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Hey all,


I've just done two things: first, I've categorized all pages related to the original game to the UFO Defense/Enemy Unknown category. And over the last 8 years the original game has close to 600 specific pages dedicated to it, so congratulations to everyone who contributed. :)


With this nearly all pages are now categorized under a specific game (UFO, TFTD, Apoc, EU2012), with the exception of TFTD that still has some pages not categorized.


Second, how to contact Gazchap? It's necessary to add the link for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified on the left navigation bar on the main page. I'm already working on the starting page for the Bureau.

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Pete's running the show. Gazchap's relinquished the reins a while back. But if it's the sidebar, try editing the page MediaWiki:Sidebar


If you can't get to that page, let me know what name you want to use and I'll slot it in.



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Pete's running the show. Gazchap's relinquished the reins a while back. But if it's the sidebar, try editing the page MediaWiki:Sidebar


If you can't get to that page, let me know what name you want to use and I'll slot it in.




Ah. That works. I've added 'The Bureau', I don't think necessary to add the year like Enemy Unknown (2012). Thanks!

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  • 10 months later...

And this is a silly question but, why use Paedia as opposed to Pedia or Paideia? dntknw.gif


Ah, the answer to this is simple. Because that is how it is spelled in the very first game. None of that regional nitpickery assigned to it at all. ;)



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Hey guys, I was browsing the site and I was wondering if you would care to include to different types of UFOs in the EU/EW area?


The UFOs page has inside the links to all of the different UFOs in EU/EW. Do you mean including the links in the table?


Btw, the draft page for Long War is completed: Long War. Still nothing much to see but as soon as some pages are set up (there's people already working on that) I'll post an announcement on the UFOPaedia's main page & Twitter account, as well as adding a link under the Featured Projects.

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