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Music in Xcom:Apoc hearable?


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I don't know if there's a way to play it outside the game, but I have always wondered. I just did a quick search on Kazaa, and sure enough, nothing came up. I too would like to have some Apoc MP3s, so if anyone could enlighten us as to how we can get them... :power:
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I've tried using a recordsound-proggie while running the ingame-music, but somehow (eventhough the volume is ok), you have a slight "1940 recordplayer quality" , with a "tick" sound coming every 3seks.


Try again, mesa will ^_^ , said once a jedi ^^


Champ :power:

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That would be helpful. For me, the musicstops working for no reason after playing a while (no, its not the pirate, version, i have music for a while), but i can play kazaa music just fine. If i could get mp3 Apoc music, i oculd just make a workaround for this problem by way of that :power:
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the file you look for is on the apoc cd, and it is called 'music'


open it with goldwave (a nice wave file editor). it'll probably complain a little and ask for some info like frequency & such like. set it to something like 22050kHz... or 33000kHz ish. play around with it until it sounds right. tada, the full apocalypse sound stuff. encode as you will, mp3 or otherwise.

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yeah, got goldwave :D


But me IDIOT... how the heck did I miss "music" :power: man, I must be dumb or blind...

ROFL even worse, the file is in the base directory of the cd - omg I could bite my toe and dance macarena


Groove :laugh: :devil:



Mesa forgot! Thanks for the info :-D Erm, are we allowed to like, erm, rip the music and convert it to mp3? :D

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*goes and plays with the music a little*


right... you want the following settings:

pcm, 16bit, stereo, signed at 22050Hz.

that is how it is in the game.

sticking it on 16000Hz or 32000Hz, however, does produce some... interesting... results


as for the legality.... well, probably not, but as it's solely for personal use i guess it would come under fair usage. (such as recording a program off tv for later viewing, or copying a cd to cassette so you can listen to it in your old-car-with-no-cdplayer)

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Thanks, Goldwave works like a charm. I've even ripped out some of the individual songs on .wav format. I wonder if I should put them up in my shared folder on Kazaa...


Also, speaking of interesting results, while you're playing the music in the standard 22050 format thinger hit the fast-forward button. It may be just me, but the music sounds completely different altogether! :dontgetit:

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I wonder if I should put them up in my shared folder on Kazaa...


< chucky >i don't know if thats a good idea< / chucky >


(rugrats reference there)


like i said, for personal use is fine as, well, you bought a copy of the music with the game and you just switching the format.

but sharing it on kazaa.... comes a wee bit close to piracy, which is a touchy subject on this forum (ie: not to be discussed / done)


still, do as you will. and if you do kazaa them make sure you've mp3'd em first.

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Back when Apocalypse was THE current X-Com game around and Interceptor was in production, I think there were a few .wav's floating about the net taken directly from the Apocalypse demo. They were for the two music sequences in the battlescape when you've 'spotted a hostile unit'. The ones that have bits that sound like the teeth of a hard comb being dragged against the edge of the table (or a ruler).


I think I might still have one of them lying around somewhere...



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< chucky >i don't know if thats a good idea< / chucky >


(rugrats reference there)


like i said, for personal use is fine as, well, you bought a copy of the music with the game and you just switching the format.

but sharing it on kazaa.... comes a wee bit close to piracy, which is a touchy subject on this forum (ie: not to be discussed / done)


still, do as you will. and if you do kazaa them make sure you've mp3'd em first.

I dunno... Ripping sprites and graphics from games aren't considered piracy I don't think. Unless a soundtrack was sold separately, which I'm unaware of, I think distributing the music for free isn't a very big deal. But hey, just in case I'll hold back on that. :angel:

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  • 1 month later...

yeah, this is quite a common question. i myself have used the apoc music alot for :school prjects, personal use etc. the file is HUGE and there is HEAPS of music, some that i haVn't even heard ingame! btw, goldwave can read the sfx files as well but the freq and other stuff are differnt.


edit: btw, i "made" a apoc desktop theme based on petes color scheme and wallpaper (he did make a theme, but there were no sounds so i made my own from apoc and other progs). if you want it, i can give u the url.

Edited by Ki-tat Chung
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yeah...my mother likes it when i play x-com apoc while she's going to sleep....she loves the music that plays in the cityscape....my friend is really good at pull stuff like that out to burn into a CD...i'll have a talk with him and see if it's possible...





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it shouldn't be too hard, though you would need to take HEAPS of time to find which music you wanted unless you just wanted one big track. i recon there are dozens of songs in there! plus it might take several CDs to get all the music in.

no offence or anything, but your mum is weird :dontgetit: isn't the cityscape music ment to be creepy?

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