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reborn of strategy gaming


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Hi Folks,

I'm passionate fan of video games and strategy genre more especially.

I've played hundred of games most of them for less then 2 hours, mostly because they lack creativity, historical accuracy, challenge or replaybility.

I'm wondering what do you want to find in a strategy game with a timespan in second half of 20 century?

Certainly it has to be fun to play.. but what else do you need in order to love a game?

Your comments will be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A game needs to be above all else fun to play, obviously, for anyone to enjoy.


Now, what makes a game fun for a given person? It depends on person and the genre. People expect different things from different kinds of games and so forth.


Beyond just being a fun game, people also appreciate a setting or theme that is attractive to them (WW2, Scifi, Fantasy,..) and the experience has to be overall a pleasant one, so that the mechanics don't get in the way of fun. That means that graphics have to be sufficiently good, what is good varies from person to person and with genre. Also, the UI has to be smooth and intuitive. 99% of people don't want to have to read a manual in order to be able to play the game.



Do you have a team for your game?


Also, I hope that, if you're a fan of strategy games, you would have a decent collection of strategy games that you've felt comfortable with for several months. Strategy games often have a lot of replay value and there have been a lot of well established classics that almost all strategy game fans find enjoyable.


In any case, best of luck to you!

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Fun is the king! In the end these are entertainment product and hopefuly should fit their primary purpose :)


You could not be wrong to state that every game have to aim to specific marketing segment and that generally audience is happy to see nice graphics and quick learning curve.


What is under the question: "do you have a team for your game". I'm working with many talents in the IT field, but not explicitly in game development area (so far)


You did a nice overview of gaming in general.

I was hoping for more "personal" point of view and game preferences of the forum members.

What kind of features you would love to see in a good strategy game regardless what your favorite theme is?


Kind regard to you fellow

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I apologise for not participating in this discussion more in-depth, but "what makes you love a game" is impossible to answer. One could try to come up with a game design that would (in one's opinion) be a great game, which would be a huge task.


The fact is that certain game features fit together great, while those same features in different combinations may destroy a game. Also, one's game ideal will vary through age and available time.


For instance, I used to only play deep strategy games that involved taking a lot of factors into account. Now I don't have the time for such games at all. I play simple Android games on my phone far more than PC. Just because I get five minutes of free time far more often than an hour or two. Three is impossible, unless I want to be a zombie (not Zombie wink.png) at work the next day. Or if I broke most social contacts during the weekend.


The player must be kept busy, he needs something to think about (not necessarily do) at all times. How you achieve that is up to the designer...

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Voyager you are bringing another fundamental truth.. there are no such thing that will be liked by everyone. Humans and unique and different in their taste and perseption.

So for me to like or dislike a game is something like sharing opinion about different kind of food, places you visit, ect. You will say it's great and your friend replay: no thank you, I will pass.

For me the most intresting port of your replay is the time and the game. I could not count how many times I wanted to play deep (and time consuming) game, but i just didn't have the spare time to do it. Maybe this is also one of the reasons that in the last years more and more games are targeting casual player who just wants quick in and out.

Could it be that time requirments is contributing to the decline of quality for strategy gaming?

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There are gamers with all kinds of available time. Some games are made for those with more, other for those with less time - or simply looking for less demanding gameplay.


I don't think of a less demanding game as a game of lesser quality. It needs to be done just as well as a more demanding game.

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I get your point.

What i was refering to was strategy games in particular.

I could hardly imagine civilization type game which could offer us confortable level of casul play timespan. For example to play it twice a week 10 minutes each session. Some genres and themes are just more prone to be time consuming ;) (my humble opinion)

Actually you bring very intresting point from your previous post:

"The player must be kept busy, he needs something to think about (not necessarily do) at all times. How you achieve that is up to the designer..."


The satisfaction of just thinking of 'it", not doing it... and this makes you feel fine,happy,OK (call it whatever you like). The mind capture :) ..it's applicable not only by games. Some parts/events of our life could offer this as well (hopefuly ;))

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried to address some of these issues in my new game https://BruneGame.com . With two 'Tiers' of play (Lords and Heroes), it offers deep strategy to those players who prefer it (Lords), and more direct, easier gameplay for casual players (Heroes). Take a look and let me know what you think. It does have a steep learning curve and it is in Beta, but we take player feedback very seriously and would like to invite you to Critique our game. We benefit from every player suggestion.


Thanks for your time.



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Guest NikiAlex

Hi There, here it is short feedback from my side.

First i registered.. it was easy and appaeling.

Selecting class was also easy going.

After that came the hard part.

What is my goal? I think one should get info as soon as possible about his objectives.

Some learning path, visial or by text would be very beneficial to make you ""into" the game.

Otherwise any person could easly get lost and bored.

Hope it helped.

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  • 3 months later...



After i started this discussion few months ago it left me thinking a lot how strategy gaming could be “reborned”.

Many ideas started flowing.. exprianced and highly motivated team was formet.

All we have worked hard and with all the passion we have.

Less than 5 month later we managed to reach pre-aplha stage, an important milestone for our young and ambitios project.

So we started.. unsure what to expect, how we will be percieved…

We got game site with the initial content available at www.warcabinet.net

Soon we will publish detailed information about game mechanics, warfare economy system, dynamic campaing, and many more.

Would you help us with your honest feedback?

Ultimate goal of what we make is a product for you the gamers to enjoy the most.

Be among the first to contribute.

Thank you!


From gamers to the gamers

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