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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. Trading Places And here we have nice easy quote, no prizes for whoever guesses this one: "You, quadropaint. Sprecken Sie English?"
  2. Ah, Oblivion (Elder Scrolls), now that is looking pretty sweet, however I need to do two things before its released, firstly I really should finish off Morrowind, and secondly upgrade/replace my computer. (Mwhaahhaha! I have new avatar!)
  3. Spore, Oblivion, Supreme Commander - they're the games I'm looking forward too. Now excuse me while I go and cry over the fact that my computer won't be able to play any of these games... Sigh... Oh well I suppose I should get me a job...
  4. Bah Humbug! Third time I've said it, now its starting to feel more like christmas!
  5. Hopefully the UK will by 2020 will have two new carriers, the Queen Elizabeth and the Prince of Wales, out fitted with the F35 JSF they will, hopefully modernise our fleet. (The yanks are getting a new Nimitz class carrier named; George Bush.) Also related to the topic, the UK now only has 3 frontline fighter squadrons. 11 Squadron has been disbanded, in preparation for the Eurofighter.
  6. And for those that shouldn't be allowed to cook, I recommend that you use this!
  7. One recipe that is getting me through my second year at uni. You need about a bowl full of pasta (not full, full, after all, pasta expands once it cooks) Onions, Green or Yellow or Red Peppers, mushrooms and any other veg that you wouldn't mind frying. Cheese (if you want it) Dolomio sauce (or anyother pasta sauce) Take the pasta, stick it in a pan of boiling water, don't forget to add some salt, I don't know why, but that's what all the books say. The pasta should be done in about 15-20 minutes Once done, cut half an onion up and then cut it up some more into oniony chunks, if you want some peppers, then half of a pepper (any colour will do) again cut up into smaller chunks of peppers (don't forget to cut out the fleshy bits and the seeds, and if you desire mushrooms, a handful, sliced up. Frying pan, or just a regular pan, bit of olive oil (or any oil for that matter) heated up. *At this point make sure you ain't cooking naked.* Throw in the veg, step back, and then once you feel brave enough, step up and keep the veg moving, otherwise it'll burn on one side. Once the onions are browned, throw in about a quarter to half a jar of the pasta sauce, turn down the heat a little, mix it all up. Depending on the sauce, 5 minutes should be enough for the sauce to be done. By now the pasta should be done, taste it, it tastes cooked, it probably is. Drain the water from the pasta. Now you can approach the next phase in three ways, the first is to relocate the pasta from the pan to a plate, and then stick the sauce on top. Or you can mix the sauce into the pan with the pasta, and then serve. Same as above, only grate some cheese, stick the pan back on a low- medium heat and mix the cheese in until it melts, and then serve. Grind some peppers and salt if desired. Eat. Another handy recipe, is that of bangers, mash and beans. Peel and cut some potatoes up, stick 'em in a pan of boiling hot water and cover. They'll be ready when they're ready, but the way to tell that they are ready is to jab 'em with a fork. If the fork slides into the potato like it would into butter, or something like that, then they're ready. Grill sausages, turning occasionally, don't forget to prick 'em. If you want fry some onions! (mmm...onions...fried...) Once potatos are ready, drain, a touch of milk, a spoon of butter and then mash! Throw in the onions you fried, leave on a low-low heat. Stick beans in a bowl and nuke - microwave - them. Once sausages are done stick everything on a plate and eat! Finally the student special... Beans on toast. Baked Beans - microwave them. Bread - toast them. Butter toast. Place beans on top.
  8. aye, if you do organise a meeting, then give me an email! or at least a PM. cheers!
  9. Sounds like a cunning plan m'lord.
  10. Not guilty Never have I ever helped empty the entire contents (everything from pencils to the bed itself) of a mate's room while he was out. Very guilty. ^^
  11. Whooo! Broadband! I have broadband at home! I can sim again! Yay! ...But what is now happening? With regard to a future sim? Oh and how is everyone?
  12. yay! cheers Slaughter (Also I'd like to point out that being 20 is overrated, however it does mean one more year until I can run for parliment! mwhahahha!)
  13. Ummm...no...I don't...and I most definatly do not have a secret shrine dedicated to David Hasselhoff...hmm...DH...Dragon Hawk....hmmm...the mind doth boggle
  14. Argh! I had to scroll pass the vision of David Hasselhoff!!! Oh dear Sod! I'm going to go off and gouge my eyes out... argh! The inhumanity!
  15. Alas your prediction is not true. I predict that the next person will be part of a secret society bent on world domination.
  16. But is being taught (paying for lessons) cheating? A person pays for lessons in chess to improve his game. Another might hire an instructor to help improve his game of golf. And what about learning to drive? I think if a person pays for tutition to improve "X" then that isn't cheating, they're improving their game and sure they may have an advantage over you, however as long as they keep within the rules laid out in the game then they've done nothing wrong. Within computer gaming I'll complete a game without cheating once or twice and then after that I'll happily cheat away just for the fun of it. ^^ However if I'm playing a multiplayer game over a network or online then I'm against cheating as it takes the fun out of it, and gives the opposition an unfair advantage. "I cheated in my metaphysical exam, I looked into the soul of the boy sat next to me."
  17. Skippy "What's that Skippy? Little Timmy has fallen down a well?"
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