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Changing soldier's names


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Hey, I'm new here. Well, I've been reading guides and exploring. I have UFO: Aftershock and all I wanna do is change soldier's name. I've extracted gamedata.vfs and localizationpack.vfs. In localizationpack just searched for "Neil Douglas" and changed it for "Pepe Argento" (for example), and "Neil" (it was another record) for "Pepe". Then, in gamedata there were 3 files. Troopname.txt (I changed "Neil Douglas"), initial_squad.txt (again, changed "Neil Douglas"), and tutorial_squad.txt (the same). I inserted the files again on each .vfs but when I run the game, Neil Douglas is not any longer Neil Douglas, but neither Pepe Argento. It's random, he changes his name any time I start a new game. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!
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You did nothing wrong: Yes the game randomize the names.

The names will be randomly set by choosing in your mod.

What you can do intended in a new game is modifying the nicknames of your soldiers.

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