at least hold the ground, maybe even push back the Draylock. While the Draylock fleet will be constantly busy, we will send our massive amount of marines to take over their worlds.





Although our fleet quickly lost the first skirmish we, had enough manfuacturing capabilities to quickly send some reinforcments. Our marines were constantly on the move and we were quickly capturing any Draylock world.




They Draylocks were so busy with the fighting in the Sol system, that we almost freely launched an invesion on the Drel system and the Capital of Draylocks. Although sustaining lots of casaulties due to orbital defenses, their capitol has fallen, and Draylocks lost their advantage of sending reinforcements.




While we were busy destroying the Draylocks, Cordrazine came with help to deal with the Kulrathi problem. Well since the Space Rugs were my next candidate for invasion, I've said yes. They will be busy fighting Cordrazine so I wasn't pressed at this time. I've also asked Pollops to assist.


Also when we have captured Draylocks homeworld we've also reached the pinnacle of our naval technology. It's time to release the Big Players and shift this war to "Serious Business" level. Meat our ultimate doomsday weapons:


Thorondor class Dreadnought:




Space Voyager class Dreadnought-carrier. It suppose to carry little Nooks and SVs but I forgot to select them in the designer.




Nook class Dreadnought:




Silencer class Dreadnought:




Once those beats hit the field, it will be generally game over. The AI has realized that Thorondors and Space Voyagers are force to be reckoned with, and begun to reclaim lost territories. While small success was visible in Drell sector, their fate is ultimately sealed.







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The Draylock empire is almost wiped out. Few more ships to destroy and that single planet to recapture. In this case we will now start to focus on the Space Rugs. First we begin with some spy work of creating some revolts. This should help speed things up.




Once the Draylocks were gone and their remnants taken care of, it was time to finish those bears once and for all. Also because at this stage game was crashing every now and then, I've decided out of pure irritation that I won't finish this game with galaxy domination. I've decided to find out the source of the Remnants drones and have alternative victory. Not generally what I do, but trust me, those crashes weren't worth the effort of total domination.




While the Kulrathi were busy at the Yremy system, our marines and spider drones attacked them from the rear. Taking control of every possible planet. Once deep inside Kulrathi space, some of our planets have build Remnant relays, pointing to some planets that contain something strange. One of those planets were in fact in Kulrathi space.





Upon reaching the planet with signal on it's ground a few remnant drone tanks of some sort were visible. When the ground forces won, a titanic Remnant ship appeared on the site and our fleet had to engage it. Also few more of those things spawned in the galaxy. When the Mothership was destroyed, we could now start the project Ascension (due to a bug, I could start building it earlier). This project takes a lot of effort to make, so now it's only race of time, so we might go get some bears to kill.






Once the Ascension project was finished, so does our struggle in this life.



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Just looked and too bad that's just the timeline. I was hoping for some numbers (e.g. battles won / lost, planets colonized / conquered / lost, total population, etc.).


Nice game, too bad about crashes. Would have been nice to conquer the galaxy. :)

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From what I've heard about StarDrive 1 is the community mod is almost a necessity. Apparently the game was basically dropped by the developer and the community picked up and made it playable. I haven't played it so I'm not sure what all it does to the game, or what the problems were in the first place.
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General Game Things

Larger Maps.

Many many crash fixes.

troop management improvements.

troops will autoland on planets you send them to. orbit a planet with a shift right click.

planets will auto resupply troop ships.

solar system info expansion will show special resource marker and player troop counts.

Large Access Aware exe to reduce out of memory issues.

money based on population rather than production.

Much better ship targeting code.

Reduced volume when warping and launching troops.

Performance increases.

more multi threading.

AI ship count limiter

allows the game to have more ships for the AI and adjust the ship performance load for your system.

AI improvements

AI will chose techs by what it needs and will choose ship techs that it can use and give it the best ship.

AI will manage its troops better.

AI will use more diverse fleets.

AI can use carrier designs.

Fighters will return to carrier when out of ammo.

Fighters will more effectively return to carrier when warping.

Fleets will stay together when formation warping.

AI can build defensive platforms

ship sensors effect target picking radius

fighters use carrier sensor range

freighters can flee from combat

many mod only additions

mods can run entirely from the mod directory.


More automation controls.

Auto Taxes

Auto Technology

New Espionage screen

more info about other empires

New spy code.

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