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New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)


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I do wonder, is this project still alive? It's keeping my interest for SSS alive anyway )


Unfortunatly I seem to get it bugged very time install it, bugs out at the railstation. I cant get the infirmary quests to start either.


Perfect download on my end. Did you unpack the mod right? Windows zip is iffy and doesn't always extract things right. I suggest you download 7Zip (its free and safe). After installing 7Zip, download the mod, left click mouse, hit extract folder and put unload it in the archive where you have Silent Storm downloaded. My computer (Windows 7) its something like C-ProgramFilesx86-GOG.com-SilentStormGold-SilentStormSentinels. Put the file there, load up custom game and add the mod, you should be good to go. Hope its work out for you, hell of a mod to miss out on

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I agree with iknowjack about the melee and throwing weapons. I think throwing weapons should do a bit more damage as well. Throwing weapons take up so much inventory space, and they just about never get the job done. Perhaps shrunken are an exception, I don't know.
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Still no word from the OP? Anybody know whats going on with this mod?


If anybody could answer these questions I'd really appreciate it. Looking back in this thread, there's apparently a workshop to craft engineer items and missions for the infirmary back at base? Anybody know why I'm not seeing these? I looked throughout the entire building and I've yet to stumble across this workshop bench. I see the bank and the trainining room but, that's it. Also in my game all healing costs are 100% free. When I try to talk to the nurse, the screen fades to black, I'm healed 100% and there are no options for dialogue. Were those features never implemented or is my game just messed up?

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Hope dies last.

The OP posted here in September ´14, so his blogspot is more outdated


To recap:

Modding this game requires a full Windows XP environment (Something I myself don´t have). Compatibility mode is not enough.


From what I have been reading in this thread this mod was a labor of love, until something happened in RL.


If somebody who knew their stuff took over (to build on the shoulders of a giant, so to speak) and took this in their own direction, I highly doubt that Blunter would disagree.


I can only hope that he and his family are alive and well, and maybe someday soon we will hear from them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi back. I apologize for the long absence.


I am still around. I've just been extremely busy with a bunch of things (personal stuff primarily).

Without going in too much detail - it concerns one of my relatives who is going through a very messy divorce (my extended family). It's a domestic violence situation, with us (my immediate family) providing support to the victim (who is in her late sixties). Threats, financial fraud, mail fraud and theft, extortion, harassment - you name it...


So, as you can imagine - I haven't had a chance to do a lot of modding.


Although, I do have some screenies of a few encounters I was working on before all that crazy stuff started happening. And... I think I'll be able to slowly get back to working on this mod... again (keeping my fingers crossed).


I remember working on a cult...


Here is the template of that encounter:




It's a monastery/ temple type of setting, populated with a horde of fanatics.



Our favorite trio (Fritz, Rocco an Klaus) are exploring the new location.




I already worked out the height map, the lighting, the clues, the loot and the overall strategy... just haven't added the opposition yet.





Unless we blow a hole in that fence... but why?



It's supposed to be kind of foggy, spooky and gloomy.... Well, that was the idea...






Yes, Celtic knots, hidden swastikas and mystery...




The bad guys will be chanting some... stuff (I haven't thought about the details yet, obviously)... attempting to summon a guardian of sorts.



Inside the temple she's got a shrine dedicated to her... Ha! (surprise, surprise)






...and after we clear the place we might find some documents that will help us piece all these together, hopefully wink.png









Right, and "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" is something that comes to mind as well.



I redid the whole 'ancient sword' loot into something actually usable (a new melee weapon). Now the statue you might have encountered in your travels shares the same item in her hand.






Now, I'll need to put together an encounter where we can find/ discover the pommel, insert it and voila! (something to think about, I guess)



(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Hi, guys!


I'm back on the forums. I'll be checking in periodically. The past several months have been a blur due to the events BlunterII has described in his post above and only recently has the madness settled.


I hope the interest in this mod remains strong and I'm sure Blunter will be posting more soon.

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Moving along...


The 'Clinic' map (with reanimated patients) was just an introduction to the dark secrets of the 'Vial'. It opened 'Wansdorf' where a strange lab (mentioned in the Nurse's diary) was supposed to be found. Remember?..


Here is the template of that encounter (it'll have 3 sub zones in total, this one being just one of them). So, I am going to show only the ground (top) level of it here.

(Hmm... I wonder where the intermediate level is, I thought I had a few screenshots of it somewhere.)




Well, I haven't decided on the lighting yet, although I do tend to settle for something dark and foggy...






...the sunset.






...clear night...






...night low fog...






I tried to make it look sort of homie. A place I wouldn't mind calling home. You know, a place to have some tea and pot roast, ...raise kids, play chess...

Of course, those three stooges usually show up and destroy everything, but... that's an entirely different matter, isn't it?







...exquisite interiors...





...wood paneling and leather.






Aha! The 'bad guys' were digging something. Well, actually there is going to be a dialog explaining what it was they were looking for and the connection our Nurse had to all of this.






I thought of making the chess board an RPG item, but... those items have some funky way of positioning themselves in Silent Storm environment.

Remember those ever rotating rifles? Well, imagine a chess board that would never settle down or end up on its side in the middle of the table...


...but it's a nice past-time nonetheless...wouldn't you agree?







Building a tunnel is hard work. Especially if you want to keep it quiet... and tidy...when the original owners are somewhat...err... dead.


(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Woo, an update to this mod! Awesome! :D


Glad to hear you're doing ok Blunter, really sorry to hear about all this mess of a situation you and your relatives are stuck in atm. I hope things go smoothly and it doesn't much longer to settle down (though judging by what you said, it seems it might take quite a while longer...)


As for the new mod stuff, those two maps look quite awesome! Though I don't play Sentinels as much as S^2, this was the mod that got me originally interested in the expansion. I really like how all this is turning out, but it does make me wonder whether I should stop checking the forums to avoid spoilers for this mod's occult-ish story XD


Keep it up mate, we're lovin' it so far. Great job, honestly!

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Thank you, folks.




All right, I couldn't find the screenshots I took a few months ago, so just ran the encounter in the editor again and, well, see for yourselves.




It's small, I know. I might make it larger later, we'll see.



After our heroes discovered the tunnel inside the manor and followed the trail - they end up in the mines.




I was thinking about introducing some unusual opposition (mutated miners or lab personnel, perhaps)...






Yes, that was one of those things that intrigued me the most in various games (including Silent Storm). A place or a room I could see but couldn't get to.






There'll be some bad guys... possibly the members of the search party sent here from the manor.







Now I need to finish the lab itself... Hmm...


(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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That's looking incredible.


I wouldn't make the mines too large, I mean, did anyone actually enjoy the original underground network of tunnels? I know I didn't tongue.png


The summoning encounter, would it be possible to do it on a timer, so you either kill the ritualists on time, or they actually do summon a guardian of sorts, which you'd have to take out instead then. Just an idea.


It all looks pretty spooky, some undead wouldn't hurt, but wouldn't a underground lab that does experiments be better protected, by actual guards? Or is it an abandoned lab (in which case the lab workers probably won't be there anymore, unless they're already subjects themselves and/or dead). I honestly can't remember the Clinic (sorry!) but eventually the "everyone is dead by experiments" has to end up at someone who's still alive and running this, otherwise there's no real conclusion to the story. I think the labs would be a good place to start showing there are actually living people involved.


EDIT: I went back to read up on the Clinic again and I'm still unsure wether everyone is suppose to be dead or if they're experiments-gone-wrong, or a combination of both.

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@Fireman (And I'm instantly reminded of the song "Fire Young Man" from the Ace Combat 2 OST @_@ ) I think it's a combination of both. And on the summoning encounter, that sounds like a great idea! That could be a neat boss fight


I... still don't know how to feel about the supernatural aspect this mod brings into the game, I usually play the older versions because I enjoy my playthrough of S^3 on a semi-realistic perspective, where you only fight THO members at least. And I love those maps Blunter has designed, but the zombies... they're kind of a turn off damn it XD


But I love where this mod is going, and I'm really looking forward to see where the story will go from here though

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Thank you for the feedback, guys.


Well, I am not very much into undead myself... as in 'supernatural', horror type of thing. Nah! Not my cup of tea. wink.png


I am leaning more towards something like 'zombified humans', perhaps (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. style). Rather sci-fi (not fully explained) than supernatural...


I thought their mental (and physical) faculties, depending on the type and the amount of exposure, could have been altered in different ways, including various degrees of cognitive deficiencies... ranging from being complete semi-docile 'vegetables' to almost fully functioning individuals suffering from a significant handicap (extremely low mobility, or mental retardation) but also benefiting from a bonus of sorts (i.e. Fallout ghouls, not the feral ones). We could even make one of them a potential party member, well, with their own special quirks, of course.


Experiments-gone-wrong is probably the way I'd be going... the effects could also be directly tied to what exactly those afflicted were exposed to (nerve gas, mutagens, psychotropic agents, electricity, heat, various types of implants, etc.)


I wasn't planning to include a boss battle in Summoning Ritual (more along the lines of extreme fanaticism), but now that you mentioned it... hmm... Maybe the leader will be empowered by his followers (+ a drug or two) to become a really nasty dude/ lady to deal with (similar to Pacino's Scarface)... Very high HPs, various auras, etc.


Interesting! We'll see what we can do...



In the meantime I was resurrecting the encounter in Bernau (the "Weapons Cache") I made for my unfinished Hammer and Sickle mod.

Well, here is a little snapshot of it (nothing special really). :)






P.S.: Don't worry, Revenger. The 'clear and present danger' will be coming from humans as they are the only ones capable of 'malice of forethought', That's what will drive the plot. No gods, no demon spawn, I promise.



Question: a few pages back, someone said they were a writer willing to contribute, who was that?...


(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Aha, noice! Which reminds me, I must play STALKER The Lost Alpha now that I have it...


And Blunter, I don't remember, as I hadn't checked the thread in a long time, but it might have been me; I'm an amateur novel and script writer (amateur as in haven't published anything yet), and I always had interest in helping the mod out with my writing skills, but recent developments irl had made me stay away from writing for over 3-4 months, so I might be rusty...


Still, if you'd like help on the writing/script department (dialogues, characters, etc), I'd be glad to help you out :)

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Hi everyone. Thank you for the nice words, fancy pictures and the encouragement. Much appreciated! wink.png



Okay. Here is a small update (nothing big).


Take a look at the "Wansdorf Lab" encounter:




This is going to be the place where our heroes will find one of the access cards for the ATP (Accelerated Training Protocol) - blue in this case, and, perhaps, discover some other secrets (or curious facts, or useful/ rare items).


The new textures are taking a bit long and I want to get the lighting right... so slowly but steadily I am getting there. smile.png


There'll be advanced (server-like) electronics, blue wall screens, blue 'plasma' pipes (see screenshot), electrical disturbances, possibly one or two puzzles (scripted), etc...


Planned loot:

- Blue perforated tape (for ATP)

- Vial picked up at the "Clinic" (not sure what to do with it yet)

- Research docs (still not certain about the exact contents). Need to tie it to the "Sphere" at the base somehow.

- Letter & address leading to the Green perforated tape encounter.

- An electricity based weapon (something like a Tesla gun, maybe) and ammo (charges/batteries)


The next few days I'll be busy (some of my kids are starting school on the 3rd)...so it's going to be pretty hectic here.



Thank you for offering to help, Revenger. I don't have anything specific in mind yet (still working on the layout), but if you have any ideas - shoot!



Fireman, you are right. The thread view-count is picking up.

I wonder if Lt. and Ecthel are still around. Hmm...


~ Blunter ~

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So, here I was checking out Wolfenstein The New Order and The Old Blood and this thread project comes alive while I am in a mood for alternate WWII scenarios. Glad to see you black Blunter, sorry to hear about all that mess, hope things will improve soon. Great stuff so far.
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Thanks, guys!



Nice to see you too, Lt.


I thought about trying out The New Order myself. Is it any good? The "Wolfenstein" was kind of disappointing, I don't think I ever finished it.


Yes, the hi-techy thingie continues. smile.png


I am glad you liked it, dimovsky.



All right, I am still working on the Wansdorf Lab layout and all the related stuff.


So, here is another update (mostly pictures):




Yup, staying with the blue. Some of the inner guards might be 'convinced' to wear those. Give me a sec I'll talk to them wink.png






I am still thinking about the possible uses for this new technological wonder (with OnOpenObject (), onclickUsable(), etc.). A retina scanner to gain access somewhere, a circuit board controlling or opening something, a source of rare electronics for various projects and builds at the base, quest items...???







I am trying to create and/ or maintain a certain atmosphere here.




Sticking with the theme here...hopefully.




Now, if there is any waste - we've got it covered.

Could do the radioactive ones as well, I suppose.

But whether they spill anything, when destroyed, and how it affects the game environment - that would be an interesting question... hmm...



Okay, I have a few questions regarding different posters and labels in German (basically translations, preferably from native speakers):


1. A poster/ sign - "Bio-Hazard"

2. Poster/ label - "Bio-Waste"

3. Sign - "Danger! High Voltage! Risk of Shock."

4. Sign - "Do Not Enter"

5. Sign - "Lab" or "Laboratory"

6. Sign - "Equipment Storage"

7. Document Title - "Research Manifest"

8. Document Title - "Memo"/ (memorandum)

9. Sign - "Research Subjects"

10. Sign - "Keep Quiet" and "Keep Away"

11. Sign - "Restricted Area" and "Authorized Personnel Only"


...or their closest equivalents, please.


Thank you in advance.


(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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