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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. Yorke nodded and picked up a datasheet with various numbers, names and abbrviations on it. "Well, most of the critical injuries have been stabilised, so most of them are off the danger list, two however arn't and to be quite frank we need to get them to a proper medical facilities, as right now I can't do anything about them other than try and stablise their conditions." "Right." He paused and then picked up another sheet. "Which brings me onto Howardson." He pointed to the comatosed Sergeant. "I want to put him into cyrogenic freezing, his condition will not improve while he is on the Patton, I can't do much else with him here, and he's taking up valuable bed space and time which given the conditions I can't really deal with it." "As for the other injuried X-Com soldiers, well most of the injuries I've managed to deal with so far, however it is the psycological damage that is what I'm worried about, constant engagements and losses of their comrades." He was now so used to speaking in such a detached manner. "Is taking it's toll. As I've stated in my medical report, I'm concerned about Kacur in particular, but generally speaking the team as a whole is starting to crack under the pressure. Hell some time's I wonder if I'm suffering from PTS or am starting to crack, but needless to say, we can leave this problem for so long but the cracks could shatter or they could just hold together, basically the sooner we get some r&r" He wasn't going to say the obvious and say 'the sooner we get back to Earth' cause he knew it was nowadays more of a case of 'if' rather than 'when'. "I'll be able to deal with the PTS and those that I believe are suffering from it." But Yorke knew that even if he was able to repair the damage the scars would be perminant. "So other than a rather lenghtly list of requested medical supplies and equipment for production by engineering there isn't really much else, expect for the things I've already mentioned."
  2. Well though it bear an odd resemblance to the method of manufacturing weapons in UFO:AM... I like it, and you've got my backing on this issue, but let's flesh it out, figure out how it will work and how to implement it while we're out on the Patton and when we get back to the NAO let's give it a trial run.
  3. "That would quite likely be a good idea, even though I know how much you have work on this entire place not becoming a total nuthouse. Allright....but if you need anything just call." "Will do sir." Said Yorke as he watched as the Lieutenant walk off to his quarters, like he noted earlier he'd have to make a point of chatting to the Lieutenant, but that would have to be saved for another time. Frowning Yorke turned about and walked back into the medical bay, he entered his office, Xiggores and Shadow were stood to attention in front of his desk. Yorke walked along and sat on the edge of his desk. "Gentlemen, the behaviour that I have seen from the two of you has been to put it lightly - unprofessional." He raised a finger up before Shaodw spoke a word. "I am not talking about just today's events, but the past as well. You two have been at each other's throat's since you first met. Which does not bode well, you two are going to have to get along with each other and learn to work as a team. That or you could end up taking a plasma bolt beacuse one of you two - or both of you wern't working as a team." Yorke paused for a moment and pushed himself off the table and faced the two men. "However, if you excuse the term, let's get back to the business at hand." He looked to Xiggores. "Corporal Goorit, you stated that you believe that Private Xiggores here sabotaged your bionic arm?" "Yes sir." "Corporal Goorit, I want a full incident report form filled out and on my desk by tommorow morning, unless you have anything to add, you are dismissed." Said Yorke awaiting Goorit's response. <<Bwhahahahaha! Let the fun begin... ^^ >>
  4. Then Jonathan turned to the lieutenant. "It's your call, sir, what do you think?" He asked. Yorke coughed and stepped forward, though he wasn't the senior office present it was his duty to deal with this. "Actually Corporal it's my call, Private Xiggores' is part of the support services hence is my responsability." Yorke then looked to Xiggores and then Goorit. "Both of you two my office now." The two men stood for a moment slightly taken aback by the Doctor's unexpected intervention. "You heard me - move it" He wasn't happy with Shadow and Xig's both were constantly at each other throats and this was the final straw for Yorke. He watched as the two saluted and made there way into the medical bay and into Yorke's office, Yorke then turned to the Lieutenant. "Like I said sir, Xiggores is my problem sir, I know Shadow is yours but I'll deal with this, you should get some R&R."
  5. << lol, foul play, but as Bob states I didn't factor in that so really if every one is happy with foulplay, then I've got no problem with it >> "Okey-dokey." replied Yorke and turned around as Martin began to make his way out. But as he was at the door's threshold the Lieutenant turned around and faced Yorke again, a hint of gratefulness and a pinch of shame in his voice: "And thank you for taking over command during the time I froze up in the field.....if it wasn't for you the entire team might've been vaccumed..." Yorke nodded and smiled. "Ah, hell, no need to thank me...and no need to blame yourself for anything - we're only human." He then watched as the Lieutenant stepped out of the medical room and out into the corridor. Yorke then made his way to his seat and sat down, he groaned, at forty years old he was supposed to be off the active combat roster, after the Mars mission Yorke had planned to go into an early retirement. Now he was stuck out here with a team that was slowly falling apart due ot the stress of everything that was happening, and Yorke felt like he was the only thing that kept it falling apart. He picked up his tape recorder and pressed record. "Note to self, get a chance to talk more fully with the Lieutenant, could be PTS, could just be he's blaming himself, either way he-" Yorke heard a commotion outside and pressed stop, stood up and walked over to the door. "He-He's trying to kill me" Was the voice Yorke heard as he openned the door. At the same time Shadow ran around the corner coming to a sudden stop and Kacur did look quite unimpressed, Xiggores panted for a few moments trying to get his breath back. Yorke looked to the corporal and then the private. "What the bloody hell is going on here?" "He's trying to kill me." A pause from Xiggores then. "Sir." "Yes, so I've noticed." He then looked over to Shadow taking off his glasses and rubbing hte bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. "Why are you trying to kill Private Christopher Xiggores?"
  6. Before Lieutenant Kacur could get a word in Yorke started to speak. "Corporal, it would appear that your arm is getting confused with your sub-conscious thoughts, or even thought that you think of consciously but do not act on...does any of this sound familiar?" "Yes sir." Replied Goorit who quickly brought himself to attention, though his mechanical arm just hung limp while he ordered his body. "There was an...incident...with Corporal Rallwell, sir." "Hmm." Yorke looked to the arm thoughtfully and then looked over to the Lieutenant who just stood their observing. "But the more violent actions...panic, I presume caused that, neuron's firing all over the place...it's an incredibly complex process that take place when you lift or handle anything." Spoke Yorke as he removed one of the plates and started to turn a screw that was linked to several ribbon cables. "You see the problem we have here is that your arm can't discriminate between thought's that stimulate motor neurons and actually cause a response, and thought's that though they're not meant to cause a response from your arm - they still stimulate the neurons." Yorke then removed two cables and swapped them around. "It's a temporary measure but it should hold, but like I say you'll have to train your mind, and get used to the new arm, no more hard labour with that arm, and no more work in Zero-G as well - cause I bet that's what set this all off. Right, see me later on, dismissed." And on that note the Corporal left the room very quickly saluting to the Lieutenant and taking a very wide berth. Once Goorit had left the medical bay Yorke saluted the Lieutenant he then straightened himself up and spoke. "So what did the young mister Goorit do to you?" "He stuck his middle finger up at me, but I suppose given that his arm had a mechanical problem..." "Ah, the finger sticking bit that wasn't so much an error more of a 'Freudian gesture'." Quipped the Doctor. Seeing the lack of comprehension on the Lieutenant's face Yorke started to elaborate. "You've heard of the Freudian slip where a person actually say's what they desire or what they're really thinking...well his arm and hand displayed what he was thinking or what he desired to do, though he may not be actually aware of it himself. Hence the term 'Freudian gesture'." Yorke couldn't tell if the Lieutenant's face was darkening or lightening, either way... Yorke turned to his desk for a moment and picked up the photo that he'd been looking at earlier on he half smiled at the person on the photo he then placed the photo carefully into the second draw down and fixed his gaze on the Lieutenant. "So then Lieutenant...other than crucifying Goorit. What can I help you with?"
  7. "Hey Doc, how are things holding up where you are?" Asked Rallwell over the comm. Yorke remembered that she was located some where on the Patton's hull. Yorke himself was in the medical bay stood by the comatosed form of Howardson. Yorke scanned over the medical readout's that were coming from the various medical sensor's that were arrayed around Howardson. He tapped his comm's transmit button and spoke. "How are things in here? Well, Howardson's suffered some pretty extensive third degree burns from the electrical discharge, he also suffered some minor fractures, and a whole swathe of other problems." He paused as he noted down a slight irregularity in the heart beat's, but they soon returned to normal. "Other than that he's stable, though in a comatosed state, his brain functions aren't anywhere near as active as it should be." "That bad." Said Rallwell, over the comm. "Yes, truth is, the medical facilities here arn't designed for this kind of trauma, when and if he regain's consiousness he'll need major reconstructive surgery, and I'm not sure how to deal with the numbness as many of his nerve's along the exposed parts of his body were fried..." Yorke pondered for a moment. "..But yes, if something this bad was to of happened during the Mars mission he would of been placed in cryogenic, I can deal with the burns but the coma, that's in his hand's. But other than that thing's are holding up well." Yorke then strode over to his desk and sat down, he opened the second drawer and picked up a photo he looked to it and smiled, happier day's. "I'm getting too old for all of this." Muttered Yorke under his breath. Placing the photo on the desk Yorke sighed, he'd have to see Kacur, and most of the team and help them deal with the effect's of the losses of Ilyuschenko and Volkernas. Ilyuschenko's death hadn't hit Yorke as hard as Volkernas' had, he'd been montioring Volkernas' life signs and visual progress as the soldier entered the atmosphere, and began to burn up. You could only detach yourself from the reality of his plight so much, but then you had to. He'd heard some of the troop's and watched as they tried in someway to get over the death's either through a kind of denial to out right shock. But given time...given time...it would be put behind them, but still there would be more death's, that was the perverse nature of this all, the death's would continue and this cycle would only end once everyone was death or once they were back on Earth. "Anyway, how are thing's on your end of the spectrum?"
  8. I thought that in CZ's case his excessive insanity has caused him to be sane...
  9. Um...or not as the case maybe...especially given hte fact that our beloved Kacur would undoubtedly take part in it and that is really too cruel... Just out of interest before we pass judgement on CZ...why are we? What is this heinous crime that has been commited that require's such punishment?
  10. "Aye, well don't push yourself with the arm for the next few day's the nerves and brain have to re-adjust to your new arm. Other than that you'll be fine, come and see me tommorow so we can check how you're coping." Said Yorke as he admired his handy work. Constructing the arm was the easy bit, and hte bit that done by engineering. However actually contecting the nervous system to the NS-EM system took longer, after all he had to regrow the nerve endings that had been badly toasted, and then he had to make the nerve's actually wire into the nano filament wire's that would connect to the arm's computer which in turn would decode electrical signal's from the brain. At the same time the device would also be providing some feedback, such as touch (pressure sensitive switch's were located all along the arm but his hand was covered in them) temperature was something that would have to be worked on, but for now, touch and actually being able to control the arm would all he'd need for now. Jonathan saluted, Yorke returned the salute, then the young corporal left. A few minute's later Yorke walked voer to his desk and sat down, he pulled open the third from bottom drawer and picked up a flask. He unsrewed the lid off and took a swig, he coughed as the whisky burned down his throat. "Bloody hell." Was all he muttered as he put the flask back. "You, Yorke, screwed up big time." He said as he typed up the medical report. He couldn't believe how badly the mission went, the shit had hit the fan before they'd even started. Yorke looked up as he heard the door open to the medical room. "Sir." Said Yorke when he saw who had came through the door - Kacur.
  11. “Okay I am now starting to cut through the chest carapace with the laser scalpel.” The laser burnt a bright white and where it made contact wisps of smoke wafted upwards. “The carapace armour seems to me to be easier to penetrate with the high intensity laser beam compared to that of say a Chyrsallid or a Muton.” He drew the scalpel down the chest until he reached the bottom. “I am now beginning to open up the chest.” Yorke placed the medical equivalent of a crow bar into the cut and then started to try and pry it open. He applied pressure and grunted as he pressed down. “Bloody hell.” Yorke let go of the bar. “It looks like I’ll have to completely remove the chest plate, should of thought about that in the first place. Idiot.” After chiding himself he picked up the scalpel and began cutting a rectangle around the chest. Once he’d finished cutting away he lifted the first piece of carapace armour he lifted it and then found that he’d have to cut away some tissue and god-knows what off the carapaces softer interior. The same had to be done with the second piece. “Right well the chest cavity is now exposed and I can now see into the interior. Initial views show a similar arrangement of the respirator system that also doubles as the heart – the cardio vascular system.” Yorke started to whistle something, out of tune, as he worked his way deeper into the creature, he talked through each procedure and what he found. His stomach started to rumble and at that point Yorke put down his tools and removed his surgical gloves. “I think it’s time I found some food.” He looked at his watch. “Bugger me, talk about burning the midnight oil.” The time was midnight, local time, so Yorke quickly reached over the corpse of the Phaser and picked up his half eaten sandwich from diner time and started to eat, while he chewed away at the sandwich he looked at the Phaser and contemplated what he would be doing to it tomorrow. He paused for a moment and put on a glove onto his right hand while he held his sandwich in the other. Then he took another mouthful and placed his right hand inside and peered into the chest. “Hmm.” He said as he chewed on the tuna mayo sandwich, he swallowed and walked over to the recorder that was still recording. “Note: Examine the lower chest in more detail in the morning…after I do some more chemical analysis of the Utopia Weed.” And on that note Yorke made his way to his office. And as per usual each night, he took out his hammock and strung it up between some attached to either side of the walls. He took of his lab coat and changed into his sleeping kit, then he grabbed some sheets from within the second drawer in the filing cabinet and placed them over the hammock. Then getting under the sheet’s he shuffled about until he was comfortable and soon drifted off to sleep.
  12. Did you know that the first bit in 'Lennard-Jones' is actually a the actor's name that played Spocks Father (Incidently the Dr McCoy's first name is Leonard!) While McCoy was played by a person called Jones... ...the plot thickens...
  13. Ah, well I suppose I shall vote: I am quite happy with you as admin as long as you're happy with the positon and responsability, and you have my full support. So...um...yeah... ...well what else can I say... ...oh yeah, I'll try to remember to finish off the Phaser Corpse and I'll begin on the Aeron after that... ...but ...yeah... :alien2:
  14. Hey Pete and various admins-O-power, well this the third post I've posted today which is asking a question but if I remember correctly Socrates asked everybody questions as he stated that he knew nothing and started a fresh. But anyway I go way off topic! Question here is what's the ETA on the forum reskin? You've probably been asked it a hundred times so this'll be the 101st time it's been asked. But yes, I've kinda guessed you're a busy guy, so I'm not rushing you about the forum skin issue, merely I am curious.
  15. Okay, I've been following this topic for a while now and I havn't commented mainly due to the fact that my computer crashed twice while writing a post, bah, and the fact that I was quite unsure of what to say with the continuing developments. So for once I will get to the point very quickly. What is the current situation? Is Mouse staying on as Commander? If Mouse is/is not staying as Commander what will happen? With regard to the sims future what is happening? GM's and Admin's I am more confused than ever before (Which is *very* *very* confused, equivalent to the size and proportion to the confusion of the God's as they discuss which is the true God, but in fact as they are all atheist's they don't believe in God's as they know and have proof that they exist and as faith is required for belief in God then none of them exist as proof deny's faith...in other words "Damn I'm confused") As to what the hells going on, is Mouse GMing or will DH be doing more GMing plus any other issue related to the GM's or Admins? Basically I think it should be cleared up for my own sanity and the 'moral' of the simmers as the new members who have joined won't be sure of what's going on, and the rest of us 'plebs' arn't sure as to what's going on. So please can these questions be answered!! Thanks!
  16. Hmm...sounds most interesting, I think I may join...perhaps...
  17. "Good." Was Yorke's only reply. He observed as she started to clean up the stump in preparation for surgery where his foot would be reattached to his leg. He'd have to wear a special medi pack that would be attached to his leg and would assist in accelerating the regrowth and regeneration of the muscular, neural and tendons. Their would be scarring, and the part where the foot and the leg were once attached too would require major reconstructive surgery on the bones as well as Feronium rods would have to be inserted around the bones to provide the extra support that would be needed. So all in all he'd have trouble walking for the next several weeks, but the part where the Feronium rods were supporting his leg/foot would be much more stronger and wouldn't break, unlike his real bones. However they could in theory be bent, but the forces required to do that would probably kill Xiggores. Yorke went over to where the medi pack which contained Xiggores foot was, he opened it and looked inside, the foot was doing fine, but he'd have to remove the shoe first, before he could do anything else. So he went over to the taps and washed his hands, then he put on his operation kit and washed again. This was going to be a long night. "So Terra, you ever had the pleasure of reattaching someone's foot before?"
  18. Yorke and Fleche soon both arrived in the medical labs, they set Xig's down on the operating table. Xiggores was still yelling in pain and complaining about the fact that he was in pain. Yorke looked over to Fleche who nodded back and grabbed the sedation unit, and placed the mask over Xiggores' mouth and within a few moments Xiggores was asleep. Silence. Yorke shook his head and looked over to Fleche. "So how's your leg?" <<Fleche>> After her response he asked another question. "More importantly how are you?"
  19. Activating Daedalus Medical and Science Mainframe... USER NAME: NY-6Y7 PASSWORD: ********** User Name and Password Accepted Logging onto Daedalus Medical and Science Mainframe... Welcome to the Medical and Science Mainframe. >Search MEMO+Utopia Weed+UWRP-2067-E15K >Searching... >1 Result. Displaying Results: Name: UWRP-2067-E15K Created: 20/5/2067 Modified: 25/5/2067 >Open UWRP-2067-E15K >Opening... MEMO TO: RW-9T2, BC-1V0, MK-2T2, Medical and Science Department Staff From: NY-6Y7 CC: Daedalus Mainframe Date: 20/5/2067 Re: Utopia Weed Research Project (UWRP-2067-E15K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This large broad-leafed plant (average size for a fully grown Utopia Weed is about 5-6 feet) is found only on this planet. And is in many respects a very unique plant. Under natural conditions the plant emits a spectral multicolour light (Put simply – it flashes various colours under different wavelengths of light). The plants outer layers are a made up of a biological crystal lattice structure, which is what creates the spectrum of colours. Once you have cut through the crystal lattice structures you find that the main part of the plants biological structure is underneath. Detailed analysis of the biological and chemical compounds located within the plants interior have shown that with refinement they will be useful in augmenting existing medical kits. [EDIT 20/5/2067: Using a combination of Utopia weed and recent medical research made by the research team at NAO we have developed the ‘Mark III Emergency Medical Kit’ – Medi Kit Mk3, tests done in laboratory conditions have shown that the Mark III has no known side effects.) Also as well as the planned use of the biological and chemical properties of the Utopia weed for enhancing the Medical Facilities and equipment here at NAO we believe that it has very interesting properties regarding the human being, which we believe will not only enhance the human endurance and strength, but may also be useable as a method of numbing pain altogether, which on the battlefield we consider would prove useful as it would allow troopers to carry on with their duty’s without suffering pain and without any side effects which are found in current analgesic’s. [EDIT 25/5/2067: Recent studies into this have proven to be ‘problematic’ and we are seriously considering aborting this section of research, but until we have made further studies, research will carry on in the Analgesic Block Section. On a positive note the Endurance, Muscular and Neurological Enhancement Project is progressing as planned.] However whether we study this new and interesting possibility will be left to the Command Structure. One other thing I’d like to note is that the crystal structure that forms the exterior of the plant and acts as a carapace which protects the vulnerable interior is to say the least a most exciting and interesting discovery as who would of thought that a plant could develop such a complex structure? I have put four live specimens into a isolation unit in the hydroponics unit, the unit they are in is marked: ‘UW-23A-7’. And will be placed onto whatever vessel we will be travelling on if and when we get a chance to return to Earth. Doctor Ned Yorke ------------------------------------ If someone could enter the above into the UFOpedia, I'd be most happy Also the Phaser Corpse Project is underway.
  20. "What the?" Yorke looked up as the lights went out. "Great..." Fortunatly the medical bay was fitted with a back-up generator so that the medical equipment could still be used even in a black out, such as the one he was experiencing right now... Yorke muttered something under his breath and made his way to the comms system, that was dead, so he walked over to his desk. He swore twice as he batted his leg against table and objects that he hadn't spotted. Then the red emergency lights came on just as he reached his desk in the office then fumbling with the handle he opened the top draw and he withdrew his hand gun, torch and radio. After all he'd been through out here he'd learnt to assume the worst case senario if he didn't know what was happening, he turned the otrch on and checked his handgun - Loaded, thank god. Then pressing the 'speak' button. "Yorke to anyone who can hear me?" He then released the speak button and holstered his hand gun and walked over to the medical room's enterance. Then pushing the doors open he stepped out onto the corridor and looked both ways as he waited for a response.
  21. lol, I'd already beaten you all to the name of Ascidia!! and it's offical! Cause if you check out the alien/lifeform section you'll find the Ascidian report. But anyway, Ascidia, up until 17/18 million years ago had been a planet with heavy jungle plains, as the planet only has a 2 degree's tilt there is effectivly no seasons, but their are minor climatic variations throughout an Ascidian year but nothing comparable to our own spring, summer, autum and winter. However sometime around 17 million years ago a unknown disaster occured decimating the jungles accross the globe (forest fire?). This decimation of the jungles resulted in a mixture of smaller localised and sheltered jungles (as opposed to the global jungles) the result was desert like conditions which lasted for several million years. This event forced the premodern Ascidians (Ascidius Gorilla Diunis) out of hte jungles and onto the plains and deserts, which unlike 40% of the planet's diverse species, surivived. It's survival lead to the evolution of the Ascidius Marius, which became a hunter, which eventually resulted in territorial and roaming hunter gatherer groups. That lived off the plains and deserts, however by the coastlines where there was a mixture of grassland and forests was where the Ascidius Marius would often advance along. But anyway I ramble... I agree with DH's conclusions about the gravity, and the atmosphere. And I am more inclined to go with the heavier level of gravity, as though they are tall they are not thin, and are very well built and muscular.
  22. I don't suppose you know where we can download this patch?
  23. One of the more 'funny' things that happened in Apoc was a investigation of one of the Nutrivend 'sky-high green houses' - those places where food is grown. 4 squads deployed I moved one squad up the grav lift to the top level where I encountered a Skeletoid. Now from experience I know that they're hard sonsabitches to take down, so I aimed and fired off a missile. Which was a stupid thing to do when you consider the fact that the whole area is just something like 9 levels of glass. The missile exploded, killing the skeletoid outright, but glass, metal frames and god-knows whatelse was blown from their foundations on the 8th floor and fell. I had a squad underneath their at the time. Afterwards I had 3 squads. One other thing I've noticed in my latest game of Apoc (Easy) Is that the aliens so far have repeatedly inserted aliens into one of three buildings, the Transtellar hotel, Goverment luxery apartments, and one place they seem to like attacking is the local school... Also in that same game my 3 teams entered that same school (after a few alien insertions later) and were clearing the place of aliens, my entry team enters into a 'power generator' room of some kind (the room with those long cylinders which are red in the middle) and at the same time a brain sucker jump out, now as this is real time it is possible to avoid them by simply running! However my squad opened fire as it was jumping and because of the way it was jumping and the way my team was moving the alien was shot in mid flight and it looked like it had been blown away from the team as it landed several meters away from the team!
  24. <<Just so we're clear, Yorke's been using his office in the medical lab for the last year or two as his own quarters>> Looking to his right he saw Ko and closer to himself he saw Rallwell ready the flap so that she could quick draw the hand gun quickly, presumably to stop Fleche if she started firing a burst off at the rest of the team. "Hell, this will be a fun 'team building' exercise." He muttered under his breath. He took aim at a target and loosed off a shoot aimed at the targets center of mass. The tension on the firing range was higher than usual...whether that was because of Fleche being on the range or just the stress that had been building up from day one or a combination of both, Yorke wasn't sure. Yorke shouldered his rifle and walked along the row of troopers firing their rifles down the range. He stopped behind Fleche's 'firing booth' and watched as she fired. "You'll want to straighten up a little, and bring the rifle up a little higher, you want to be aiming to hit them with a single shot so look down the iron sights - they've just became an extension of your head, they should be a nice and straight. So close one eye, and keep the other eye looking down the sights, don't focus on the target if you're after accuracy, focus on the sights, and aim the sights at the center of the mass, try and relax a little too and fire on the exhale."
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