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New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)


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Well, Wolfenstein The New Order sure is a different game, it is good but there is also a lot of things that they changed. I mean, the first one is that Nazis took over the world and you had been in a catatonic state for 14 years and wake up in a world thats baiscally fucked and go to fight the nazi regime. The tone is a lot more serious then in the other game and BJ is more of an anti hero who often laments the fact he cant do anything but killing, how much he hatwes nazis and how much he wishes it would all be over.


The problem I have with New Order is the fact that despite the serious tone, there are still really goofy things in it, like all those Alterative World pop culutere refernces in form of Die Käfer and the whole Nazis on the moon thing, not to mention that there is some very odd dialouge at times. (The scene where you are in Berlin and pick up a phone call and the guy on the other line is shouting ata Müller and what an asshole he is and he can fuck off, for example).


Old Blood, the stand alone is a love letter to the original Wolfenstein and is chock full of stuff you would expect in a Wolfenstein game, it has all the stuff the original wolfenstein made good. I would give it a try.


Also, did you mean the 2009 Wolfenstein game? I dont know what everyone has, but I like it, it was a very puply wired WWII/Alternate WWII game that was very old school in its approach and in its gameplay. I played the shit out of that game. I mean, it had everything the other game had, Nazi super soldiers, Nazi super weapons, Nazi zombies, strange interdimensional alien things that where very lovecraftian, refernces to all those things the Nazis supposeldy did, the whole Thule Geslleschaft etc.


No idea why people felt so dissapointed in it, I think if it would be done today, folks would be excited. Ah well.


Anyway as for the pposters, let me help you:


1. A poster/ sign - "Bio-Hazard" would be "Biologishe Gefahr"

2. Poster/ label - "Bio-Waste" would be "Biologische Abfälle"

3. Sign - "Danger! High Voltage! Risk of Shock." - "Warnung! Starkstrom. Lebensgefhar!"

4. Sign - "Do Not Enter" - "Betreten Verboten!"

5. Sign - "Lab" or "Laboratory" - Would be "Laboratorium" or "Labor"

6. Sign - "Equipment Storage" - would be "Ausstatungs Lager" oder "Ausrüstungs Lager"

7. Document Title - "Research Manifest" - would be "Forschungs Manifest/ Forschungs Liste"

8. Document Title - "Memo"/ (memorandum) - would be "Memorandum"

9. Sign - "Research Subjects" - would be "Forschungs Objekte"

10. Sign - "Keep Quiet" and "Keep Away" - would be "Ruhe Bitte!" and "Nicht Betreten/Draußen bleiben/Nicht Stören"

11. Sign - "Restricted Area" and "Authorized Personnel Only" - would be "Sperrgebiet" und "Nur für Autoriesiertes Personal"

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I can tell you right now that 4. is "Betreten verboten". Instead of "Risk of shock" in 3, "Lebensgefahr" would probably be used.


But I'm only a wannabe-non-native German, so I never really familiarized myself with the art of warning signs.


4: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrCZOikFL_kUmhRooOMWBDRihAPip8XqKhoeCiI-Z3b-72PObwWzKgZ8M



And this one I like the most grin.gifhttps://encrypted-tb...gmITIjRCEpm9m1Q


3: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR5XdbVeq94ufTYqA6Agr3VT1vIY81Fju1pr2IyVhEvN3cCPKX4pMAbLw


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Hmm, I have a friend who could translate everything here, he was living in germany for a few years and now he may be back in his home country in England but he still studies the German language and follows their news closely. I'll give them the signs and see if he can help (though I see Havoc and dimovski already beat me to it :P oh well, the more choices in translation the better, eh?)


Also, noice, I'll try and help, I'll need to find the post which details what the story is so far, I don't have any ideas so far for the main quest x_x


On a final note, Wolf 2009 seemed a bit bland to me when I played. It was a fun shooter, and the death animations were brutal and I loved them, but that's the only thing I remember from it. It seemed odd to me how much Wolf 2009 tapped into the paranormal, considering RTCW which had a much finer blend of paranormal and real life history; Wolf 2009 felt less well done, much more sloppy in terms of the two's integration.


The New Order is great though. And I wouldn't consider it exactly serious, I think it's more campy, from the mecha Nazis who have robots and space lazers, to BJ's grumbling voice who is always going gruff; this kind of stuff disarm you in their silliness that allow for the more serious story to latch onto you later as it progresses (the only other notable example I can think of is Metal Gear Solid 3, which may I remind it has a boss fight with a man who shoots bees out of his mouth, and still has one of the best storylines in a videogame and a piece of creative medium I've ever seen in my life so far!) I've only managed to play the demo and watched Super Bunnyhop's review for TNO, but I loved what I saw, and I still kinda wish I was able to play it.

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I assume that with the guards, it's not an abandoned laboratory, but an active laboratory right?


Or are we just in time to stop the guards/henchmen from destroying all the evidence left behind after the laboratory was abandoned (maybe they were sent directly by a leader)?


Or are both of these viable options depending on how quickly you've obtained the vial/documents to get to the lab?


QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, so many questions.


The scenery and wall textures look absolutely stunning. I love the machinery and the force fields could make for some good basic puzzling.

You know, those typical; use machine 1, force field 2 and 3 open, use machine 2, 3 closes, 1 opens, 2 stays open, etc.

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Say, Lt.Havoc, wouldn't Forschungsobjekte be written as one word? And would there really be a need to write down "Ausrüstungs Lager" (and wouldn't that be one word aswell?), I'd say that "Lager" would work out aswell.


Hmm........I think you are right.

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Thank you for your help, folks. It's greatly appreciated!


Since I don't speak German, googling doesn't help that much.

(But now with all the proper translations I've been able to find what I was looking for.)


Here is what I got so far:




(some are redrawn 'originals' and the rest are made by me).


I'll be posting more about the lab when I have more to show.




I watched the "Old Blood" videos yesterday. Wow! You are right, it looks really good. Don't know if I find any time to play it, but it definitely gave me some ideas. (Bethesda did it again smile.png)





Good questions. Well, here is what I think might happen (rip it apart if something feels wrong):


1) The Manor

- Our party shows up at the manor. Crouching, hidden for the time being.

- One of the goons is yelling at the truck driver for being late. Conversation clue: Some excavation is going on. Apparently they are trying to reach something underneath the manor. The original owners are dead (killed by the bad guys now occupying the residence). The goons are trying to keep it all a secret and not to attract any attention.

- The one in charge (boss) shows up and starts talking to the yelling dude. Conversation clue: They are almost done, they reached the mines and a small team was sent there to investigate and find an entrance to the/ some lab. The truck needs to do one more round. The boss wonders where the nurse is. He suspects her of stealing something from the site/ or him. The boss mentions someone else (possibly a competitor or a client) who could/ will show up soon and potentially cause a problem.

- We kill them. The boss drops a letter/ note from someone (a client describing the job, a rival threatening to expose or attack, the nurse from the "Clinic" confessing love, blackmailing, describing the incredible value of...)???


use the passage >>> to the mines


2) The Mines


- Another conversation between two goons. Conversation clue: There is something weird going on. The bad guys had already lost a few buddies to some unknown force/ opposition. They are scared and paranoid.

- There is a a note on the table. It has a few words and numbers scribbled on it.

- Kill the goons. Recover a key to ???

- There is a strange key-card in one of the lockers. It'll open ?????


go down the stairs >>> to the lab



3) The Lab


- Once we arrive we see only the initial large room. I am thinking about imitating some kind of "airlock"/ disinfecting procedure once we step inside and press the broken switch (will need to be repaired or the found key-card could be used, I guess). After we are steamed/ chlorinated/ etc. clean, free of any infection - some of the doors and the force fields deactivate and we'll be able to examine some parts of the lab (the living quarters, waste collection point, the generator room and the medical supply room).

- ... still thinking about the rest.


- I think I already mentioned the possible loot a few posts back...


Feel free to brain storm wink.png



4) To leave we'll need to get back to the surface. The newly arrived client, the rival or the forces of Die Wolfe will be there blocking our escape.





The plot discussion starts somewhere around page 3. Lt.'s plot outline is attached to post #78. Ecthel provided a lot of great ideas as well.


(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Hi there!


Thanks Blunter for this awome mod. I have unfortunatly, since reinstalling, not been able to activate most of the quests/encounters.

A walkthrough, or something like it would be most welcome, I dont seem to be able to trigger any more encounters than the initial Bank line.


I also cant get past the Central Train Station encounter, it bugs out and my PC gets stuck. Any suggestions?

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Hi Tiepilot,


Can you elaborate a bit more on the encounters you've gone through so far, the ones that don't seem to activate and what exactly happened at the RR Depot for you to get stuck like that.

(Unless you tried to 'Esc' the initial dialog - that's still bugged, it freezes. I know how to fix it, I just didn't get to it yet sad.png You'd need to restart that zone.)


Still working on the lab, guys.


The stuff finished so far:


- Added armory, lab proper, testpersonen halls, guard station...

- Created key cards...

- Added multiple lighting effects and a system of illuminated underground plasma pipes visible through the semi-transparent iron floor panels covering some of the passages.

- Created ZMX-8 pipe and a switch controlling it.

- Imported zombie 'hit'/ 'death' sounds (18 all together),

- Also imported and scripted various ominous, spooky music pieces here and there (screechy violin sounds, horror-like echoing, military drum-rolls, sci-fi whines, etc.)

- Scripted the 'disinfecting' procedure and the Regenerative Agent preparation out of ZMX-8 mutagen: empty vial >> to ZMX pipe >> press the button >> pouring sound >> filled vial >> to the humming Glass cabinet >> electrical discharge >> Regen Agent (400 VP restore, 0 med reqs).

- Added a bunch of various electrical zapping, humming and crackling sound effects to correspond to different stages of destruction of a whole myriad of objects.


~ Blunter ~

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Just finish the MOD 2.40.

As i can remember thier is no major Bug.

A few points i notice:

1: Scout is overpowered when they are lvl 20. they use 0 ap in Katana blade. And only uses 2 AP for throwing shurikens.

Can wait to see new version of the mod.

Thanks Blunter. :)

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Just finish the MOD 2.40.

As i can remember thier is no major Bug.

A few points i notice:

1: Scout is overpowered when they are lvl 20. they use 0 ap in Katana blade. And only uses 2 AP for throwing shurikens.

Can wait to see new version of the mod.

Thanks Blunter. smile.png


Stealth and melee OP anyway, it's vanilla biggest problem and only way - not to use them.


Can't believe mod ressurected, I've just downloaded SS3, thought about which mod today I'll pick for another walkthrough and voila - blunter mod alive again. Can't wait for release.

And few things:

1. I liked HE ammo, yeah, OP, but so fun. Probably you'll find a way to balance it somehow, I'd like to see more ammo types in game, probably you can add more armor vests and full armor to different kind of enemies to make player choose where and with which ammo to shot.

2. Aviation mgs and cannons should have faster shots per second, for example IRL Shkas fire 1800 round per second and ingame it just around 60. Yeah, I understand possible engine limitations and gameplay affection, but it can be balanced by heavely reducing accuracy and damage( shkas bullet = normal mg bullet, no more, and it can be reduced in damage for balance purpose, I'm ok with this) making this tier weapons to area-damage. Not sure if it'll work with AP, as I know its minimal 1 AP per shot, so here can be a problem. It possibly can be solved by firing >1 bullet per shot.

3. PTRS, PTRS, BOYS, balanced at all, but I prefer they do less damage at cost much more higher crit ability(if it possible).

4. For cannons - have no idea, they should have hihger rate of fire too, but they too much powerfull with HE shells(btw, there were AP and APHE and even APCR(for mg15115 and mk103) shells, probably that can solve problem somehow).

5. Totaly not sure if possible but for now HEAT shells work as common explosives, while they should be specialized in penetration of armor, and have lesser explosion radius, 1-2 for largest grenades/rockets.

6. Shotguns. I saw them in some post-nuclear mod for SS, and they works simple - 100 ammo, 10 per burst, minimal interval between bullets. Looks really nice.

7. Another thing I've remembered. Enemies on your new maps. They have abnormal amounts of HP(it's okay), but also some of them crit-invicible, and I've almost stuck in mission with Iron Maidens(or something similar, just can't remember) while I tried stealth it with 1 main character. So here another ammo solution - probably APHE ammo, which has good pierce and damage but awfull crit chance(if this possible), or crit only armored characters(pretty sure this game logic cannot be implemented, but anyway).

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@ Blunter


I have so far only managed to activate the Banker quest chain, finish it up to the RR Station, where you are supposed to investigate the fingerprints etc. After the cut scene where some people die, nothing really happends, cant move, cant get on with the game. Also, it freezes the PC.


Not sure how to activate the Horror Nurse/Doctor chain again. Nor can I get the nurse in the base to yield me any quests.

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Since you've added in remote explosions (iirc, or did that never actually work?), it would be fun to have some special areas that you can enter only with a engineer with sufficient explosives skill and have like, lore, extra resources, some extra gear (though nothing unique/special).


Obviously you'd have to waste resources to get there and you might not always find something useful + you'd alarm the entire area.


Glad to see activity is picking up!

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All right. A small update:


1. Tiepilot: So, if I understood you correctly you managed to get through most of the additional campaign all the way up to the 'Central RR Depot' where you got stuck right after the cutscene (with one or two of the Soviet Intel officers getting killed)? Btw, which branch did you get: "Bodies Found" >> "Counterfeit" >> "Debrief" >> "Seefeld" >> ("Falkensee" >> "Bredow"/ or "Paretz" >> "Blumberg"/or "Falkensee" dead end/ or "Paretz" dead end) >> "Central RR Depot"?

I checked the script, found a few problems and decided to rewrite the whole thing ( it was a relatively short one ~ 1000 lines only). I am pretty sure I didn't post any detailed walkthroughs for it so here are the ways that encounter might play out:


Note: Examining the fingerprint file given to you by Mikhalev and comparing it to the print on the note you found in "Seefeld" is essential to figuring out who the mole is. In addition: one needs to pay attention to the interaction between Mikhalev and Tulin during the "Debrief" cutscene. They are not just for show - they relay important info.


1. Determine who the mole is correctly -


- Results in an unconscious mole (extra XP from Mikhalev at the end), Player gets to go first after the cut-scene ends. The other Soviet Intel officers (aside from Tulin and Ostrovsky) are still alive and serve as a distraction for some time against numerous attackers (16 in this case)


2. ... guessing incorrectly -


- leads to having to kill the mole, enemies going first in turn-based, the officer you falsely accuse getting killed before the cut-scene ends.


3. Don't know


- is the worst. It also forces you to kill the mole, enemies go first and all the Soviet officers get slaughtered before the end of the cut-scene.



Now, your previous actions and randomly generated events are also taken into account here. Whether you killed the double in "Counterfeit" or let him go/ let real Danilov go or killed him - determines if "Bernau" zone opens up (plus bonus XP from Mikhalev) and whether you encounter "Zepernick" (Kommandant) or "Potsdam Outskirts" when going to Soviet HQ.


Anyways, here are a few screen shots with some commentary:


(This time Sovkov was the mole and we guessed him correctly)




A bird's eye view of the zone.







When we arrive we are greeted by Major Tulin and Lt. Ostrovsky.







All they need is a name. Let's give them something...







How about Master Sergeant Sovkov, his fingerprint from the file was almost identical to the one we found in "Seefeld"... And he was suspicioiusly missing from his usual residence...







Yup. Lead the way Major.







I spaced their movement a little better. (Previously they used to bunch up at the door sometimes. While hilarious and all, it had to be addressed... and so it was...)






Oh, dear. Here we go...






Whoa! This mo's got cajones.







...but when faced with Tulin's fist he chooses to zen in reflective silence...







The interesting thing about UnitSetDirection() is that it doesn't always work, regardless of WaitForUnit() and the rest.

Occasionally, it leads to very silly situations.






Yeah, there are 14 more. Nothing big, right?







In some of my tests I managed to save them both... Most of the time they died valiantly (primarily from enemy grenades).






Right, they are everywhere: 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor.

But with a good party, a couple of MGs and some weapons of mass destruction (grenades, explosives) it's not so bad.













...Ja! This is our ticket to Bernau. I've heard they brew some decent beer there.











Well, there are several variants of that hint:

- Tulin & Ostrovsky survived/ one survived/ died

- Danilov Good Alive, Good Dead, Bad Alive, Bad Dead

(12 all-together, I think)






The worst case scenario. sad.png






All the Soviet personnel (dead and alive) are removed and some important Global variables are updated.


I changed the structure of the scenario progression so that instead of "Bredow"/"Blumberg" leading to "Zepernick" the two branches now reference each other. If we finished "Bredow" or "Blumberg" then "Zepernick" is made available here at "Central RR Depot"(or at the end of "Bredow" or "Blumberg" if we go there after neutralizing the mole at "Central RR Depot").


"BadFalkensee"/"BadParetz" have the same approach but instead of "Zepernick" we are told to go to "Soviet HQ" and get ambushed in "Potsdam Outskirts"





It's time for our usual scavenger hunt. There are some bits and pieces to be found here, so who goes first...?




It's getting too long. See next post, please.

P.S.: I'll address some of the other posts in a bit.


~ Blunter ~

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Ok, moving along.



Actually when I said I re-wrote the script I meant restructuring it into tiny functions. They generally work better and have smaller chances of hanging, looping and..., basically crashing.


Another thing: Please - Do Not Use Other Mods!

Even the most benign, tiny, insignificant, no-one-would-notice modification can cause problems.



The "incorrect" and "don't know" versions are similar so I'll post a few screenies of the latter as its the most 'punishing'... (the enemies are also a little tougher and of the same level as our hero, instead of +1 for the "correct" one).




Hmm.., they did talk about it back in Potsdam, didn't they?






Tulin, what are you looking at?






Nival had an interesting animation in the editor, I dubbed it "looking around, spooked". I think they created it for this very situation.





Oh well. We had our chance and blew it.

It makes it harder since every bad guy on the map is going to be shooting at us... with no-one to distract them.










Some of my in-house testers expressed surprise and confusion over the "armed civilian" tags... I kind of agree, it does sound strange, somewhere along the lines of 'military intelligence'...


Any better terms come to mind?





Yes, that guy was standing right there and tossing grenades at us before we asked him to stop.





Abala had the "Know Enemy Health" perk - so "negative 17" is simply from fear and desperation, that's the only logical explanation I can come up with.









So, it does provide some sort of 'variety' (correct, incorrect, don't know), even though they are (essentially) the same thing.


~ Blunter ~

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Just finish the MOD 2.40.

As i can remember thier is no major Bug.

A few points i notice:

1: Scout is overpowered when they are lvl 20. they use 0 ap in Katana blade. And only uses 2 AP for throwing shurikens.

Can wait to see new version of the mod.

Thanks Blunter. smile.png


Thanks, mammoth.


Which branch did you get?

(Any ideas on how to 'fix' the scout?)



Stealth and melee OP anyway, it's vanilla biggest problem and only way - not to use them.


Can't believe mod ressurected, I've just downloaded SS3, thought about which mod today I'll pick for another walkthrough and voila - blunter mod alive again. Can't wait for release.

And few things:

1. I liked HE ammo, yeah, OP, but so fun. Probably you'll find a way to balance it somehow, I'd like to see more ammo types in game, probably you can add more armor vests and full armor to different kind of enemies to make player choose where and with which ammo to shot.

2. Aviation mgs and cannons should have faster shots per second, for example IRL Shkas fire 1800 round per second and ingame it just around 60. Yeah, I understand possible engine limitations and gameplay affection, but it can be balanced by heavely reducing accuracy and damage( shkas bullet = normal mg bullet, no more, and it can be reduced in damage for balance purpose, I'm ok with this) making this tier weapons to area-damage. Not sure if it'll work with AP, as I know its minimal 1 AP per shot, so here can be a problem. It possibly can be solved by firing >1 bullet per shot.

3. PTRS, PTRS, BOYS, balanced at all, but I prefer they do less damage at cost much more higher crit ability(if it possible).

4. For cannons - have no idea, they should have hihger rate of fire too, but they too much powerfull with HE shells(btw, there were AP and APHE and even APCR(for mg15115 and mk103) shells, probably that can solve problem somehow).

5. Totaly not sure if possible but for now HEAT shells work as common explosives, while they should be specialized in penetration of armor, and have lesser explosion radius, 1-2 for largest grenades/rockets.

6. Shotguns. I saw them in some post-nuclear mod for SS, and they works simple - 100 ammo, 10 per burst, minimal interval between bullets. Looks really nice.

7. Another thing I've remembered. Enemies on your new maps. They have abnormal amounts of HP(it's okay), but also some of them crit-invicible, and I've almost stuck in mission with Iron Maidens(or something similar, just can't remember) while I tried stealth it with 1 main character. So here another ammo solution - probably APHE ammo, which has good pierce and damage but awfull crit chance(if this possible), or crit only armored characters(pretty sure this game logic cannot be implemented, but anyway).


Hi VodkaBear,


Thank you for the feedback.


1. Yes, it was a lot of fun. I am planning to bring those back in three major ways:


- The player will be able to obtain them in Zones and one-time randoms in very small amounts (to prevent 'farming')

- Making your own at the base workshop (weaker or unique ammos)

- Limited quest rewards


2. Lower accuracy, lower damage and higher ROF? hmm...


Do you (anyone) know of good places to get short burst sounds for various weapons. If we change the rate of fire we'll need a corresponding sound. I think novik and Co. changed the ROF of the LMGs in H&S from 5 to 7 (?). I thought it made sense.


3. I am not sure about Criticals and their probabilities. I might look into that later though. Gotta finish the Wansdorf encounter first.


4. I don't mind changing the canons and, actually, any emplaced, stationary weapons including heavy MGs and making them more dangerous, deadly, etc.


5. The shells designated 'Red' in S^3 already have smaller (2) radius, lower damage and very high penetration values.


6. I'd need new models for those, unless you think some of the existing models would qualify to become shotguns (after re-texturing, of course)


7. Good for you, VB! It appears you managed to reach Zepernick. smile.png

I try to create encounters that require a team to survive and achieve the objectives. Soloing is... err... not openly promoted. wink.png


You know, if you have some specific ammos in mind, with pictures, general characteristics and current availability (1950 +/- 3 years), I am certainly interested. Even if somewhat fictional...



@ Blunter


I have so far only managed to activate the Banker quest chain, finish it up to the RR Station, where you are supposed to investigate the fingerprints etc. After the cut scene where some people die, nothing really happends, cant move, cant get on with the game. Also, it freezes the PC.


Not sure how to activate the Horror Nurse/Doctor chain again. Nor can I get the nurse in the base to yield me any quests.


Are you sure you are not using any mods or custom scripts? There were some problems but I didn't find anything that would make the script hang and freeze your PC. Hmm...


Anyway, I redid the RRDepot script and hopefully it will be fine (or better) now.

The Nurse quests, base lab and workshop were not available in v 2.4 (if I remember correctly)


Which branch did you get? (Paretz >> Blumberg or Falkensee >> Bredow)



Since you've added in remote explosions (iirc, or did that never actually work?), it would be fun to have some special areas that you can enter only with a engineer with sufficient explosives skill and have like, lore, extra resources, some extra gear (though nothing unique/special).


Obviously you'd have to waste resources to get there and you might not always find something useful + you'd alarm the entire area.


Glad to see activity is picking up!


Yes, the remote explosives are ready and scripted, the lab and the workshop are fully scripted, I haven't added any activation functions to the encounters yet, you know, for the remote Expl script to actually run in game in any given encounter. But it's a matter of time now... well and creating sources of materials (hospitals, electrical substations, chemical plants, automobile factories, military depots, secret caches and stashes, etc.) to replenish/ build those explosive pairs after use...


Fireman, about those 'special areas' - I am not sure I follow you, could you expand on that?


Thank you for your participation.



I am still working on the manor-mines-lab 3 sub-zone encounter:


- Developed a mini-plot (tied to the Professor and Die Wolfe)

- Created units ("Looters", "Owners", "Lab Guards")

- Scripted some secret areas with rare goodies (require an Engineer/Saboteur in your party to pass the 'repair checks').

- Created more civilian female outfits + a couple of new wigs

- Created a unique FG-42 Type 2 without a scope (re-textured it completely as well) and with scope (for McCormick to mount later)

- Created new RPG items (Looter Boss' note, manor's mistress' journal, etc.)

- Created a new Gangster suit (with red stripes and a handkerchief sticking out of its pocket, very stylish wink.png )

- Wrote some dialogues (looter foreman with looter driver, looter boss with looter foreman, lab guards female and male talking.)


So, if I posted some of the dialogues and document texts for editing, would there be any takers?

(I don' know if Ecthel is still around, he did an outstanding job with most of the mod's dialogues and texts in the past)


~ Blunter ~

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About sounds - you can easially extract them from any game from men of war series(all ingame sounds lies in simple rar archives, I can provide you with full pack of them) or blitzkrieg - both games have a lot of autocannons/mg sounds. Damn, one of old russian sites about modding of S3 died, so now I cant find manual about inserting new guns in the game( including models import, etc).


Something, that can be usefull:

https://www.dropbox....p_kart.rar?dl=0 - 7 maps, I have no idea what they about, but who knows.

https://www.strategyc...ar-mod-for-ss1/ - post-nuclear mod, I've spoke about, It has shotguns btw, probably you can contact author and ask for resources.


Also, why not to use some maps from SS2? Some of them pretty cool, like labs or factory, simple enemies replacement - and there it is. At least for random encounters or even another branch of quests? I mean not another way(split) of branch but separate (third if we count original and one you added), something like "contracts", I dunno. Anyway - thanks for all work you done and doing now.

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For uniforms, try a female gangster outfit. I think it would be neat to have one for the female heroes.


Also, for fun, maybe Fritz in a bathrobe?


In your posts about Col. Mikhalev's comments about the R.R. Depots, the title "Mole Neutralized," should not have a comma in it. It poses as a title, not a sentence/dependent particle.

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Hello, and thanks for this very good mod.

I'm stuck in the "Counterfeit" mission, unable to leave the area after killing all the enemies on the map. According to a prior post on the thread, I need "Counterfeit Report", "Danilov's Folder", and "Linz' Note". I guess Linz' Note is the "Hastily Written Note" picked on Linz' corpse; I also found Danilov's Folder (after allowing Danilov to go), but how/where to obtain the Counterfeit Report? I may need the item's ID, if I really can't find it.

I also found a letter in Danilov's office and a Russian Dictionary in his bedroom. Do I need to keep those items?

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Thank you.

I'll see what can be done about the weapon sounds.

I am familiar with Okim's work. It would certainly be great to have some new models to play around with but, unfortunately, it's impossible to import any new models into the game without an older version of Maya (4.5 - 6.0) on that same PC... or so I've been told.





Hey, wait, how did you know about... oh, that's right we talked about it on the phone. wink.png

Well, I guess I'll be playing dress up again with those models. I'll see what I can cook up.


In the meantime, some hors-d'oeuvre(s):




Yep! That's him, the sociopath!





...and some more hazmat suits (different hair model) and lighter (allied medic based) versions for the lab personnel.



While I was creating "Murdered Owner" I decided to expand her wardrobe a tiny, little bit.





Same prices. They feature: Helena's hair, Satin Blonde wig and that Marvel's heroine... err... do-not-remember-auburn-wig.





Thank you for pointing this out. I suspect you destroyed the report (my fault).

Just a couple of days ago I discovered, by accident, that for some strange reason I assigned 'Wood' to some RPG items as their RPGArmorIDs instead of 'item'. My apologies...


Workaround - type this in your console window and press enter: CounterfeitReport=true




...better - give yourself one of these 4 items instead to update (only one):






Do it before leaving "Counterfeit" to keep all the Globals intact...


Thank you for the kind words and good luck!



P.S.: Now I know why it was "Wood". Some of the original Silent Storm clues (I copied from) had those in their RPGArmorID fields.

Tsk, tsk...


P.S.2: (Forgot to mention) You don't need to keep other (evidence) items in your inventory. They'll be auto-removed right after you press leave and the next encounter ("Debrief") starts loading.


~ Blunter ~

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Btw, one more thing. Pistols, they pretty much useless. I have few ideas how possible solve this:

1. Increase slighty smg and mg AP cost, so pistols will be really more preferable in close-combat because of DPM(which kinda not realistic at all)

2. If possible - give them more crit chance, so it'll be scout specific weapons.

3. Give them some special ammo, which other classe will not have? Like HE? But here a problem, coz many pistols use smg calibre and so, pistols rounds can be used in smg.

In JA2 pistols usefull because you can do 4-5 shots in 1 turn instead 1-3 wia rifles, but SS AP system far away from JA, so I have no idea how to balance them other way.

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Yes, the remote explosives are ready and scripted, the lab and the workshop are fully scripted, I haven't added any activation functions to the encounters yet, you know, for the remote Expl script to actually run in game in any given encounter. But it's a matter of time now... well and creating sources of materials (hospitals, electrical substations, chemical plants, automobile factories, military depots, secret caches and stashes, etc.) to replenish/ build those explosive pairs after use...


Fireman, about those 'special areas' - I am not sure I follow you, could you expand on that?


~ Blunter ~


Simply locked out rooms that aren't enterable unless you destroy the door with explosives. Especially in settings like the laboratory a lot of the information is probably sealed away in vaults or how important documents are locked away in an archive of sorts. Would be interesting if you could only open these with a highly skilled engineer and get some extra loot or additional lore/information about the current mission. So you know, there's some actual value to using/crafting explosives.

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Unbelievable mod Blunter!


I have played version 2.3 and now version 2.4 and enjoyed it a lot!

The Herr Lander/Soviet subplots add so much to the game.


It doesn't affect the gameplay too much but I have encountered the following bugs:

  • World map is completely black, only the area chapters and home base icon are visible.
  • Certain map/mission loading screens are black.
  • The rug at the headquarter's bank is bugged. It shows a black-and-white checker board instead of the rug.
  • The lightning in certain areas doesn't work so it's completely pitch black in the underground area in home base and in camp area in Brandenburg.

Thankfully the bugs don't ruin the gameplay. Thank you very much for such outstanding work Blunter! Looking forward for version 2.5.

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