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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. If I rember correctly when you have multiple shields the protection provided is added together so say if the shield provides 20 shield hit points, if you add another you get twice the amount. Its either that ot when one shield fails the other one takes over...its been a while since I last played apoc
  2. Cool theme tune I have d/l'd it and am currently listening to it at the time of posting. Cool. (2 more!! 2 more!!)
  3. lol! Yes, Sectiods storming the Santa Manufacturing Plant, hidden under the surface of the north pole. I can see it now, Sectiods, Mutons and an assortment of aliens currently engaging in a running battle with the Elf Security teams, when we rush in...oh dear lol. (Getting closer to my goal of 500 posts!)
  4. You know normally I might feel a slight pang of guilt spamming in a topic not in the off topic forum, but you know when two mods (especially Tammy!) tells us that we can spam, spam, and spam our little hearts out then I shant resist the urge! So we've got around 2-3 people interested in a "XCAS Christmas Special" Sim (Where we discover that Santa has left us some presents under the hastely erected christmas tree and we explore and discover the true meaning of christmas in typical Christmas special TV style!) So who else can we collar that would be available to join in this sim...? (Coinsidentally I'm now 4 posts off my 500th offical post!!)
  5. Well if I've got nothing better to do (whch will be most likely, though my computer could do with a good 'ole beating to get it working again properly) then I'm game and willing to join in a sim on sunday (Only 5 more offical posts to go and then I've hit 500 offical posts!)
  6. Aye Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year! As for the inviatation to spam...you do realise that we (especially myself) will abuse this offer to the max ^^ But really I only want 500 offical posts, so once I know how many I'm off I can begin the process of spamming
  7. Ego Terrorist

    The Goodbye

    Well...for once I'm kinda at a loss for words...so I think a General Issue Goodbye is in order, as well you're not really going anywhere...nobody truely leaves XCAS *cue manical laugh* but yeah. It's been a pleasure simming alongside you and having you as a GM, the XCAS experience has just gotten more and more...interesting (if not weirder) over this last year, but none the less, I'll be seeing you around, keep smart and keep safe, bye! ...oh and don't forget to visit! <Dr_Yorke> ::Salutes:: It's been a honour and a pleasure serving alongside you, and I wish you the very best in all of your endeavours. Goodbye sir.
  8. OOC: (Out Of Character) Okay...everyone just ignore that last post by Sasquatch, and can a Mod please erase that post. Sasquatch, if you are posting in the Roleplay thread then you need to post seriously and respect other characters or do not post at all as you will not be welcome here. Also you will need to apply to join XCAS or clear it with one of the guy's in charge (Such as Dragonhawk) before we pay any attention to your RP posts. Thank you, we shall now return you to your regually scheduled Roleplay. Senior Sergeant Dr Ned Yorke Chief of Support Section and Ship's Doctor XCAS
  9. I suppose the Reaper is incredibly fast, so really you'd probably not be able to defend yourself and it is really just a pair of legs with a body and a mouth so chances are you'd be eaten alive by it or at least have a chunck or two ripped out of you!
  10. Chysallid, simple because if you've got a standard rifle or laser rifle you're buggered! And if it's that close it's not only going to leap out from behind you in true horror fashion and remove an arm and then impregnate you...and there is only one course that a impegated human can take. Death. But what I'd think wouldbe more terrify prescene was to find that the noise was actually a human, and that you say hello to them and then they make some sort of noise before finally exploding from the inside to reveal a grown Chysallid that then rips into you and then impregates you!
  11. That or the Mutons are actually low paid actors/sectiods, whose role is simple to get shot up and the viewer a false sense of security so that when they actually play the game they're shocked that the AP Cannon doesn't actually rip through the Muton and worse yet, projectile weapons are mostly useless against them!
  12. To me it looks more like the Muton's been shoved out of the UFO! I swear I can see the Muton's face and on it the Muton's mouth is open aghast at the fact that he's been shoved out with no parachute!
  13. It would make sense that it would kill the Micronoids in the system of a human, but alas...X-Com Apoc never really made that much sense though it was still a okay game, just has to much potential and not enough of the potential released!
  14. I'd very much doubt that the AC could cause a hull breach, because if we view that the Supply ship is of similar design to the supply ship from UFO, then you will recall that you'd need a blaster bomb or three or some HE packs to pop open a hole in it. I would imagine that the windows would have a similar surviability, though if the bullets are a combination of AP and HE and are striking it for a prolonged period, then the window might break, though this is debatable. But for In Game purposes I'd say that the AC would not be capable of blowing holes in the hull simply because it isn't striking it with enough force, and you never know, the aliens might not fit their vessels with windows, after all are the aliens really going to be looking out of the window enjoying the view?
  15. Well...needless to say...I find your friends weird. But they seem like an okay bunch. X-Com wise I've been thrust into a new age of X-Coming, - UFO:Aftermath, however, I have yet to finish TFTD so I must go on a quest and complete it, and then, I must purchase Enforcer and realise that my money has been wasted, but finish the game anyway. However the last time I played X-Com was probably sometime earlier this year, however I'm going to download something that I think is really cool - an X-Com mod for Civ3 :o :inlove: Finally, on the note of a girlfriend, find some lass that you like, and either ask her out, or make friends with her and get to know her, however this can backfire, with the whole 'Let's be friends' thing. But hey the latter of the two worked for me, and I've been with my Girlfriend for about a year now. So enjoy life and well, don't worry you've got your own little quirks that your mates must think you're weird for, like the ability to ride a skateboard! (I can't ride the bloody things, but I can fix computers and take 'em apart and put 'em back together again!)
  16. If it is on a floppy disk then it is most probably the 'original' DOS version. You might want to check to see if it has a readme on the disk, and seeing what it's requirements are and what it's copyright dates are on it. But I'm 100% sure that it's the original DOS version, as the collectors edition was released all on CD. And the collectors edition I've got has UFO, TFTD X-Com Email and the manuals for all the X-Com games (with the exception of Enforcer obviously!) Questions? Corrections?
  17. hmm.. So you're not able to enter data into the game? (Such as base names, character names etc) And you're not able to use the keyboard shortcuts (Assuming that UFO has 'em) But are you able to use the 'window's' button (located between Ctrl and Alt)? Is there anything special about your keyboard, did you install any drivers for the keyboard? Also are you able to Alt-Tab and use the Keyboard outside of UFO while it is running? Just a few questions to help us figure out this problem
  18. X-Com Simple as that, the hypen is there, any one who disagrees with me will disagree with me.
  19. ~UGS Patton, Alien Containment Section, 3 August 2067~ Yorke tapped in his key code that locked the alien containment cells down and held the assortment of aliens that they had had in containment for a while now, and the new aliens that they had captured during the mission. The aliens would no doubt find there new surroundings restrictive in ever sense, the Sectiods were locked into individual cells that had been specially designed for the containment of psionically capable beings, while the Snakemen were secured to a wall, that had been modified to hold a snakemen. The snakemen were completely restrained, and they had regular injections of a toxin that would attack the egg sac and destroy any eggs that were in the Snakemans egg sac, the toxin though wasn't strong enough to endanger the life of the Snakeman, just destroy it's means of reproduction, or at least keep it at bay. Most of the soliders in the team avioded this part of the ship, and it's sister facility back on NAO, they often would call it the Freakshow house, the Frankenstien rooms or anything else that they could think of. Yorke watching as the light above the main containment room turned red smiled inwardly, these aliens wern't going anywhere, and if they did manage to escape or containment had been compromised, a lethal nerve and bio toxin gas would be released, killing the aliens in seconds, and by venting the atmosphere into space, they could disperse the deadly concotion in minutes and replace it with a fresh atmosphere allowing for soliders to enter the room and mop up. And if that wasn't enough, two chain guns positioned on the other side of the main containment door would rip to pieces any escapee's. So far the system hadn't been used once, expect in simulations, and that was back on earth. Yorke turned and strode away from the containment section, he made his way to the lift, entered it, and then went up to the deck that contained the medical bay. He soon found himself in the medical bay, the room was empty, so Yorke entered his office and sat down, he pulled out the files on Fleche, he'd heard all of the gossip and hearsay on the mission, and he decided that he'd have to make a point of visiting her, and check on how she's feeling and offer some support, he liked her, she was hard working and at times hard to work with, but then you had to take the good with the bad and just live with it. Yorke also would have to make a point of seeing Scott, things were getting pretty tense what with all of the...rumours and gossip, that and he'd have to chat with Scott about this attitude to Fleche, but he'd do that after he'd had a chat with her. The final thing that was on Yorke's mind was what had actually happened on the mission. Ryan, one of the medics had disagreed with Yorke over the handling over the Sectiods in Engineering. They had cleared the room, disabling the Sectiods without killing them but due to a complication they couldn't complete their objective, and as Chung had been injuried they'd only be able to carry three sectiods with them. So Yorke put a 10mm hole in the head of the forth Sectiod, and moved on, but Ryan felt that killing an unarmed and unconsious sectiod, was cold and coldblooded. "Kid's what do they know." Muttered Yorke under his breath. Yes, he'd taken an oath to preserve life when he became a medical doctor, but out here and against the aliens - things were different, the rules wern't the same, and if you were going to survive, you'd have to be as ruthless as the enemy were and that meant doing things that no one should be proud of, let alone do, but it was done, he'd left an offer for Ryan to come and discuss the event and get things in the open, so Yorke was now waiting to see if the private would, but for now he'd finish up Chung's injury report, then he'd visit Fleche and offer her some support, cause he felt that she'd need it, and it would help clear his conscience. "Bloody kids." Was the last thing he muttered before he knuckled down to work on Chung's injury report.
  20. "Hmm." Was the only response from Yorke. He paced up to the suit and ran a finger along the cold surface of the Nephillim suit. "Well then if you say that the project is complete, then it is complete, write up the report and have it on my desk and the CO's desk for tommorow if you please." He turned around and carried on. "As you say we might be able to fashion a couple of these suits that might be more combat adaptable, though, I feel with the current facilities we'd waste more of this Nephillim than we would at the NAO - though as ever that's up to command to decide what we plough on next with. And it's an Engineering matter as well." Yorke pointing to the computer which detailed all of the knowledge attained with regards to the Nephillim. "Perhaps at a later date we can go further and see if we can do the fancy tricks that the Ascidians can do, but for now, stealth will have to do." He then looked to the trio and waited for their responses.
  21. Yorke had finshed up for the day he'd finished treating some minor wounds and had given some regular check-ups that were due, but other than a few bits and bobs it had been a slow day. The slow humming of the main engines held firm in the background, it wasn't a maddening noise but it was one that never left you in the Patton. Reviewing some reports from the support department, his department, showed that things were going resonablly well within, so far Xig's and Shadow had avoided any further scuffles, but Yorke wasn't going to ease up on either of them - especially Xig's. The Nepillim suit was going through it's final testings in the lab, so that was as good a reason as any to get out of his office. Looking over to the ever filling containment unit he saw that his work was slowly building up, but then with only one full time Doctor on the ship meant that things took time. Worse yet, the PED project had fallen to a stand still recently due to lack of key components, yes he could design a drug, but normally this took years of testing, he'd been given the deadline of a few months. So now he was waiting on the Engineering department to fabricate some of the research equipment and a small drug producing refinery. It wouldn't take long however as ever they had more important projects to deal with, but given time it would be done. The only problem was that full scale production wouldn't be possible, hell, they'd only be able to synthese enough drugs with the few Utopia Weeds they had for a handful, of people, and even then, most of it would be used up in testing leaving only enough for a couple of people. "Caught between a hull and a workload." Was what Yorke muttered as he got up and left the Office and made his way down to the research lab. ~Patton Research Lab~ Yorke strode into the research lab and looked around he had just caught the tale end of something that Xiggores had spoken. "-feel this is done with, we do have other more important things to research." "Indeed we do, but first shall we fill me in on the status of the Nephillim Suit Project?" Said Yorke to the trio of engineers and scientists. Yorke noted the blush on Xiggores face quickly faded. "Well?" Asked Yorke in a pleasant voice.
  22. Ego Terrorist


    One is pleased with the new skin, however one thought that one would need to purchase some NVG's aftering view the new XTC forums that are dark!
  23. May I be the second person to say that I'll miss you! Like Necro's said, it's been a good couple of years, and as of late it's had it's high's and low's but hell, every one of them fun! X-Com Alliance won't be the same without you. My thanks to you for breathing life into this project, what? 3 years ago and getting it going and keeping it going. Good luck in all of your endeavours, and don't worry about the AS-Level's, compared to the A2's they're easy - so work smart! And on a final note yes, we shall keep this thing going (even if I have to use magnets and lobsters!), and with a bit of luck we'll be the 'longest running X-Com sim'. So toodles! Have fun, and don't forget to visit! <Dr_Yorke> ::Bringing himself to attention:: Commander Wiendhoven, it's been an honor and a privilege to of served along side you. ::Salutes::
  24. Sounds like a plan, I'll collar IonMage and see what he does not want and I'll liase with him to get it sorted, just give me some basic specifications and I'll piece together a Solar System
  25. If you want I can put together a 'Paronnen System Specifications' however I'll need a overview on the system itself, such as number of planets (or at least a number of key planets and then I'll be able to expand on that adding other planets and what not), type of sun, any special phenomena, and most importantly the type of planets (desert, oceanic etc) that you will be simming on. Once that's out of the way I might be able to turn an eye (and hopefully a hand, brain and keyboard) onto the NPC bios...but one step at a time!
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