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Help, please ovni number 3


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I have problems, i have all the ovnis investigated mais le number 3 no, because xDDD. WEll i would konw if one day the ovni number 3 go to the city to kill them and doing the aniquitaor, represatior, etc etc the big and good ships to kill aliens.


And the other problems are in "General metro" he is my enemy, because it's the life, What i have to do attack them ? or waiting? I need you help thx a lot.

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You're french, aren't you? We don't understand all that you say...


General Metro doesn't like you. You blew up too many cars or roads or something. You can pay them off and they will be happy, look around the buttons. Attacking them is not a good idea. Don't.

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You've simply got to play X-Com UFO in French for a while if you're not familiar with the language (I'm not). :blink:


Ovni roughly means "UFO".


The #3 UFO is quite rare and you MUST capture it early in the game. It's almost impossible to capture later in the game.


If you missed it, then you're stuck and will have to restart the game.




As for GM going hostile. You may have damaged one of their buildings, or perhaps attacked one of their friends. You can make ammends by bribing them - or attacking their enemies (often a bad idea).



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Yes Ovni 3 = Ufo 3 , i from spain, but i speak french, ok thanks i have to restart the game, lol , i understand, to "GM" i have to attack one of their buildings, but he have 100 infiltration alien, i do the same, or attack i tactical combat ?. Thanks a lot
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But remember that if the 100% infiltrated group has made friends with some of your friends, attacking them will actually make your friends like you less. For example, if GM and Marsec are on good terms. Attack GM and Marsec will start to dislike you.


So be careful when attacking an enemy organisation. (consequently, if they attack you, your friends will start to dislike them.)



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Here is a summary of the advice from the others:


Organisations can become hostile because you have done too much damage to their buildings. When that happens, they might become friendly again later if the aliens (ufo) do them even more damage than you have done to them. You might even bully them into trading with you again by attacking their buildings and ships, although I have never had much success with this strategy myself.


Organisations can also become hostile because the aliens have infiltrated them 100%, like your GM. When that happens, they are lost for ever and you can not get them back.


It is very important to capture alien vessel 3 (ovni 3) when you see it because you might not get another chance. The other ships are plentiful but No 3 is very rare and you have to research it or you will be unable to finish the game. Because you have missed it and because you have lost GM to the aliens, it is probably best to start the game again.

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