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Fighting Cowards

Psy Guy

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Well we all know (well those that play UFO/TFTD know) that aliens didn't run away from battle in the first two but in the third installment the aliens seem to be part chicken. How do you feel about enemies making a run for the exits?


Let me get the ball started. I don't like it at all. I think its kind of a jip when you go to stop the alien invadors and they go and run away. Then you got to go to one of the other building around that one and risk angering companies looking for a lone coward alien.


-PSY GUY- :power:

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raid missions i dont care... but when its a alien spotted mission i don't like it... means more infiltration in nearby buildings...


*shrugs* no matter, they seldom make it that far. *pats toxigun* :devil:

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Lone aliens I don't mind, as they'll die off in a few hours. Of course I do get worried if the infiltration level suddenly spikes for companies that have a nearby building, so off goes my public relations team.


It's when they run off in herds when I really get annoyed. I come in, guns blazing, and maybe clip a chryssalis or two, and then the mission ends as all the blue lumps of plastacine run off to the nutrivend mall next door for some synthetic-fish and chips.


Sometimes I just feel like cordoning off the entire area with soldiers before sending a team in to deal with the nasties.



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It is annoying when aliens leg it - especially when it's the one you've looking for the last 20 minutes! A stratagy that is connected is usable when your agents are getting low - check buildings for aliens as normal, then run away at the start. The aliens seem to spread into other buildings a bit, but their numbers usually stay low. This gives you time to hire new agents, and let old ones heal and train.
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  • 1 month later...
I really hate it when they run away like you all said because you can spend 20 mins looking for them and end up popping 2 or 3 eggs and then the mission suddenly finishes! The skeletoids are the worst for running on ufo missions!
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