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An experiment...


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It seems to me as an interesting idea, to try to heal a brainsucked person just by shooting it up with c-toxine.

But it take's some work,to get someone brainsucked on the stage of the game when you've got c-toxine,so I just want to ask if someone has tried this before.

(I just don't want to use 2 hours or more on that subject, only to realize that I just could have asked for the answer.)

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I suppose once the micronoids are inside the human system, even if the toxin kills off the micronoids, the human would be left a mindless shell. By then, soldier's pretty much running on reflexes. Involuntary muscle spasms and all that. :blink:


Remember, the game's not finished - and there are hundreds of minor but fairly obvious details the designers may have overlooked before releasing the game.



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NO!!! Dont go shooting toxiguns at your own troops, from a distance front on they dont do anything 2 your agents. Try this, get any toxigun A B or C there all deadly enough. get them right next 2 each other and shoot from point blank range. In Xcom Armour as well.

Face them both the same way and get the one facing the other ones back to shoot, it will either do nothing or take off a little bit of health or kill them/leave them with a tiny bit of health and critical wounds.

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