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  • Birthday 03/22/1982

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  1. I love it when someone who knows absolutely nothing about my country or its situation opens his mouth. The good news for us is, we're keeping all the female Polish immigrants. * Edited by moderation * The good news for Poland is, we're sending all the male Polish immigrants back immediately. Brexit. Justice for the Poles. They're going to get exactly what they deserve. http://www.huffingto...6no9sq7e4l07ldi They should never have been let into the country in the first place. Worse than Muslims.
  2. http://ustatkowanygracz.pl/making-of-this-war-of-mine-the-boardgame/ - This War of Mine comes to Cardboard Land.
  3. http://store.steampowered.com/app/323060/ - 34% off Tharsis for 24 hours.
  4. Not sure what I'm doing wrong when it comes to linking YT stuff.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNHlaQaTzpA
  6. Like Nuclear Throne, but better! http://youtu.be/ymqKkwqqkGM
  7. Zombie, it's okay, I'm friends with SV on Steam and he's got a hundred hours in on the Sims 3. Worst case of pot/kettle/black I've ever seen.
  8. They don't, though. There are denominations of Muslims just like any other religion. Expecting them to help out purely on the basis of co-religionism is a mistake; it's like saying all Christians are basically the same and should always help each other out. It just doesn't happen. http://lecourrierdumaghrebetdelorient.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/carte-1-octobre-D.jpg Such as? Such as? Do tell.
  9. It's statements like this that convince me of the solidity of your relationship, man. If you left this stuff out I'd worry. Rick and Morty offers some of the greatest comedy and surprisingly sincere feelings television has to offer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szzVlQ653as
  10. If we can focus on one country and get a clearer idea of what we're talking about, it makes it easier, rather than talking in general terms and allowing vagueness to creep in. Syria is probably the top contender, with a civilian population already hugely discontent thanks to Assad's rather vicious regime which has been running for decades now. So plenty of people wanted to leave anyway, then the Arab Spring was repressed, and then the Syrian civil war, and with large swathes of Syria being rock-bottom in population density, it means a great deal of the fighting is over, in and around population centres, which gives added impetus for populations to move. Added to this, you have the outright viciousness of sectarian conflict, with all sides quite prepared to kill civilians (depending upon who you believe), so it means if your area is captured, and you've been supporting the wrong side, you're more likely than average to get killed, combatant or not. This has led to more than 4 million refugees. Repatriation is unlikely given the above conditions, and even if things settled down, I don't think anyone would want to return to the loving arms of the Assad regime. The majority of them are in limbo in Turkey, a country which really has no interest in absorbing them. Erdogan has no interest other than using the crisis as a stick to beat the EU with. The EU as a whole is okay with internal immigration (apart from certain political parties, like one in the UK), but isn't so keen on it coming in from outside, and I think fears have been whipped up by certain organisations, and as a result there has been resistance to accepting immigrants, not because it can't be done, but because it makes it easy for others to score political points. From what I've read, about 1 million refugees/migrants reached Europe, and the EU just isn't prepared, in terms of logistics or mentality, to accept so many. It's not that it can't be done, Europe is big enough to cope with it easily, it's that they're a dirty consequence showing up on our doorstep which we'd rather not acknowledge, and the lack of unity in the EU makes it all the worse. We're still suffering and vulnerable economically, and each country also has its little foibles when it comes to refugees (e.g. certain countries in Eastern Europe are allergic to Muslims, or so they say), some have recent memories of horrific violence and are keen to keep a homogeneous population, etc. Recent terrorist attacks feed xenophobic attitudes (it doesn't matter if the terrorists are refugees or not, they only need to be vaguely alike in one way in order to be smeared with the same brush). I can safely say the Tories will do as little as they can get away with, despite the fact we continue to meddle in Syria and elsewhere. If the worst comes to the worst, the Tories will reposition and manipulate the issue to be part of a "the EU doesn't tell the UK what to do while we're in charge!" narrative.
  11. Despite an incredibly stupid online precis ("Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to" - no shit, really?), The Expanse is off to a promising start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lqz_oEWZEU
  12. I'm really quite enjoying Dying Light. https://www.facebook...797013730003168 It's not the graphic zombie killing, although I think that's one of the initial draws to get people playing. Later on you can craft, buy, or find weapons that make killing zombies nothing more than a single easy strike. It's for some of the best parkour in gaming since Mirror's Edge. Now, Techland's Dead Island was kind of a prototype, having free-roaming zombie-killing gameplay, and being mostly famous for its great trailer. Dying Light is a lot better, largely because the meat of the game isn't the slaying of the undead. They're there in large numbers, but really the zombies are another obstacle, along with the walls, fences, houses, cars and other terrain for you to free run over and around. Movement feels smooth and impossibly athletic, and with a few levels of upgrading, a featureless wall is no more an impediment than one covered in handholds. So it becomes about navigation and retaining momentum, planning the most efficient route on the fly, across a post-zombie apocalypse city under quarantine. Regular supply drops offer a good reason for runs, and although a lot of the game is fetch quests, they really don't matter so much as long as the movement itself is enjoyable. Added to this is a gorgeous mournful electronica soundtrack (this and Just Cause 3 are the only game soundtracks I have wanted to own in recent memory), plenty of dismemberment and gore if you want to get your hands dirty with ridiculous weapons, meaty sound effects, an extensive map to explore, and a decent sense of humour baked into the game's world, along with a kind-of successful attempt at the bleakness of such a petty Hell. Oh, and the real monsters come out at night. Mostly. It's technically a bit shonky, but I find that charming in a game, and I dearly love being chased by zombies. From Super Metroid onwards, very few games have succeeded in making me feel truly alone. Dying Light is one of them. Oh, and it has an expansion coming out! https://youtu.be/BQwLi21ZHK0
  13. FullAuto


  14. The Exiled: Siege. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPUhJAaV3ZA
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