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Not to pollute Kickstarter thread more than necessary, I'm posting here.


While these last hours look a bit cheesy, the promised goal at 5.5 million looks too good to be true. As Matri posted, it is a carrier one can own and fly, after unlocking several solar systems as stretch goals the count simply jumped to 70, a shitload of flyable ships, and the list goes on and on.


This game will either be the greatest thing space sim genre has ever seen, or the greatest let-down. Fingers crossed for the first option.

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Done. Blew past the $6 Million! oh.gifcool.png


The battle is over and we - PC gamers, space sim fans, WingNuts, Lancers and the rest - have won. You've not only met every goal we set, you've exceeded them. Star Citizen will be released because of your dedication and your willingness to put your money where our mouths are. Our gratitude is immeasurable; we owe you our livelihoods and will not soon forget it.




New video:


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This does look very promising indeed. I don't think it'll be released for 2+ years (it mentions 24 months in the FAQ, I've not seen a schedule elsewhere) so that's plenty of time to upgrade hardware - my machine is very old now, but surprisingly still chugs on with Diablo 3, Civ V, etc.


Along these sorts of lines I loved the look of the Infinity Engine that some guy made (not the RPG engine, his space engine is appropriately named though so I almost forgive his transgression):



The whole galaxy is procedurally generated, like Elite/Frontier, and you can go down onto planets, etc. He seems to have found a publisher/another company to work with so it'll be interesting to see where it goes too. I don't think it'll have anywhere near the level of art direction Star Citizen will have though.

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