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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. <<5 minutes before the previous post>> Yorke stepped out of his office, he'd combed back his hair, but no dobut it wouldn't last five minutes on the firing range. Thank heavens for his lack of vanity. He picked up his watch and medical kit, it paid to have everything available and on hand - especially given Terra's state. "Poor kid." He muttered as he checked he had everything and then he made his way out of the medical lab and onto the coridor he nodded to the few that had already set off to the firing range. Yawning he shook his head. It's gonna be long day <<0727>> Yorke now stood on the firing range looked around, he'd been here enough times and things hadn't changed an inch, he could see Kacur...and young miss Fleche. He didn't say anything but he frowned. He wasn't that keen on her being here, but hell every one deserved a second chance. But if she started to get very aggressive he'd have to talk to the Commander about giving everyone a timeout, with a bit of luck she won't blow another fuse. The Commander took up a position in front of the troops and announced his plans for today. Then handed over to Kacur.
  2. Yorke's comic strip! Above you'll find the link to my comics, and you'll see what Yorke's new body is!
  3. Isn't Shirley sexist, in a positive discriminatory way, after all, though they are sexless (well have had the bits removed) they might want to be called 'Bob' I instead think 'Sam' would be more suitable as you can be both male or female (or neighter) and be called Sam.
  4. Well, in the UFOpedia, under the section Aliens, you will find that it is spelt 'Ascidian' The Alien report was written by myself so I believe that to be the official way of spelling it (Unlike the Muton report which I do not consider official as it wasn't written by myself) Admittedly I started off writing it as Ascadian, but once you're told to change it too 'Ascidian' by the upper eschelons then you decide that this is the way. Ascidian - The intelligent way!
  5. Now then, I'm the bloke that plays the character of Doctor Ned Yorke, so if you medical attention yell, 'Medic' or 'Doc' or 'I say! I've been shot by the enemy and would appear to be in need of medical attention!' And either me, or one of hte other medics will come a running to help. Other than that - welcome aboard!
  6. "...Thus Corporal Terra Fleche will be under closer observation due to her recent actions [mentioned and detailed will eye witness accounts in the previous paragraphs] she will be under closer observation by myself. I believe her condition is in fact Post-Traumatic-Stress. I will offer to help her with this recent psycological development, but it is up to her. But if her condition worsens I will take steps to remove from active duty until she is psycologically fit for front line action. Signed Ned Yorke" He looked at the computer screen and then clicked 'save' the file (TF-1W9:PTS-Psycological Problems) was then uploaded to the core, as well as Fleche's personal medical record, both copies of which were in fact only accessable by himself, the CO and the XO. "Bloody hell it's late." He looked to his watch. "11pm." He yawned and then put the computer on standby mode, then removing his lab coat he set up his hammock in his office and got in, looking up at the ceiling Yorke frowned, this was the first serious case of PTS, and to be quite frank he was surprised their wern't more...that or he hadn't spotted it yet. Yorke reached out for his note pad and noted down that he'll need to arrange a time where he could discuss, individually with each trooper, including the CO, XO and squad/department heads, and see if he could spot any signs of PTS and other such conditions -especially those that had been taken prisioner or had seen a lot of combat action. No doubt the whole team here is suffering from it. He placed the pad down and rolled over and soon fell to sleep. As he lay in his hammock he tossed and turned, cold beads of sweat glistened as it rolled down the side of his head. "Hold on..." He murmered in his sleep, his rate of breathing accelerated. "No..." This time a little louder, he then started to shake his head quickly from side to side. "No...no..." Silence, other than the hum of the cooling systems in the mortury nothing else made a sound. "NO" His eyes opened, he bolted up looking for a potential threat. Nothing, just himself and his dreams. "7th time this month..." Thankfully he was a good distance from the personnel quarters, so no body would hear him. He shook his head, it was nothing, just a bad dream, he then lay back down and fell to sleep, tommorow was going to be a exhaustive day. This time he had no dreams, he just lay asleep.
  7. Vote for me! I am responsable for keeping you lot all alive!
  8. No, I've just got the motheboard's sound, which is a VIA AC'97 Audio Controller, but the settings for SBpro emulator are available in the bios and I did try to get it to work a number of years ago, but that failed...but I shall try once more!
  9. Not yet, I'm assuming you mean the the one that came with your motherboard?
  10. He turned his head halfway to look at Kacur. "Jackson's condition has stablised, his internal bleeding is under control, though he'll be off the active combat list for a bit," Then he stood up and walked over to the medical table and picked up a syrginge, he spoke as he flicked it a few times. "Necro's leg I'll look at in a moment, but firstly I'm going to to make sure that Terra here," He pointed to her, even though he'd been looking at her the whole time. "Isn't to badly wounded." Yorke walked back over to Terra and knelt down. "This compared to the pain you went through when that alien ripped through your lower abodomen, will feel..." He looked up as if searching for the right word. Then he settled on something rather blunt. "Numb." He slid the into the area around the wound, the local anasethetic's would of started to work instantly. Then Yorke drew out the needle and placed it on the medical table. He then began to run his hands around from the edges of the wound to her back and then back around to the front again. "Right, I'll just bandage you up, we can't really afford to use med-packs on mild injuries these days, so hold on." Yorke stood up and walked over to the medical racks. He pulled out a roll of medical bandage's and some items to close the wounds and walked back to the two, who stopped their conversation rather abruptly when Yorke came back. "You to don't have to to stop talking on my account you know." Said Yorke, a little hurt but used to it now, people stopping their conversations. Yorke then pulled out a digital camera. "You wouldn't mind to much if I got some photo's of the wound do you?" She started to nod and then Yorke snapped off a few photo's of the claw wounds, he'd be able to study the images later on and get an idea of how this alien, which had an odd resemblance to a Chrysallid, attacked and what kinds of injuries it could and would inflict. Once the photo's were taken, and the wound dealt with he looked at his handiwork with admiration, and then too Fleche. "Well, that should be okay for now, you'll have to come back to see me tommorow morning just to change the dressing and make sure everything's fine. Also if you have any problems, odd pains, concerns, odd dreams, strange feelings towards others, then come and see me." And just to hit the point home. "I've had people mention the odd pain or two to friends but not to me and next morning they've ended up dead." He helped her up onto two feet. "Also if you ended up dead, who'd help me keep Jacko in one piece, also I've yet to introduce you to the interesting world of alien autospies, so in the mean time, relax and take it easy." Some would thin he was being quite hard on Fleche but she had medical training, hence she was the worst kind of patient. "Kacur, two things, one these new aliens, they seem to bear a resemblance to the Chrysallid, now I havn't seen anything from the Acidian corpses or these aliens that would indicate an ability to impregnate, but caution would be advised. Also keep Fleche away from the firing range, training rooms, infact - anywhere where she might strain herself." He then looked to the two. "Right anything else?"
  11. I've got the muton corpse covered, it as ever is a 'work' in progress, a piece of art, poetry in motion...okay I'm getting a little carried away....
  12. Hmmm, thus never signing out would mean that we are trapped for all eternity on XTC's boards!! ...cool. (No I am not that ignorant, I do know that you can leave XTC if you tell the board to keep you or remember you)
  13. Music I listen depends on if I using WinAmp or the Yamaha, if it's the former then it's a mixture of everything, a few theme/mood (enviroment) songs for some FPS and other games, meanwhile if its the former then it's a mixute of lots, including the music off UFO and such.
  14. Hmmm, looks like you need to Format C: /s and get Windows 98SE, failing that, install Apoc in DOS and run it in DOS. You probably won't have sound unless you have a SB card that is backwards compatible. As for Interceptor I liked it, it was a good game, not a perfect game but a quality X-Com experience, and an original game, space flight sim/strategy, with a hint of RPG. As for Enforcer I have only seen two copies, one in a games store, one in a car boot sale. But I havn't played it so I cannot say what its like. But from what I've seen it really doesn't have the spirit of X-Com, it's just run, shoot, shoot some more, and run. If it had been a FPS/Strategy game then it would be good, but, alas... That appeared to of died in Alliance. Then there was Genesis...
  15. <<We're all very mean arn't we! Anyway, carrying on with the autospy...>> "Okay...lets see what we have here?" He open it up and reached in with his hand, then pushing aside something he shoved his arm deeper in. He squeezed something, and then licked his lips. "Ah-hah" He then pulled it out, he peeled it and bit into it, then closing the fridge in his office he returned to the autospy/mortury room. With a banana in one hand and a mug of tea in the other he looked into the chest cavity of McBenneth, he'd already opened up the thoracic cage, and had started a indepth check and study of McBenneth's organs. Taking another chunk out of the banana he frowned, he'd begun a toxicology check, the results from that would take a while, however the plasma wound that he'd suffered didn't appear to be a fatal wound, or at least, it didn't kill him straight off, fluids in the lungs suggested to Yorke that his resiprator system was still on the go, and the alien medical device markings also suggested that they had tried to drain the lungs of the fluids. "Right side ribs, 5, 6 and 7 have been broken at both the sternum and the 5th, 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, the bruising is consistant with that of a heavy blow to the chest," Peering into the chest he put the banana down on the medical tray and picked up a long tweezer, then pushing one of the broken ribs to one side. "The 3 broke ribs would appear to be the cause of the punctured the pleura" -Covering of the lungs- "of the lungs." Taking a sip out of the mug of tea. "And the pneumothorax," Collasped lung. "Was most likely the cause of the death." He paused and picked up the banana and finished it off. Walking over to the bin he dropped the skin into it. And returned to the body. He would always snack through an autospy, he'd noticed this behavioural trait of his. "Thank god I'm not a shrink." He muttered under his breath. "However there is one unaccounted past wounds which have resulted in scaring. The scar I noticed was consistant with .40 FMJ round." He looked at the scar on McBenneth's right arm. "The thing is that .40 FMJ rounds are not used by X-Com. Which is an interesting anamoaly, I shall investigate this further, see if there is any other evidence of any other unaccounted wounds." He tipped the tea into his mouth and swallowed. "But first I'm gonna get me a snack."
  16. Just another idea that I'm throwing in the direction of the wind... One word: Medals. My suggestion is that they could be awarded In Character and Out of Character.
  17. Oooo!! New features!!! yay! Cool, well I'm not to bothered either way, a lighter background would be okay, after all it'ud make a change, but if the black background returns then that'll be just as good. Either way as long as the forum is stable I'm not gonna complain what colour it is!
  18. Sounds like an idea this injury system, and it does reflect the X-Com we know and love, where one plasma wound if it didn't kill the person would have them out of action for best part of the year, unfortunatly we don't have the luxery that AW1 troops had with replacements!
  19. After Terra had left Yorke pulled out his pad and pencil. "Young'uns." He said in an ironic tone, Yorke was the oldest in the team, even older than Scott by one year. He chuckled as he shook his head. He started to write something down but then stopped midway through. He wasn't in the mood to get on with what he was doing before Terra had came over. Yorke still hadn't gotten the chance to know Fléche since she'd joined. Though it was the work that most thought that made Yorke the loner it was really the fact that at the start of mission - the mission to Cydonia to recover Eleurium he'd gotten to know some of those that were part of the team. Now they were dead. Since then Yorke had made a point to distance himself from the others it made the deaths that occured easier to deal with. The troopers, the engineers the CO's and the others had only to deal with their friend's absense, with seeing the body once or twice, with the funeral. Yorke had to perform a post-mortem on the deceased, and it was easier when they were just a face, a voice, a personality that he knew only in passing. But even the fact that he'd worked along side them at one point made it hard enough. Doctor Ned Yorke finshed off his coffee and looked to the table. He thought about Terra's expression on her face. Yorke didn't know much about how she came to join the Kabron Pirates or X-Com. But the look on her face when he looked at her...looked pained. He'd have to make a point about finding about what was bothering her - he hoped it wasn't him! With a half frown, half smile. "Yorke, you are getting soft in your old age." After finshing off his breakfasth and putting his bowl, mug and cutlery in the wash tub he made his way down to the lift. He'd probably start the post-mortem on one of the dead X-Com troopers that had died last mission. But he decided to pop into and check on the aliens in containment first. The first two cells contained the Etheral and Muton, both restrained and sedated, the medical readings showed that they were fine, the pulse rate on the Etheral was lower than average. the next two cells held the Sectiod Medic and Navigator, and it was the former of the two that interested him. He looked into the cell and onto the Sectiod Medic. "Release me." It spoke in a strained rasping voice. Seeing that the person had not responded to it it changed tack. "You and I are not that different." "True." A shiver ran down his back, the sectiod knew that Yorke was a Doctor. They both practiced medicine, they both performed autospies and probably did research. "And you are the enemy just as I am to you." He took one last look at the sectiod and then left alien containment. "Well lets get on with this." He said to either the body or no-one else. He withdrew his X-Com hand gun, checked that it was fully loaded and then set it down within easy reach on the medical tray, alongside he put the tape recorder. Stating the time, date, he started doing the external. "I am now going to start doing a External study of Private Joey McBenneth." The plasma wound to his upper chest was immediatly obivious it had gone down quite deep, on the arm there was some scar tissue which intered him, everything he did was followed shortly by commentry. He noted down the marks made by the alien medical devices that they'd used on him. Really he should of asked either one of the medics or scientists to give him a hand, but he didn't want to bother them or make them suffer having to see a friend being cut up. Yorke had decided that one of these days however Fléche would give him a hand with the Muton corpse, she seemed to a have a level head, and it would be a good oppurtunity for her to get anything off her chest that was bothering her. "Good looking lady too." He muttered. Great, now that's been recorded and put into storage for all time! He then started to inspect the scar he hadn't recieved any wound on that arm, and he hadn't seen the scar before, but either way it was old. <<And thus we see into the life of Yorke in the mortury>>
  20. "Mental note...don't sleep on the dissection table." He sat up and pushed himself off the table, which he'd cut up many a corpse up on, he looked to that table and chuckled. "At least the dead don't complain." The medical labs were always a lonely place, except for after-mission check ups and the regular weekly injuries. The loneliness didn't bother him, he'd been quite the loner since the start of the mission. He got on fine with others but he wasn't bothered if he had company or not but sometimes he preferred the silence. He looked over to the body storage freezers, 4 of them were filled with corpses of an alien nature, one of them being the 'Muton', but today it also held the bodies of faces that he knew, McBenneth, McCarthy and McBurke - they were beyond help and would probably be buried after he'd done a post-mortem on them - he was not looking forward to that. That fact and the dead aliens were the only real down sides to using the medical-labs as his quarters, he'd often string up a hammock in his office for sleeping and take a shower in the medical showers that would normally be used before and after medical operations and autospies, but as he did every morning, he got into the shower and five minutes later he stepped out, then got dressed and then made his way down to the mess hall for breakfast. Before he left the medical labs he checked his computer, most of the injured from the previous mission would need nothing more than a check up, Rallwell was doing fine, the wound wasn't a deep one which made the job all the more easier. Jackson's leg was on the mend, he'd have regained full use of his leg before the week was out, and the other few injuries that the others suffered were nothing serious but they'd be given a check up eventually, he picked up his note pad and sighed. "Just another day." He flipped the lights switch and took another look around the medical labs then walked down the corridors to the lift. The lower levels of the base were always quiet, and would often allow him to wander about and think about things that were troubling him, but today he just walked up to the lift, got in, pressed the button, then stepped out of the lift onto the main level. As he made his way down to the mess hall he saw Fléche and Scott chatting away. Miss Fléche or Private Fléche, had so far proven to be a most excellent combat medic, though he hadn't yet had a chance to get to know her that well, but like he saw on the mission Fléche was a good medic. Rallwell though she too was a medic she spent most of her time with machines or doing something related to engineering. "Morning Terra, morning Scott." He said smiling to the two or at least that what he told himself. Scott and Fléche both said morning to him. Yorke guessed they returned to whatever conversation they were having as he entered the mess hall. He said morning to a few people who returned it, and most of the NAO personnel were up and at the tables having breakfast. Yorke grabbed a bowl of cereal and poured some milk on it then he collected a mug of coffee. Yorke set his bowl and mug on a table that had no-one sat at it, he looked to the notepad and then pulled out a pencil and started writing some notes down about the Muton, occasionally pausing to take a spoon full of cereal or a sip of coffee. <<I was going to post this earlier but I got a 500, which buggered it all up!!If anyone wants to join Yorke at the table then please do, he'll put aside the notepad and pencil and listen and chat - oh and don't get too excited about me posting here!!>>
  21. Okay I'm looking at getting a sound card for my computer, the reason being is that I want it to work with X-Com Apoc, so obviously I'm looking at a Sound Blaster, however the question is does anybody out there know if a Sound Blaster 5.1 Live OEM works with X-Com Apoc? Failing that could somebody recommend a soundcard that is relativly new that does. I've tried using my mother board's SB pro emulator but that did not work...so if you know any SB pro emulators that can be run from DOS that would be welcome. And finally, can someone please tell me which MS-DOS patch I need to get around the Runtime 200 error? as there are several patches out there but no clear indication as to which one!! Thanks guys and gals!
  22. Ego Terrorist

    The Facts

    *raises eyebrow* I would like to say before anybody reads this I am not getting at anybody, this is for everyone to read, and here I am putting my views on XCAS, and that if anybody does take offence at this, then you are either feeling very strongly about what I've just commented on (guilt, anger, innocence) Or you need to lighten up. Anyway... Okay, I've been simming with XCAS since it first started, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. In my time simming with XCAS there have been periods of inactivity even lenghty ones, where absolutly no sims have occured, and in this time I've learned may things. One: Real-Life is ALWAYS more important than the sim. You do have a family, you do have real-life friends and you do have responsabilities. If you can balance out you life to incorparte all of the above and the sim then my hat goes off to you. HOWEVER. Not everyone can do that, real-life may prove to be throwing everything that it can at you, during the recent 6 month period I have missed sims repeatedly, this was due to coursework, revision and exams. All of those three things will be what defines my future. And because of this I do not apologise for my absenses, as thse are much more important. BUT yet I have tried to show up, I will if chance provides, but others have not, shown up as of recent. I resent any remark that the simmers of XCAS are not commited. Jacko, Necro, Dragonhawk, Ionmage, myself and several others have been with XCAS for a long time and to say that because of important real-life responabilities we are not commited is well hurtful to say the least. But the rest of the team - and lets face it XCAS is, and always will be a team collaberation. (I shall come back to this point later.) And this team has done well, and I say that we all are commited, we are not signed to any contract saying that we must do this, and we must do that - XCAS has been built through volunteering our time and giving our effort for the team. I noted that Loonie did comment on why Skonar left. Skonar and myself do talk and he has told me why he did leave XCAS, but Loonie, if you ask anyone that knows him well and whom are a part of XCAS you'll find that he didn't believe that we are not commited. Okay, now my next point... Two: XCAS to me is not about simming, it is not about X-Com, it is not about showing up, or not showing up. Nor is it something that should be viewed as something about commitment. MY opinion of XCAS and what XCAS has meant to me over the years is friendship. I have, through XCAS, formed many friendships that I would not of otherwise made through XTC, or Xcommand, and it has allowed me to keep these friendships going, and I consider that everyone that sims either in mIRC, on the board, or have since left XCAS a friend. Whether the feeling is mutual is I suppose unknown, as over the medium of the Internet the friends that I've made I've never seen the face of, and they have not seen the face of myself. (Though there have been some notable exceptions...) Which suggests a level of trust, as we do not meet them in the flesh, only in text. The point I'm getting at here, is that to be a part of XCAS you have to...shall we say, take a leap in the dark. And not just the simmers but the leaders too. If they do not trust, those that sim with them then the sim will quickly fail. So leaders, trust those that sim with you, never criticise, never put down the sim, or the simmers. Why? Because it serves no purpose, other than to demoralise, and create tesion which is not needed. And in the end we all loose out to it. Instead. Lead not by example, but by support, by being pro-active by being positive. Yes there are some things which you cannot be positive about, but instead of damning everyone, talk about it, discuss it, and most of all hear *everyones* point of view and then from that you can do more good for the sim as you know 'why'. Three: As I mentioned earlier. XCAS is a team effort. No one person, or two can make XCAS a sucess. They can only worsen things because they are overstretching theirself. Instead, rely on the team. Work alongside, instead of for or against us. Everyone has their strenghts and weaknesses and a good leader will take advantage of them. Lets face it I am not leadership material. However there are others who are, in my opinion Dragonhawk and Ghost are excellent leadership material. And instead of having them as your subordinates, treat them as your equals, they have been simming for a long time with XCAS and know it's simmers and the sim better than almost anybody else. Active leadership and active roles are needed. Just remember that people do not like being told what to do. Orders are only ever given 'in sim' out of sim's we only ask, them to do it, and paitence is needed, because as I said, before, we still have real-life commitments. In my opinion you shouldn't expect, to have...as Dragonhawk put it: 'praise of your peers' nor should this be your driving force. Because your fellow simmers do not sim for respect, or praise. I don't know what personal agenda's are but mine is, simiply that I enjoy simming with people from around the world. Okay, I'm starting to run out of good points. Four: Jacko need's to get shot, it has been ages!! since he drew bullets towards him...and I'm starting to feel a little useless As it's been ages since I had to patch him up!! Five: Simming should be a fun time not serious time. Regardless of how many show up, or post on the forum. It's what you make of it that count, if you have even just two people present you can still have damned good sim, it's what you make of what you have. Anyway I've ran out of things to say for now, I might comment on way's I see we could improve the sim later on but right now I'm going to go off and relax. As for the meeting this saturday, I won't be coming, yes I've finshed my exams, but it is the 28th of June, hence I am 18. Also tommorow it's the prom night so I've got that to go to, and we're celebrating me birthday so I'm gonna be bloody well knackered at the end. But if I get the chance I'll show up! Anyway, lets not let this create some un-needed tension between us! More to come later!
  23. You know what my advise is? Format C: /s (Also that is what I am going to have to do to my Comp...bah!)
  24. You know in the apoc game your troopers could climb, however that was dropped unfortunatly, also there are several weapons that arn't used, aswell as prision cells, advance alien containment and a few others. I've come across some interesting 'background' images that suggest that the game also missed out a few other features...though what they are is unknown. My favourite mod todate was a simple reskin of the toxi pistol into a toxi rifle, it looks a lot more cooler now. Though due to the fact that my computer is faster that 200mhz (1.2ghz) I can't use the apoc util proggie! Bah!
  25. Because I forgot that Geocities does not allow a person to preview an image off geocities - in other words thou canst not view image on a weboard that thou hath linked too off site, but thou can viewth on geocities. I think it's to prevent people from 'abusing' the free webspace by just using to host images on and not actually create a webpage... :angel:
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