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Breach & Clear Dev team here, howdy everyone!

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Hi everyone!




I'm Ben from Gun Media, and I wanted to stop by strategy gaming communities to say hello and start to get feedback from strategy fans, specifically about mobile platforms.


We wanted to see how you guys feel about core-oriented titles for iOS and Android, and wanted to find out your expectations, wants and desires for the industry. I already cleared a post with Thor, so hopefully I can get to know you guys better!


But enough with the marketing jargon. I've been a huge strategy fan for years, doing a lot of high-strat gaming with my buddies. What we're trying to do is come up with a game that speaks to gamers along our same passions without pulling the normal F2P follys that have started to 'define' the mobile gaming community.


What better way than to talk with the people we're wanting to play our game.


Anywho, I'm one of the producers for the game as well as the community manager. Why? Because I like to stay involved, I do care about getting cool games out there and I believe in building relations with just about everyone, especially when strategy and tactical gaming are a big part of this community.


Nice to meet you all!

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Nice to meet you. Now if we are introduced, I can now murder you guys, by not releasing this game on proper gaming platform called PC.

Your providing a product, that I really love, but you force me to buy a device that I don't really need or want. I already have Android based smartphone. I have few games there but really, I don't know how many legitimate gamers play either on phones or tablets. Maybe when their Internet is down.


Now don't get me wrong and don't take too much out my rambling.


All in all I wish you guys the very best.

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Our initial release is of course targeted to iOS and Android.


Our team, on the other hand, does not specifically tailor to any specific platform. B&C was built from the ground up with mobile in mind thanks to how the controls are handled (it's really intuitive ;), but that does not specifically mean we can't put this game out to other platforms.


But think of it this way...why shouldn't good, well-developed games be put to mobile devices? Heck, I spend more time gaming on my computer these days, and I've always, always been on consoles...what's to say mobile titles can't be as good?


If anything, there isn't ruling anything out for PC with Breach & Clear ;).

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The thing is. Strategy-Tactical games are very special. The audience is very limited at best - you can even check how Jagged Alliance is doing on kickstart. Though the devs are promising back to the old days with modern toys, they hardly are able to pull minimum.


Also if you check top 10 games for Android. They are nothing but simple games. I have all the Angry Birds on my Galaxy S2, but heck I don't know when should I play it and sometimes the pinpoint accuracy for 3 stars with finger is frustrating.


Now you are creating game that needs special audience, then you're limiting even further just for tablets (I wonder how many tablet gamers are there). I've read that your planning for smaller screens.


It's not that games shouldn't be put on mobiles, but I think that big games should establish foothold on more popular platforms like PC and Consoles, then if the game is successful in desired target there is nothing stopping you for going mobile.


If you're release B&C on PC, you might be pretty sure I'll be one of your customers.


That is my opinion of course. Some probably will not agree with me, but that is how world is.

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I own several strategy and tactics games for Android. I love gaming on PC the most, but sadly it is also the gaming I have least time for. So I'm very interested in Android games, as long as my phone can handle them.


BTW, is this the game you developed?


My expectations from Android games would be... Preferably turn based, able to save your game at any time. Definitely single player.

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The thing is. Strategy-Tactical games are very special. The audience is very limited at best - you can even check how Jagged Alliance is doing on kickstart. Though the devs are promising back to the old days with modern toys, they hardly are able to pull minimum.


Also if you check top 10 games for Android. They are nothing but simple games. I have all the Angry Birds on my Galaxy S2, but heck I don't know when should I play it and sometimes the pinpoint accuracy for 3 stars with finger is frustrating.


Now you are creating game that needs special audience, then you're limiting even further just for tablets (I wonder how many tablet gamers are there). I've read that your planning for smaller screens.


It's not that games shouldn't be put on mobiles, but I think that big games should establish foothold on more popular platforms like PC and Consoles, then if the game is successful in desired target there is nothing stopping you for going mobile.


If you're release B&C on PC, you might be pretty sure I'll be one of your customers.


That is my opinion of course. Some probably will not agree with me, but that is how world is.


The audience is indeed limited, but it is still a comparatively large segment of the gaming community. Is this game supposed to attract social gaming players who are used to 1-touch gameplay? Probably not. Don't get us wrong, we're developing it to be accessible to as many people as possible, but at the same time we're making something pretty complex for the platform.


Sure, a lot of titles will go for something more 'feasible' like the PC (which is thankfully seeing something of a revival right now), but with millions and millions of people playing games for mobile, why not try to expand the notion that good games can be platform agnostic?


It's something we've struggled with internally. In the end, we felt this game will be fun on mobile platforms in a way that core gamers will be receptive and casual gamers will hopefully check it out and expand their horizons!


I own several strategy and tactics games for Android. I love gaming on PC the most, but sadly it is also the gaming I have least time for. So I'm very interested in Android games, as long as my phone can handle them.


BTW, is this the game you developed?


My expectations from Android games would be... Preferably turn based, able to save your game at any time. Definitely single player.


Yessir, that is the game we're working on!


Those are definitely reasonable expectations, all of which will be met....though we're not necessarily a turn-based, but a hybrid type of strategy. We do everything in real-time, though you are afforded pauses at regular intervals to plan.

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Don't get us wrong, we're developing it to be accessible to as many people as possible, but at the same time we're making something pretty complex for the platform.


I'll stop right here. Forgive me for being picky, but I want to understand the logic.


A) Tablet community is I believe smaller than traditional console/PC community - don't have exact numbers but guessing that the difference is huge or at least big.

B) Right now standard smartphones with small screens are also discounted right now.


So If I am missing something or maybe I don't know something I would like to know. But from what I am thinking that instead making it accessible to as many people as possible I see it as limited to very few.


Also, I've heard, that Shield - Nvidia Console on Tegra 4 and Android - will be released soon. Will B&C be compatible with it on the launch ?

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I'll stop right here. Forgive me for being picky, but I want to understand the logic.


A) Tablet community is I believe smaller than traditional console/PC community - don't have exact numbers but guessing that the difference is huge or at least big.

B) Right now standard smartphones with small screens are also discounted right now.


So If I am missing something or maybe I don't know something I would like to know. But from what I am thinking that instead making it accessible to as many people as possible I see it as limited to very few.


Also, I've heard, that Shield - Nvidia Console on Tegra 4 and Android - will be released soon. Will B&C be compatible with it on the launch ?


From a user perspective, the tablet/smartphone community is hundreds of millions of users. Realistically, we're looking at tens of millions of people that would be able to access this game. PC gaming on the other hand (while currently in a pretty good position) isn't the same kind of community as mobile.


Think of it from this perspective; a mobile user can, at a glance, pick up their phone and play a game. The majority of apps being utilized on most of these tablets/phones happens to be games, according to recent data. On the other hand, a game is not the primary function of the PC.


Also; smartphones are always discounted...that's a sales technique by retailers to sell phones, lock in contracts and get rid of older inventory. I might be a bit mistaken, but perhaps sales strategies in Poland are a bit different in the US. There are quite a few market differences between the two countries to consider as well?


Gaming industry sales are moving more and more to downloadable titles, and mobile gaming is definitely seeing a huge increase (interestingly though, mobile gaming revenue apparently shrank 5% year-over-year, according to a pretty large study from a think-tank).


Hope that helps?


Also; Shield is something we've certainly looked at, though we have no major plans.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, been a while.


We've switched over to being a premium game, so no more F2P mechanics! We've been heads down working on the title, but release is quite soon!


Wanted to pass this along;



It is one of our guns, and it shows a good amount of our customization! Hope you all enjoy!

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