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Sonic Oscilator research trap in TftD, cause unknown


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Hi, all,


Thanks, Pete, for getting me back into the site. A friend in Slovenia inspired me to play Terror from the Deep again, and it's been a lot of fun. UFOpaedia has been a big help, especially for layouts of ships and avoiding research traps. I've thus been able to avoid the traps cited on the site (Right - that was fun to write. Thanks for the language, people. grin.gif ).


However, I now have a contribution that I don't think is ready to edit into the research traps section, because I don't know why I'm unable to research the Sonic Oscilator (and thus the P.W.T. Cannon). Because I also studied French and can't afford to travel, I've been playing the game in French, so I've checked very carefully to make sure I haven't missed the Oscilator, just because it's in French. It's not in my list of projects available to be researched.


I wish I could tell you in what order I've researched topics. From now on when I play, I will keep a complete log of my research, especially the sequence. Next chance I get, I'll look at the in-game UFOpaedia, to see what I have researched, and also list what I haven't researched, and report back here.


I know this is going to be a lot of work for a lot of people. Hopefully we have enough eyeballs to make this bug shallow. smile.png



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Don't know why typing "Terror From The Deep Tech Tree" in google graphics doesn't bring any result from Ufopaedia (only for EU and EU2012)


So as you can see you must do research for all the sonic guns + clips. Maybe you have forgotten about this detail.

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Make doubly sure that you researched the clips for all the sonic weapons as well. TFTD is a little bit pedantic like that.




Thanks for the good thought. :) I have researched all the sonic clips, even the sonic pistol and its clip. I think I can still overwhelm the biggest craft with Mantas armed with craft gas cannons and TOC launchers. And I can build the Leviathan and the intermediate marine transport.


- Pastshelfdate

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Maybe post a save, so someone might take a look.


That's a great idea. I'd love to do that, but I don't see anything in this interface that allows me to attach a file. I just tried "My Media," but it only lets me search through items I would have to have already uploaded, some other way.


Are you playing with any mods?


I realize that's a really good question, and I apologize for not thinking to include the following, when I first wrote to ask for help.


I don't know how to get my original CD versions running on my laptop with DOS Box, so I've been playing whatever version it is that Steam sells directly. I don't know how to use any modifications to the game. What little experience I had with coding, it's been almost 9 years since I did any, and I don't have time to fight with a game, only play it, on occasion.


So at least my situation is fairly simple. :) I hope that helps.

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If you want help on getting the cd version to run (by making it a full hard-drive install), we can certainly help you there. But ah, that's another discussion isn't it?wink.png Plus the Steam version does an okay job at doing something very similar. (Dare I suggest enabling GUS support to get the game to sing?)


About attaching the file, try going to the full post editor. There's an Attach Files bit just under the text box with a "choose file" button. If all else fails, you could e-mail it to one of us. I no longer have a copy of my beloved MS-Edit to do binary file diving since I switched to Windows 8, but still happy to have a look if you want.



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If you want help on getting the cd version to run (by making it a full hard-drive install), we can certainly help you there. But ah, that's another discussion isn't it?wink.png


I guess that could work. My hard drive is very, very full, though, so even a relatively tiny (old) game could be a problem. And I think the difficulty is with Windows XP Pro: so far, it doesn't work with any of my old DOS games.


Plus the Steam version does an okay job at doing something very similar. (Dare I suggest enabling GUS support to get the game to sing?)


o_O I am so ignorant; I have no idea what GUS support is. And right now, my laptop refuses to sing, or play instruments, or talk. I still get system beeps, but something has happened to the sound drivers. A few weeks ago, MIDI sound (etc.) came and went a couple times. Now it's staying away.


About attaching the file, try going to the full post editor. There's an Attach Files bit just under the text box with a "choose file" button. If all else fails, you could e-mail it to one of us. I no longer have a copy of my beloved MS-Edit to do binary file diving since I switched to Windows 8, but still happy to have a look if you want.


I'll look for that full post editor. Again, thanks. smile.png



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After checking through dozens of posts where the subject line is no clue to the actual question specifics, I hope my subject line is helpful. Here is what may be a new challenge for you all.


I am unable to research the Sonic Oscillator. Dr. Frankenfurter won't reply, so I'm asking for help here. According to the research tree on the UFOpaedia site, this also prevents me from researching the P.W.T. Cannon. I can live without it, but I'd hate for new players to face this, as it would be so disappointing. They should know the joys of the P.W.T. Cannon, especially how it saves so much money on ammo supplies. And that helps with storage space, also.


Thanks to the wonderful notes on the UFOpaedia site, I have avoided the research traps listed there. Thank you. :)


By the way, if anyone can recommend a specific utility for editing a saved game to give me the ability to research the two topics mentioned above, I'd appreciate it.


My hard drive is probably too full (Got a warning message, a half hour ago.) to install even the smallest file zipper, so I just uploaded my GAME_2 directory to my web site.


Here is the link to my home page: https://www.pizzafromscratch.net/


And here is the link to the page with the directory link: https://www.pizzafromscratch.net/TftD.html


This link displays a file list format I've seen before: https://www.pizzafromscratch.net/GAME_2/


Any of the above links should work. Thanks, in advance, for any help, and I hope this helps with your TftD research trap projects.


Bill L. =^o^=

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I know it's been recommended that we zip up a saved game, but I'm now going to try the "basic uploader," and see how that works. ... Well, that didn't take long. When I tried to attach the first file in my GAME_2 sub-directory, I got a message saying I'm not permitted to upload that type of file. So again, I have to refer anyone who wants to help to this link: https://www.pizzafromscratch.net/TftD.html


Thanks, again, for any help.


- Pastshelfdate

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Good lord man - you really need serious spanking. And sorry if my tone will be rude or something.


1. You could have given a ZIPped version so someone could download it with one go. Just for the helping sake I sacrificed myself and checked the save.

2. You should visit you're eye doctor also. We told you to double check you're research. You didn't research Sonic Pistol + sonic Pistol clip AND you have both P.W.T Cannon researched P.W.T. and Tank.

3. Since you're in a late game were pistols aren't seen anymore, you should use some editor might be XcomUtil or something and give yourself a sonic pistol and sonic pistol clip to storehouses.


I knew this thing you've posted in 5 or so topics shouldn't be possible. It's true that without all the sonic weapons researched you can foobar yourself and lock out of Sonic Oscillator.



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I'm going to merge this with the original topic. Having the same topic spread out over lots of different threads makes it a tad messy.


edit: That is, if I can find it. Hang on...



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Good lord man - you really need serious spanking. And sorry if my tone will be rude or something.


It's okay, I know I'm "special." I'm actually "on the short bus" for a variety of reasons, all from the neck up: ADD, mild autism, etc. I'm glad you spoke up, as it's the only way I can improve. On the bright side, I've been told by experts that I'm very good about listening to constructive criticism, and about making positive changes.


1. You could have given a ZIPped version so someone could download it with one go. Just for the helping sake I sacrificed myself and checked the save.


I would have loved to do that, but until late last night, my hard drive had no room at all, and I didn't already have a zip utility, as far as I know. I looked all through my list of program launches (Windows XP Pro). I apologize for forgetting to mention my lack of a zip utility. I'd mentioned it in a previous attempt at posting that went into limbo.


2. You should visit you're eye doctor also. We told you to double check you're research. You didn't research Sonic Pistol + sonic Pistol clip AND you have both P.W.T Cannon researched P.W.T. and Tank.


I just looked through both the TFTD Research Tree Bug Avoidance Guide and the Research Tree diagram. The Sonic Pistol, Sonic Blasta Rifle, and Sonic Cannon are shown as co-requisites for the Sonic Oscillator, rather than as co-requisites. I misinterpreted the key diagrams below, not realizing that alternate requisites are indicated by arrows going into a triangle, which in turn points down to the dependent item. My only problem, apart from occasionally being oblivious, is that I sold the Sonic Pistol and clip that I had at my research base. I just transferred one each from another base. And I've since read that the Sonic Oscillator is the one that I agree is the best craft weapon in the game, the one that doesn't need ongoing manufacture of ammo.


I didn't realize there were two language problems. "Cannon" to me suggests something like the 20 to 37 mm "cannons" that armed various World War 2 fighter planes. I thought this was the name of the weapon that didn't require ammo supplies (The only other time I've played TFTD was almost 20 years ago.). I thought the alien-technology-based weapon that fired the big missiles would be called a missile launcher. And here's something I really apologize for not mentioning (I didn't realize it was a problem.) As I've had very little opportunity, otherwise, for practice, I've been playing TFTD in French. The French version lists the PWT Cannon as "Cannon TOC," which was just different enough that, combined with my ADD, I only now, on closer examination of the Research Tree diagram, realize the "Cannon TOC" is the one that requires manufactured ammunition. The French are not at all to blame. I really should have known better. At least I wasn't willfully ignorant, but still just as annoying. :(


3. Since you're in a late game were pistols aren't seen anymore, you should use some editor might be XcomUtil or something and give yourself a sonic pistol and sonic pistol clip to storehouses.


Thanks for the suggestion. As of last night, I finally have space on my hard drive to install small programs. As I mentioned above, I found a pistol and clip in another base's inventory, and am transferring them.


I knew this thing you've posted in 5 or so topics shouldn't be possible. It's true that without all the sonic weapons researched you can foobar yourself and lock out of Sonic Oscillator.



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Windows XP has by default a zip software. Right click on a file / directory -> send to -> compressed file. And old TFTD saves aren't that big not to have enough space to compress.


Thanks, Captain. I didn't know that. I followed your directions, and it created a zipped file, just as you said. The only thing that threw me a little was that the function uses so few resources and is so simple that I had to select my TFD folder and check for "date modified" (latest). Now I can remove the saved game file from my web comic site.


- Pastshelfdate

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