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No suggestions thread?! I better start one.


No time to go through all threads right now, so please do excuse me if you find nothing new.


My suggestions:


1) Make all gear available to the team in the Skyranger before the mission, whether someone has it equipped or not.


2) I'd love to have the numbered shortcuts for the basic actions everyone can perform always the same. Fire=1, overwatch=2, reload=3 (if the weapon is full simply leave it out), hunker down=4. Constant changes are very annoying. Soldier specific actions can follow mixed, no problem.


3) If a move is not spent, have overwatch kick in automatic. If it is a sniper and can not move&shoot, have the pistol selected automatically and overwatch. Everything else is just additional clicks with no point whatsoever.


I'll think of more, now I have work to do.

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1. Any soldier de-selected for a mission needs to have all their gear go back into the collective inventory pool. Very annoying trying to find that squaddie who has the spare med kit!


2. Agree that snipers should automatically select their pistol for over watch if they have moved.


3. All weapons should have a free aim option, to shoot away cover. For both aliens and XCOM operatives.


4. Some mechanism for saving customised soldier names & faces etc. bit of a pain having to do it each time.



Does anyone else colour code the armour based on what role that soldier has? I seem to go yellow for heavies, red for support, blue for snipers and black for assault. Not really sure why I do that!

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I can't colour code because I didn't pre-order - no cool haircuts for me :(


However I do give people the more varied colours of hair so I can spot them more easily on the battlefield. I never remember their names, but always know who's who by hair colour.

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Ki-tata is right, alien spawn points don't exist in a fixed location until you trigger them. Try saving a game and then searching for an enemy spawn point. When you find it, reload the game and head there again. Chances are they will have moved somewhere else!
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Hrm.. my suggestions?


Improve the cutscene handling: I should be able to pause or skip any movie, and preferably be able to go back and watch them again later. Sometimes real life prevents you from giving the game you undivided attention, y'know?


Improve the soldier equipment handling: Now it seems the hunt for the last alien has been replaced with the hunt for the last medikit.

The way I see it is that no-one will build more kit than the 6 they need for their active team, so equipment is a shared resource.

If you return the kit to the stores when unassigning a soldier then you have to re-kit any time you chance soldiers, kinda old school UFO style. I would fix this by having equipment being returned to the pool, but having the soldier remember the assignments, so when reactivated it would grab the same gear, and highlight missing bits in red so you can do the juggling.

Oh, and also allow shifting through our active squad in the equip screen, just like when in the barracks, rather than having to back out and click edit unit again.


On Overwatch: I kinda like this being manual. There have been occasions (albeit rare) where I have chosen instead to hunker down most of my team to prevent them from killing the - by now - fragile alien that I am setting up to capture.


On paint schemes: Yeah, I started colouring my troops too: white for support (mostly medics), green for snipers, red for assault, and yellow for heavy (mostly for their inability to hit the blind side of a barn).

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Completely redesign the game! 360 vision, alien tele-patrols coupled with their free moves when spotted is just ridiculous design. Unfortunately if one those things is changed it makes a butterfly effect on whole game mechanics. As much as I hate how the game is designed it is designed very tightly and all elements have their mechanical place.


Sorry, I'm on a rant streak.


Some things that are easily fixed:

- make soldier's items available for others when he is removed from the squad

- mark tiles that have line of sight to seen aliens

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Give the Chryssalid an ability like Run&Gun the Assault class has. I've found often that, due to the new Action Point system, they end up running all the way across the map, and stand idly next to your troops drooling like idiots. Very easy to bait them into an ambush (depending on the map of course). That, coupled with the fact that Chryssalids are no longer insta-death to the touch and that you need to die from a direct attack and not the poison before you become a zombie means that, yes, they are much easier to deal with, but no longer as scary as they once were.


That said though, they now come in groups of three, so I dunno. My first play though on Normal, I only ever has civvies become zombies, and the only time a Chryssalid ever managed to land any damage on my troops directly was the first time I met them on a Terror Mission. Second time, indirectly, was when I accidently sent a trooper to stand on top of a civvie body which I had forgotten was implanted. I had assumed that zombies would be like the original in that they would resurrect on the same turn they're implanted... well when I ended my turn, the zombie spawned on the same tile as my solider, and he ended up on 2 HP =/

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Two more suggestions.


Pete's; Let the interceptors fly to other continents. How can a Mexican interceptor not act over USA?


Another; prevent the satellite launch to be an end-of-the-month exploit. An early launch should be rewarded with the percentage of the month already covered paid at the end of the month as a bonus to normal payout.


IMO we should combine the suggestions and post them where they count - at Firaxis forums. I'll try to round them up today, then we can find an agreement which suggestions are acceptable to all and present the pack as SC suggestions. If you have more to post, do so ASAP.

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