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MEXCOMAP- [editing]


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I like to use XED myself, since it's rather fun for fooling around with the game from time to time.


I mean, you can use it to convert the loyalties of vehicles in the cityscape or you can even use it to put some fantastic weapon and equipment combinations in vehicles that are impossible to achieve.


You can even use it to 'heal' enemy units and convert them into permanent X-Com units for the rest of the mission.


I like to use it to put in a few dimension destabilisers, the disabled X-Com version of the disrupter beams that don't hurt anything, but rips up personal disrupter shields like paper. They're a lot more fun to use than the toxiguns, even though they behave exactly in the opposite manner.


It's also useful for fixing any corrupted base modules that tend to crash the game.


For a normal campaign, I like to use it for sorting your vehicles into manageable squads (one hawk, four hoverbikes, repeat, for example, or separating hybrid aircraft).


Can't say I've had much experience with the Midnight editor though, as it never ran on my computer. That's the real deciding factor.



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