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The Ending of Apoc (minimal spoiler)


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When I completed Apoc by destroying all the generators all that came up was a screen saying "You destroyed the gates, the aliens are destroyed, you win".


Is that it? I mean...I was atleast expecting some sort of picture story like in Enemy Unknown?


Can someone please verify this?

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Well, there is the usual cinematic ending sequence that roughly goes "Oh my god! We did it", "Run, run you fool", "Uaaaah-Augh",




I'll just give a rough description. The picture starts with a reflection of the gate generator (or at least something) blowing up. Camera zoomes out to see we're staring at a soldier in disrupter armour with an Annihilator behind him. Don't know why he's standing out there, but he gets destroyed as the generator thingy flares off (apparently, he's made of polygons). The annihilator lifts off and we watch as the Annihilator escape as the entire alien dimension goes critical and blows up behind it and eventually engulfs it.


We cut back to camera 4 (the one that's covering the street somewhere in Mega Primus from the intro sequence) where a very battered Annihilator crashes out of a flickering gate and slides to a halt on the grav-road. A short bit of chatter later we end the entire X-Com series with the all-mighty and somewhat pathetic "Yes" from the commander and absolutely no response from any of the officer(s) in the comm room. Must have been all androids to repress their emotions like that.... I expected a bit of cheering. Not just a "Yes" and then a fade to black... oh well, can't have them all. :power:


Mmm, yep. I'd say that counts. Did you press any keys when then outro sequence was about to play? You might have skipped it.



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all-mighty and somewhat pathetic "Yes" from the commander

Nah, I think they were all typically English like me and everyone else was on their tea break.


Poor chap probably thought he'd better make up for the fact that he was the only one in the room so he pretended to talk to himself whilst panning the camera with the joystick in front of him and sipping a nice cup of Earl Grey don'tchaknow :power:


Too bad everyone in the Annihilator was killed from the radiation eh? (Only joking all ye who haven't seen the ending) though it's hard to tell from the lack of radio chatter...

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  • 4 months later...

I almost feel cheated by that ending! Apart from the terrible Resident Evil voice acting ('My... GOD! We... lost... him?'), the dire script (could this be a trap? We kicked their ass!!) and the shortness... it hardly closes up the loose ends, does it?


What happens to the aliens now? Do they all just lie there and slowly starve in the hostile environment of their barren dimension? What will happen to the city now that all this new technology is available to John Q Idiot? Will the disruptors keep working now that the other dimension is f**ked up?


And I hate the camera room commander... damn pushy desk jockeys, I'd just hand him the controls and say, "Here, you're so much better at it, YOU switch it to camera 4 and pan it left." :devil:


Also, Pete, if they're typically English, surely they're on their fag break while those who are non-smokers are forced to continue working?

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The worst thing about the commander is that he seems to be a bit on the dim side. The camera operator already panned the camera to the left and you could see the dimension gate clearly, but the commander still kept demanding that the camera get panned left.


Either that or the animation synchronisation is off. :power:



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That's a pre-release publicity shot... I have a copy of PC Power (shudder) that had that pic in their 'review' of the game... presumably the idea was that if you had a vehicle in for repairs when your base was raided, it would be sitting there as you fought.


It looks DAMN COOL doesn't it? :power:

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