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DV8: Exile


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Hi guys,


I’m part of a small team of workaholic game developers presently beavering away on a new, online, free-to-play RTS for Facebook called DV8:Exile. If you aren’t offended by the hustle and are curious to try something a little bit different, I'd very much like to get your thoughts and opinions on our (hopefully original!) take on the RTS genre.


If my opening gambit has somehow managed to prick up your ears and illicit even the tiniest crumb-sized morsel of your gaming interest, let me elaborate by telling you that DV8 is a real-time/turn-based combat hybrid set in a persistent wasteland world. The player (that’s you) is charged to move their units across a series of titles based on the number energy points available. Our twist of the mechanic means that your opponents are governed by the same energy system, not by turns, so both players have to use strategy to optimise movement and attack in real-time to maximise their kill-count and destroy enemy bases.


DV8 is free-to-play game, so, yes, there be microtransactions. I know, I know – “a thousand voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced”. It is what it is and I won’t patronise you by sugar-coating it; this is what puts bread on the table and keeps our passionate team together. But we are neither pay-to-play nor pay-to-win; fun and fairness sit side-by-side at the top of our development agenda, so purchases aren't essential to the combat experience and most in-game items can be earned without real cash spend. This is every bit as important to us as developers as making sure the core game is as much fun as it possibly can be.


If you’ve got five-minutes to kill and are curious to try something a little bit different, click on the link below. And please, please, please be sure let us know what you think.


Otherwise, I hope this messaged hasn’t irritated or offended, and I’ll let you get back your business!


Thanks again,


DV8: Exile: https://apps.facebook.com/dv-eight/

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