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Indie game looking for playtesters: Almasy Tactics (Flash)


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Hiya, I'm conix! I'm working on a strategy game called Almasy Tactics. It's a really unique simultaneous turn based game in which you create and control a completely customized army in a multiplayer battlefield! I'm currently looking for playtesters to help me test new features as they're added.


I've been working on Almasy Tactics for about two years and still actively developing it. The initial idea for the game came from my interest in Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics, but I hated how infeasible it was to play against my friends. The games either took too long, or in Fire Emblem's case, were just stat wars. I tried a couple of online SRPGs, but typically they're boring grindfests with only overarching strategy. This game incorporates both micro and macro elements - some people who've tested it love coming up with new combos; others prefer focusing on the prediction and board control element.




Mix and match powerful skills to invent new ways to outsmart your enemies! Unlock brand-new classes and abilities with the spoils of war!





  • Pit your custom team in challenging multiplayer battles
  • Unlock 35 unique classes for your ever-growing army
  • Customize your characters with over 40 distinct spells and abilities
  • Character creation is designed to facilitate creative thinking, giving you the tools and freedom to play how you want to play



A tinkerer's defensive fortification of Caltrops and Turrets



Mages casting the Ice Blast spell



Crusader shackling an enemy, preventing him from moving away




Play now for free at bit.ly/almasytactics! It's in Flash, so you can play it in your browser.

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