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I always use Realtime too.

It's a must for Poppers & Brainsuckers,and i

DO think the it takes too many TU in UFO&TFTD

just to wield,prime,and toss a grenade,but Apocalypse

lets me do it instantly if i pause before (and if you consider that cheating,tell me).


I use whatever i have ready (which is usually a Dev Cannon,my primary weapon) ,and toss a stun grenade if i don't have a live one.


I find Autocannons useful for their LR Incendiary capabiliy (very useful when attacking assault ships).I usually keep only two (for one android to carry) though.


BTW,have you ever noticed that Structures in Apocalypse won't fall if you blast

their Base,but if you do the top they Collapse (Alien dimension maintenance building)!. :power:

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well about the cheating, no, i don't think it is. i do that all the time with 'nades and change ammo (auto cannon). plus, i cought the aliens out doing it! i paused to change ammo, and half a second to a second after while i was looking for the agent, an anthropod, which was facing in another direction in half run, suddenly stood normally and faced in another direction. i instantly knew he was throwing a 'nade. which takes me to another point that i will discuss in another thread...


btw, i thought alien buildings are indestructable! well, they are in my game!

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actually....i used to play alot of real time....but lately i've found it a bit easier to go with the turn based mode...it's a bit easier to dodge and get away from the missile whores...and what do the aliens do in the first place when they see u?...they toss a friggin boomeroid or vortex mine in your face..."here...hold this....stupid human...BWAHAHAHA!"...plus.....your reaction TU's will bust a popper before it gets to u.....IF u save some time and not use all of them at once....always gotta have some reaction TU's left....or else you're just a helpless target...it takes NO TU's to pull and prime a grenade...(which i usually only use impact one anywayz)....and only like 12 to toss it....and i usually will bust up a multiworm now with the dual toxi-guns....and then once the hyper worm lil bastards pop out of the stomach....just toss a regular AP grenade into the group....they'll all die...i swear it...lol....and also....in real time...if a micronoid aggregate spots u...it will control u right when it appears....but with the turns mode...u can find it...and it can't react...so just put a few pills in it with plasma or lawpistol rounds...
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lookie here what just happened...i psi a multiworm, i kill it and i get....surprise! 3 hyperworms! but the real this is that i get the hyperworm's face icons in my squad selection. and they see my units as enemys(yellow dots). even though i can see their icons, i still can't go to their equip screen or control them. neat bug, eh? if you want, i can send you the save file for your investigation.
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because at JK:JO II posting area it happened to me....then when i tried it here,bobby warned me about it happening here..we are'nt the only people looking through these forums...we got advertizers looking through this place also...do u see anybody elses email address in any other thread?...cause i sure as hell don't......just trying to protect him is all...


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Yes, automated web bots that scavenge e-mail addresses for unsolicited e-mail lists are all over the place. They just search through html files and search for anything that passes as an e-mail address.


One thing I'd recommend would be to go to your personal settings and place your e-mail address in there, thus anyone can e-mail you by just pressing the e-mail button on each one of your posts. The address, if I'm not mistaken, is stored in a database and should not be visible to scavenger bots.


Hmm. Reminds me of when I first made my webpage. I was so paranoid about these web bots that I had an entire page dedicated to fake e-mail addresses just to inconvenience them. I can't for the life of me remember what I did with it. Oh well. It was a silly exercise. :power:



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Oh yeah I forgot about that (Sorry) :power: . I guess I have to remember that not everone likes getting spam. I personnaly enjoy it, it gives me an excuse to reply to someone I don't know as rudely and obnoxiously as I wish.


And yes, I'm aware that 99% of people don't use their real e-mail adresses for spam and stuff like that. But there is always that 1%!

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sure niml. just wait, i'll send it to you in sec...


edit: i've changed my mind. the files unzipped are huge (about 4 meg) and zipped up are still a little too big for e-mail (bout 700 kb). i've chucked it onto my server here. any one can dl it, but its zipped.

Edited by Ki-tat Chung
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Well I'm exactly the opposite, I use turn based 4 everything coz I like the control (except of course when u think your agents r safe then a brain sucker pops up out of nowhere, then your screwed) But I use RTS 4 base defense cause the defence stations rip the aliens apart and I have never seen one get destroyed yet.

:power: I meant this 2 b at the end of the first page, 4 it to make sense read the first page but not the second. I didn't see that they're was a second page to the thread. :laugh: silly me

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Don't worry about most of the posts on the second page. All of it is irrelevant to the topic of discussion anyway. :laugh: I'm forwarding the motion that a moderator remove a majority of the off-topic posts on the second page just to keep the thread relatively shorter and on-topic. The sidetracked discussion appears to be resolved, so would that be acceptable for everyone involved if it was removed?


Also a pre-emptive reminder folks: This isn't the age-old real-time vs. turn-base debate. This is about what weapons you like to use to kill multiworms with. Of course, if you can explain how your preferred game mode and your weapon(s) of choice work together, then go ahead.




P. S: Nightshade, if you're having trouble with brainsuckers, here's a handy little tip that works in both real-time and turn-based. Brainsuckers cannot brainsuck prone soldiers. Instead, they end up stunning themselves.


It's a bit difficult to fathom, so if you want to be sure, run a test. Start a brand new game, head out on the first mission and at the first sign of trouble tell your soldier to crawl and make sure the soldier stays flat and does not kneel (the kneel button and turning while crawling makes you kneel, and standing in fire makes you get up and run away... so don't do that). Then wait for a brainsucker to come by and see what happens.


It's a bit unfair, but hey, the aliens aren't good sportsmen either. :power:

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