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Planetside 2

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In case you were thinking about buying a new FPS, think again. Planetside 2 is completely free, got good scores and is said not to need any microtransaction for the player to be successful.


Anyway, after my comp's fiasco when trying to play SotS2 I figured I need some time to get over it and so I installed Planetside 2. Again, my comp almost died on me. So... do tell what it is like if you tried it.

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Tried it - didn't like it - too much chaos, and don't worry even on the most powerful PC's you would stick with lowest details to have optimum performance and I mean 70-90FPS. If you want something good either buy FC3 (but in your case PC will die again) or Chivalry - it's constant fun of hacking and slashing and cutting out heads and limbs.
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