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New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks! Blunter's here.


I apologize about disappearing like that... My Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in January. He died several weeks thereafter... Well, I forgot about the mod and a lot of other things then...

In short: it was very sad. He was a good man... I'll miss him...




I would like to continue working on the mod and I'll see what I can do to publish v 2.4 (it's a lot of stuff to test). I won't be able to assist with debugging until after I return from the trip sometime in mid July (I am going to be traveling out of state).

We will continue with the story, debugging, REs, unit Acks, PK adjustments and so on.


I played through the Soviet subplot once (on my Win XP machine) and asked one of my kids to do the same on their laptop (with Win 8). We both reached Soviet HQ (last encounter before the American branch kicks in) successfully, got all the appropriate rewards, the "Protector" PK and the corresponding missions.

There might still be some major bugs, I encountered only minor ones though (naturally those got fixed right away).



In addition to the encounters, items and units discussed earlier (post v 2.3) I changed and added a lot of other things (here are some of them):


- All the default REs have been scripted (enemy level adjustments, Patrols, enemy stats, etc)

- New lighting have been added to almost all REs (morning, rainy day and night fog and their derivatives)

- Some old REs have been redone and added to some chapter maps)

- All regular enemies now enjoy their own perk tree called "Infantry Grunt"

- PK Pilots have their own perk tree - "PK Operator". "Second Skin" is the 1st perk they get.

- Pks are all auto-destructible, ~ 75% stronger, greater sensor range, etc.

- Zombies also have their own tree (melee oriented)

- New RE "RR Bridge" have been added to Bavaria ( 5 variants )

- New RE "Village" added to Poland (7 variants). Enemies: Bandits or Smugglers

- One time RE "Ruins" added to Poland (the only place to get "Sea Devil" (if you survive the onslaught). Enemies: Bandits

- One time RE "Hunting Lodge" added to Brandenburg (starts the "Collector" set of missions, the other missions are unfinished). A place to obtain the "Bullseye" rifle and a scope for it. Enemies: Smugglers + Linz' spouse - a nasty lady.

- One time RE "Clinic" added to Brandenburg (starts "The Vial" sub-plot, sub-plot is unfinished)

- Usable Alcohol RPG items added

- New weapons added (PW wz.33, Winter - Camo version of Springfield rifle)

- New uniform "Splittermuster 45" added. Several version for males and Females.

- Stocks are accepted by the bank now.

- The Bank charges a smaller (10%) fee now after you complete Herr Lander's "Counterfeit" and talk to him about it.

- "Castle Linden" has been tweaked. Lower HPs for Mercs, Zombies are tougher with perks, Bandits are tougher with perks. I'll need to work some more on that encounter to make it more challenging and stable.

- Finished Soviet sub-plot! Dialogs, Scripts, XP distribution, Global variables, etc.

- "RR Depot" is done.

- "Zepernick" is done.

- "Potsdam Outskirts" is done.

- "Debrief 2" is done. (Don't forget to take the "Protector" with you if you want to keep it.)

- After "Zepernick" or "Potsdam Outskirts" - Soviet HQ can be accessed through the Brandenburg camp. Just camp and you'll see what I am talking about.


These are the things I remember. I'll answer all the questions (if any) and do a step by step walkthrough/description of each encounter later (in July).

Keep in mind that "Wansdorf", "Bernau", "Kopernick" and "Muggleheim" in Brandenburg are only for show. There are no templates attached to those scenario zones yet. The same with "Lom" in Norway. It simply opens a new chapter but there is no actual encounter (template) there.


I'll post a link to the mod in the next post.


Thank you for your interest in the mod.


to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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Here is the link:




...and a few screenshots:


The alcohol items are found in some chests. Sometimes bad guys drop them as well (especially smugglers).









Need a bit of help? A bit of courage? Or to disinfect your wounds? Look no further... Blunter breweries have everything you can possibly desire...(mandatory cheering and applause) Thank you. :)




The new classes:












The same encounters that used to be cakewalks are much harder now. The opposition retained their "Enemy" class skills + perks (automatically assigned via scripts in every encounter).














PKs are much deadlier now.






The actual skill values can be readjusted later via local scripts (making shooting = 0, to prevent them from using firearms).









These are pretty self-explanatory.




A new chapter map: "Central Norway"




I'll need to create a few new winter textures for this one. The existing ones won't cut it for Europe.




A Polish version of TT-33. The mole drops this one in "RR Depot".




Despite unimpressive statistics it is pretty accurate. ( a database tweak...)




All PWL (Please Wait Loading...) backgrounds have names and a semi-transparent Die Wolfe logo now.





























to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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I'm very, very sorry for your loss.

It is, however, good that you're back, maybe the game can help you to cheer up again. Looking forward to your work (and if I may request a drink, Gin & Tonic please ;) ) on this wonderful game.

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Thank you, Dimovski. I appreciate your comment. smile.png

I do find messing around with the editor - distracting.


Thank you Space Voyager. smile.png



Hmm... just realized I didn't post the Splittermuster 45. I had the screenshots somewhere... here:




They need a bit of work (that I know). But what kind of work?

Thank you Lt. (and Tonushi the texture creator) for the great sample.













Another thing - I forgot to make them available for sale.

Well, it's not that big of a deal, one can find them in "Zepernick" (2 female and 1 male, IIRC)


to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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Welcome back Blunter, glad to see you back. Also my condolences. I am very sorry to hear that about your father.


Well, seems like things are moving right along. As for the Splittermuster 45, I think you made the pattern too small, meaning the patter was bigger


Here is also an interesting article about it: https://www.kamouflag...flage/00076.php




Thats how it looks like, maybe its not really possible to get the same effect in S3 like that. The pattern was never officially issued, but doesnt prevent us from putting it into the game.

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Thank you Lt.



I think I know what you mean.


I believe it's possible, but it might not look like those pictures you linked to (earlier in this thread when you introduced that pattern). You see, initially I tried a larger print and it didn't look good (I mean aesthetically speaking).

But I might attempt a "medium" scale when I get back. We'll see. It might take a few tries but I like the pattern and want to make it work. :)


to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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So, I was wondering, has that S3 editor no import/export function for models? I know we have been over this and you keep insisting you need a 3D Modeling program to do that, but I just can imagine that the dev team of Silent Storm did not have a sort of model import function so that all they needed to do was import a finished model from an "outside source" (the 3D Modeler).


Why I think new models are important? Well, while re-skinning works fine for some things, I dont think it works for everything. For example, I really think we need to replace the G-41W with the G43/K43, because the latter was produced in more quantities and was overall a better quality weapon then the G-41W, which had a lot of issues and was awkward to use. Not to mention Czechoslovakia used the G-43 as a sniper weapon after the war for some time and even produced it in some capacity until they where reorganized under Soviet lines.


So yeah, again, we have to consult Okim for that is my best bet, if he didnt already contact you about this.

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Hello and welcome back Blunter,

we were missing you in a good way if I may say so.

You have my sympathy for your loss.


Also you leave me speechless for all the goodies you have planned in 2.4.


Some small observations:


Zepernick, Bernau and Wansdorf are the same in german - Muggleheim (very HarryPotteresque :)) would be Müggelheim (or Mueggelheim if you don´t have the Umlaute for true german spelling) and Kopernick would be Köpenick (or Koepenick) which is a famous town in germany, because of Carl Zuckmayers theater piece "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick".


Keep it up :)



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I never heard anything about Köpenick in fact. (I'm not German, but watch only German TV, and tend to watch the docu and culture channels... not,ugh... RTL (*realizes there's no point going that much offtopic*)) Anyway, if the game allows for Umlaute, turn caps on, then shift+tilde(button immediaetly over tab-button)+vocal for which you want an Umlaut.
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Don´t worry, the play was written sometime in the 20´s and I would never have known it if it were not mandatory reading in literature class. And a surprisingly entertaining read it was. Full recommendation if you are at all interested in theater or literature.

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Very much appreciate all the work you put into the Uniforms mod (to say nothing of your other work). There's just one little thing... smile.png


Back a lot of years ago, I did a uniform mod for my S2 game. I dislike the packs/equipments/hats on a lot of the uniforms (especially the female ones) and was able to eliminate them for S2. And I was able to use the Helena skeleton for female PCs.


So I wonder if a) it's possible in S3 to have models without the backpacks, etc, and b) how uniforms are modded in S3 so I can adjust your mod to suit my preferences. I would hesitate to ask you to make pack-and-equipment-free uniforms just to suit my fetish.smile.png


On a different note, have you used some kind of camera mod for your screenshots? It seems to me you managed to get the camera level down closer to the ground. I'd like to be able to do that myself, and also to be able to get closeups in S2 as good as the ones in S3.


One further question: this is my first playthrough of S3, so I have no idea what to expect. I opened up the personnel file cabinet and the prices seem a bit... steep. $26,000 for LA? Did you mod these as part of the "extras" in the Uniform mod? Worse, Zinaida appears to have been corrupted -- no picture, no description, no level, "25" shooting, and a bargain-basement hiring price of $100. Somehow, I don't think this is right. Especially since hiring her gives me a Guards Commander with a PPsH tommy gun.


Furthermore, after LA, the mercs you can hire do NOT match their pix, doubtless due to the Guards Commander bug. Doug is Kenko, and all the mercs up to Klaus are actually the merc whose picture appears next right: so Klaus is Znaida and Znaida is the Commander. But Tadas is Doug, Yves is Tadas, and the three medics are the medic to their LEFT, with Abala non-existant (because of the Guards Commander). I wonder how you did that.


So, to sum up: All the mercs starting from the top and working down to LA inclusive are who they are supposed to be, but the rest is one big FUBAR. I see this has been mentioned earlier, so since I just downloaded 2.0 today, I'd say whatever you may have done to fix this hasn't worked. It can be worked-around so long as one doesn't want to hire Abala, although I still wonder how you're supposed to afford these people at the rates shown.


Addendum: Elf appears with a black bun and not her real hair. Details, details.


And please accept my condolences for your loss.


-- Mal

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Accept my condolences, Blunter.


Regarding models - in order to import anything into the editor you`ll need Maya 5 or lesser. That`s the only editor that works with mapedit. So Blender is of no use here rather than for modelling purposes.


There is way to work with models from the other mods, but there is a huge problem doing so - any new model is assigned an ID after 1000001 with icremental increase. This will cause problems with mods that already have their own models and force a player to load two mods at once - the one you are making and the other that contains only models.

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So, what is the solution to this problem? I mean the model problem.


@malthaussen: are you sure you are not using any other mod? BluntersMod does not work with any other mod. The problem you describe happens when you use this mod with any other mods that add new mercs to the game, like RandomStrom etc. Make sure you only use the latest BlunterMod with anything else.

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@Lt Havoc: Ah, so. I am using the mod that provides more random encounters in Poland (which has its own problems), so that could be it. I'm seeing the uniforms list in the store becoming heavily corrupted, although it appears that it is only a text problem and doesn't affect the textures. But I haven't tested that to be sure.

Speaking of working with other mods, then, does the Uniform mod work with BlunterMod 2.4? I haven't activated the latter yet (wanted to do a sort-of-vanilla playthrough first), although I have downloaded it.


-- Mal

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The solution is for someone to create models, import them into a new mod and then provide textures and a list of model IDs to Blunter.


Okay that makes sense. Now I have to find someone that has maya and skills in modeling......



@Lt Havoc: Ah, so. I am using the mod that provides more random encounters in Poland (which has its own problems), so that could be it. I'm seeing the uniforms list in the store becoming heavily corrupted, although it appears that it is only a text problem and doesn't affect the textures. But I haven't tested that to be sure.

Speaking of working with other mods, then, does the Uniform mod work with BlunterMod 2.4? I haven't activated the latter yet (wanted to do a sort-of-vanilla playthrough first), although I have downloaded it.


-- Mal

No, BlunterMod 2.4 will not work with any other mod as far as I know. You do not need any Uniform mod anyway because you can buy all the uniforms from the original game, plus all the new stuff from the Store anyway. I say you do a clean install of S3 and only install BlunterMod 2.4 without anything else.


Also as for the Camera thing, there is a way to change the settings of your camera so you can zoom in closer and such, I think it is even documented here on the site how you do that and what values to change.

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Hey mate, I recently got interested in Silent Storm and have been playing like a madman since then, I found this mod and decided to give it a try, some of the armors are really damn cool but I got a little problemr egarding the wig system with some armors, anyway to get around the hair changing for the female characters?
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So, I was wondering, has that S3 editor no import/export function for models? I know we have been over this and you keep insisting you need a 3D Modeling program to do that, but I just can imagine that the dev team of Silent Storm did not have a sort of model import function so that all they needed to do was import a finished model from an "outside source" (the 3D Modeler).


Why I think new models are important? Well, while re-skinning works fine for some things, I dont think it works for everything. For example, I really think we need to replace the G-41W with the G43/K43, because the latter was produced in more quantities and was overall a better quality weapon then the G-41W, which had a lot of issues and was awkward to use. Not to mention Czechoslovakia used the G-43 as a sniper weapon after the war for some time and even produced it in some capacity until they where reorganized under Soviet lines.


So yeah, again, we have to consult Okim for that is my best bet, if he didnt already contact you about this.


Lt., I am all for adding new models and there is a way to implement it without adding them to my mod's database.

I described it earlier in the thread. In short: I can reference and "pull" RPG items from other mods by their IDs.



Hello and welcome back Blunter,

we were missing you in a good way if I may say so.

You have my sympathy for your loss.


Also you leave me speechless for all the goodies you have planned in 2.4.


Some small observations:


Zepernick, Bernau and Wansdorf are the same in german - Muggleheim (very HarryPotteresque smile.png) would be Müggelheim (or Mueggelheim if you don´t have the Umlaute for true german spelling) and Kopernick would be Köpenick (or Koepenick) which is a famous town in germany, because of Carl Zuckmayers theater piece "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick".


Keep it up smile.png




Thanks, tofu.


I'll make all the respective changes when I get back from the trip (I am on the East Coast, in Boston right now away from my modding PC.)

Appreciate your attention to detail. smile.png



Very much appreciate all the work you put into the Uniforms mod (to say nothing of your other work). There's just one little thing... smile.png


Back a lot of years ago, I did a uniform mod for my S2 game. I dislike the packs/equipments/hats on a lot of the uniforms (especially the female ones) and was able to eliminate them for S2. And I was able to use the Helena skeleton for female PCs.


So I wonder if a) it's possible in S3 to have models without the backpacks, etc, and b) how uniforms are modded in S3 so I can adjust your mod to suit my preferences. I would hesitate to ask you to make pack-and-equipment-free uniforms just to suit my fetish.smile.png


On a different note, have you used some kind of camera mod for your screenshots? It seems to me you managed to get the camera level down closer to the ground. I'd like to be able to do that myself, and also to be able to get closeups in S2 as good as the ones in S3.


One further question: this is my first playthrough of S3, so I have no idea what to expect. I opened up the personnel file cabinet and the prices seem a bit... steep. $26,000 for LA? Did you mod these as part of the "extras" in the Uniform mod? Worse, Zinaida appears to have been corrupted -- no picture, no description, no level, "25" shooting, and a bargain-basement hiring price of $100. Somehow, I don't think this is right. Especially since hiring her gives me a Guards Commander with a PPsH tommy gun.


Furthermore, after LA, the mercs you can hire do NOT match their pix, doubtless due to the Guards Commander bug. Doug is Kenko, and all the mercs up to Klaus are actually the merc whose picture appears next right: so Klaus is Znaida and Znaida is the Commander. But Tadas is Doug, Yves is Tadas, and the three medics are the medic to their LEFT, with Abala non-existant (because of the Guards Commander). I wonder how you did that.


So, to sum up: All the mercs starting from the top and working down to LA inclusive are who they are supposed to be, but the rest is one big FUBAR. I see this has been mentioned earlier, so since I just downloaded 2.0 today, I'd say whatever you may have done to fix this hasn't worked. It can be worked-around so long as one doesn't want to hire Abala, although I still wonder how you're supposed to afford these people at the rates shown.


Addendum: Elf appears with a black bun and not her real hair. Details, details.


And please accept my condolences for your loss.


-- Mal


Thank you, Mal.


The problems you encountered have been addressed in later versions. You could try v 2.4 alone (or v 2.3 alone).


Don't use different versions at the same time - essentially - they are the same mod where


new version = previous version + new things + fixes.


Since new and previous versions share thousands of identical database entries >>> guaranteed crashes, freezes, etc.


I could create additional uniform versions without backpacks. Which ones did you have in mind?



Accept my condolences, Blunter.


Regarding models - in order to import anything into the editor you`ll need Maya 5 or lesser. That`s the only editor that works with mapedit. So Blender is of no use here rather than for modelling purposes.


There is way to work with models from the other mods, but there is a huge problem doing so - any new model is assigned an ID after 1000001 with icremental increase. This will cause problems with mods that already have their own models and force a player to load two mods at once - the one you are making and the other that contains only models.


Thank you Okim.


As for ID numbers - there is a way to circumvent this restriction by setting the new weapons mod's database values to something other than the default 1000001 or my 1700000. (1500000 or 1300000 or 1800000 or 1200000 would work). I tested it, It works. So if you were to create a mod with functioning weapons and clips if needed (unless they are using the existing ones) then I can call them by their RPG Item IDs and use them in the game (by giving them to the player or the enemy units). I'll need the RPG Item IDs for those though, and any input on where those weapons need to be implemented, what troops should have them, etc.

All the rest I can do via scripts (weapons and clips distribution among units, weapons' current/ maximum durability values, etc.)


The catch is - it needs to be done from scratch (for the weapon mod) with all new database values to avoid ID conflicts.

All the end user would need to do is to enable both mods (mine and the weapon mod) or... not...



Hey mate, I recently got interested in Silent Storm and have been playing like a madman since then, I found this mod and decided to give it a try, some of the armors are really damn cool but I got a little problemr egarding the wig system with some armors, anyway to get around the hair changing for the female characters?


Actually, wig switching is a feature I introduced on purpose to enable female characters to wear helmets and other headgear. What are you suggesting, Cincirion?..


to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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Hello everybody,

can I express in words, how happy I am, that this awesome mod just got a few dimensions awesommer? (for non-german speakers: awe-summer - oh how clever I am pinch.gif) .


Because I did not know the Berlin-Brandenburg area for timber-frame construction before, I just read up the wikipedia on Bernau, and indeed it has them in ample supply.

But it gets better: The Waldsiedlung (residential area in the woods) in Bernau was one of the places where the leadership of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) was living secluded from the general populace.

As the mod takes place in the very beginning days of the GDR, not all the measures of security would be in place yet. But a heavy presence of various security or intelligence elements surely would... you did not get that from me.


The other places mentioned before did not turn up quite such earthshaking revelations, but Köpenick formerly known as Kopanica (old slavonic name, before 800), then Kopanic, then Cöpenick and only as of 1931 with its current spelling made me think, that this could be useful to differentiate various sources. So let american/british documents use Kopernick, or Mugglesheim or whatever and others... other names.


If I say pretty please, you Okim, might even be persuaded to dig up the russian versions. Might you?


Oh, and I have been playing a little 2.4. The extended hearing range makes for much more interesting firefights. That is definitely a keeper.

I will continue to bitch about the grenade ranges though ;).

Now if someone found a way to make those submachinegunners actually charge to within effective range for their weapons (or replace them with riflemen on open ground (the missile guidance thing-mission for instance)). They are wasting MY PRECIOUS LOOT, shooting from rifle range :).


Everybody have a nice weekend.



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Hello everybody,

can I express in words, how happy I am, that this awesome mod just got a few dimensions awesommer? (for non-german speakers: awe-summer - oh how clever I am pinch.gif) .


Thank you.


Because I did not know the Berlin-Brandenburg area for timber-frame construction before, I just read up the wikipedia on Bernau, and indeed it has them in ample supply.

But it gets better: The Waldsiedlung (residential area in the woods) in Bernau was one of the places where the leadership of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) was living secluded from the general populace.

As the mod takes place in the very beginning days of the GDR, not all the measures of security would be in place yet. But a heavy presence of various security or intelligence elements surely would... you did not get that from me.


The other places mentioned before did not turn up quite such earthshaking revelations, but Köpenick formerly known as Kopanica (old slavonic name, before 800), then Kopanic, then Cöpenick and only as of 1931 with its current spelling made me think, that this could be useful to differentiate various sources. So let american/british documents use Kopernick, or Mugglesheim or whatever and others... other names.


Interesting info.

You have some plot twist in mind, don't you, tofu?


Oh, and I have been playing a little 2.4. The extended hearing range makes for much more interesting firefights. That is definitely a keeper.

I will continue to bitch about the grenade ranges though wink.png.


Yes, the extended hearing range was on my to do list for quite some time. I am glad you liked it.

Hmm... what do you propose we do with grenades (specifically)? I kinda like the way they work now.


Now if someone found a way to make those submachinegunners actually charge to within effective range for their weapons (or replace them with riflemen on open ground (the missile guidance thing-mission for instance)). They are wasting MY PRECIOUS LOOT, shooting from rifle range smile.png.


Well, those are S^3 vanilla main plot encounters. I didn't modify their behavior with scripts (only perks distribution). One can see that in the console.

The way the AI inventories are stocked is determined by the player's level upon entering any given encounter. Just like the loot-able containers (chests, closets, etc.).

On low levels you'll get MP-38s with some mediocre range and pathetic stats in general, whereas on higher levels you will encounter STGs and AKs. That's the shortcut Nival took.


I try to script the SMGs to rush the player, while the rifles take potshots at us and the MGs dig in and longburst the player's position imitating the missing "suppressive" fire effect.

The enemies in the encounters I made keep the same weapons (for the most part) regardless of the player's level. The difficulty is modified by enemy units stats (skills, APs and HPs), perks and behavior on the battlefield.

You might want to give the Soviet subplot a try and see if you can feel the difference. After becoming a Sentinel, talk to Herr Lander to start that plot line.




For clarification, Blunter, does Bluntermod 2.4 incorporate the changes made in the uniform mod?


-- Mal




Every subsequent version incorporates all the previous ones. There are a few exceptions to that 'rule'.

If a feature I introduced causes instability, crashes or is unbalancing to the game play it gets removed (similar to the HE rounds from v 2.3). I will bring those back after 'fixing' them, possibly in a different capacity...


v 2.4 has all the uniforms from the previous versions and more.



Thank you for your interest in the mod.



to be continued


~ Blunter ~

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Thank you for the information about vanilla behaviour, Blunter.


About grenades.


There are acually two wishes I have.


The first one is PK-related and something I would really like to see. The vanilla-heavy grenades were dedicated anti-tank weapons in the real world, so I would like to see greatly increased penetration to do justice to a bomb that was designed to knock out a full size tank. Acompanying this would be a slight increase in damage and a decrease in blast radius (shaped charges anyone?). Well, and the original throwing range would need to come back to retain a fighting chance for the PK.


That is related to my second wish, which relates to the plight of a grenadier - namely the superfluousness of the class. In vanilla the grenadier had his spot as the class to use medium grenades on a regular basis and replacing him was a real decision. Now anyone can grenade effectively and the already tenuous effectivity of the class dropped to zero. Other classes contribute just so much more to the team, that the exchange of the grenadier for say a second sniper or soldier is a total no-brainer.

This is why I would like to see the return of the medium grenade.


Concluding I´d like to add that I read the original posts about the introduction of your new system, so I know you are working with limitations and as I remember the thread I am probably the only one who liked the harsh vanilla feel, so I will be content if you leave the grenades as they are now and concentrate on other good stuffs. That won´t keep me from bringing this up from time to time, but now you know what I mean.


By now I have played the first mission and (as was to be expected) I have a few remarks.

When Vera says "pushed into the river" that struck me as odd. I would have expected thrown or dumped, but that may be my limited english, so nothing important.


When the comrade Lt.Colonel lights his cigarette he only goes through the motions, but no actual cig shows up - is this related to Hollywood´s anti-smoking campaign, wherein they retroactively cut scenes that show the hero smoking or drinking?


The pub is a great map for the kind of fight that takes place, lots of corners, the open hall in the center, the lone smuggler´s sniper in the bushes. It shows how much you enjoy setting this up.


After the three way fight (which was not so much difficult, but terribly anxious - At first I did not dare shoot much at the Grimm Bandits, because they were all that kept Danilov alive during the smuggler´s onslaught. Well done.), when I interrogate Danilov he says:

"You heard Linz...".

How does he know? At that time I am still hidden in the darkness on the other side of the road.


Along comes my real gripe: In the outcome my decision as an independent operator would be to detain the couple and drop the harsh decisions in Mikhalev´s lap. Precisely because nothing is certain and everything is different from what it looks at that point I would keep them both alive and within my grasp, after all I have them in my power already - no reason to do something as rash as letting them go or killing them.

Changing this might throw a major wrench into the plot as it currently is (I did not read too much of it yet), but I think it needs to be changed. Maybe there are ways to bring the plot back on track after this.


The phone call in the cut scene is a nice touch :).



My thoughts on Bernau were in the direction of a random encounter (save an ex-nazi, now good communist functionary from abduction by vicious israelis?), but a find like that surely could be turned into a full twist, if you so desire.



That´s all for now. Expect more as I play the other missions one at a time.




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