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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. Yorke still is here..along with his ever growing collection of alien brains. I shall be updating my bio soon...ish, and there may be a picture of either the sectiod brain...or the Good Doctor Well I'm Doctor, and I am happy as Doctor, so I stay where I am. Drake should be released into the wild...on another planet.
  2. Well I love all X-Com games..except Enforcer
  3. I usually just ignore them, I'll try to save them if I can but I won't go out of my way, I just switch to urban warfare tactics and start clearing the level building by building street by street until their are no aliens left standing, and usually the collateral damage is kept minimal however the aliens usually kill one or two off on a good mission...
  4. Ego Terrorist

    XCAS Stories

    I usually pick up on an area to focus on and then I start writing it. Once I've done enough writing I then think for a few days about how I can expand on it, improve it until I have a good piece which I like. As for the alien autospys and alien reports well they require a fair bit of imagination and research into the UFO and TFTD aliens and Interceptor plus I do a bit of research on the net and find interesting details that I like and decide to use.
  5. When I first started simming many moons ago we didn't have things called secondary positions. I put myself down for position of medic and was my basis for my character, intially I'd refer to Yorke as 'Cpl_Yorke' but then one day I decided to start calling Yorke 'Dr_Yorke' so as to place empasis on the medical abilies of the good doctor. When secondary positions came about I decided that I could only really have one and that was medic/medic which really did seperate me from the combat medics and such like and it allows me to be more doctory
  6. The UK, sod the rest of the world my first base is usually here, afterall I've gotta protect my home turf Plus I can protect Europe Western Asia, Middle East and North Africa, plus I have good coverage of the Atlantic, My second base is always in the US.
  7. You'd be surprised at how often this does happen whats even worse is if the alien reaction fires at the guy and kills him, in which case the grenade goes off wounding all. :hmmm: The only way to avoid this is to have too point men, one with a grenade that opens the door and checks if there are any aliens in the way, the point man gets out of the way (stands next to the door but not infront) and then the Grenade point man runs in lobs a grenade and then I carry out a standard entry eliminating any aliens. In the eventuality of an alien stood by the door as my point man enters I yell "Bugger" and then using the rifle or pistol in the other hand I auto fire at the alien, if the alien is still standing (such as in the case of Mutons, or Chrysallids) I then get my man out of the way and then the rest of my team that's stacked up and can make a shot at the alien lets rip with small arms fire and if need be AP rounds from the Heavy Support. And with a bit of luck and a hail of Bullets/Lasers/Plasma the Alien usually goes down. Once the alien is down I wait a turn just in case there are any aliens that are going to come out, during this I move my point man into position and then I storm in again lob the grenade in and then excute a standard entry. And if I don't have a Grenade or I'm not too keen on sending in a rookie I position a guy with a Autocannon or Heavy Cannon about 2 - 4 blocks away from the door loaded with HE ammo and then I fire a few rounds into the room. (or Incendery Ammo depending on what resistance I'm expecting and if I feel evil. :devil: ) In my next post I shall discuss Terror Tactics - 'The art of Anti-Alien Urban Warfare'
  8. For standard UFO recovery/assualt missions I use 14 man teams broken down into 2/3 Heavy Weapons Troops, 1 CO, 1 XO and 2 Medics. Once the SkyRanger has landed I deploy all my troops and clear the LZ, the first 4 men down often act as spotters if there are any aliens in the LZ and the troops that follow up take down the aliens with small arms fire. With the LZ Cleared I usually take amoment to survey the the location I'm at, once I know that I can then start moving my men out, 2 man teams start spreading out in a arc basically creating a 'dead zone' where any hostiles within the arc are dead, and anything within the 'firing arc' is either dead or 'supressed'. As my men clear the area I keep enough spare TU's for a snap reaction shot and I hug cover like mad. Within the central point of the arc's dead zone my heavy weapon troops can be found there, slowly moving forward while keeping out of the front line but keeping in such a position that they can provide supporting fire. Once the UFO has been located I dispatch 4 men to cover the door(s) I never have a man stood in front of a door - I've lost a few good men that way. Instead I 'stack' up against the side of the door and then await for the area to be cleared, once clear I get all of my men and stack them up facing the door(s) At this point I switch to SWAT tactics. One of my men chucks in a Grenade primed to go off on impact. The Grenade goes off and my men storm the UFO and cover each corner neutralising any aliens that are in the room, and then my men move to cover the any more doors, and then I storm forward though the UFO enter and clear, consolidate leaving trailers behind.
  9. How do you kill them, I've recently gotten into TFTD and in one of the mission I was investigating a downed UFO/USO, my men deploy out of the Triton and I start to secure the LZ one of my men spots a Lobster man. "Okay this shouldn't be too hard..." I say as I command the man who spotted it to auto fire on it. 1 hit and it's still standing. I then bring in two other men who snap and auto at the Lobsterman. 3 hits - not a scratch. "Okay, lets bring in the heavy support." Gas Cannon, Hydrojet and Torpedo Launcher All fire and all hit, small rocket, and several blasts of AP impact against it's hard shell. "Ah, pants." I then bring in another 2 and there shots finally finsh off the Lobsterman, it goes down and thankfully the mission ends as the other lobsterman was already dead. Is there an easier way to kill 'em early on in the game! and whats the best way to kill them overall - in ranged combat preferably!!
  10. Ego Terrorist


    How did I discover UFO? I came across Interceptor at a mates house, then one day I came across a demo of UFO and TFTD and I liked 'em. Then it all happened I was walking around PC World and came across Collectors Edition in the bargin bin and I decided to buy it and it oly set me back £5 which was well ace as I got all of the X-Com games (UFO, TFTD, Interceptor, Apoc and Email!!) I played and play Apoc and then decided to try UFO and I fell in love!
  11. Interceptor LAN party...hmmm...I'm not too familiar with how it would all go together but in theroy all we'll need is a computer to act as a server and then we'll have to bring our own computers chances are that we'll only manage be able to manage a LAN of 20 computers max, might be able to do more however I reckon 5 or 6 would be better and we'd be able to have a kind of knock out game, but I'm not totaly sure on how to set up a network, I can learn how to set up a small LAN but I certainly wouldn't like the idea of doing more than ten - do we have any one who knows how to setup and sortout LANs here?! Oh yeah and a location with power sockets and tables would be handy aswell!
  12. Ah yes now their is nothing quite as fun in the cityscape than watching your fleet of Annhilators, Retaliators and everything else in your armoury leaving your base and leveling the entire city!! mwhahahahahaha!!! :devil:
  13. Well my A-level exams are next year too so like Vet I won't be able to make it if its at June/July and that yes the summer hols (Late July onwards) as I'll of finshed 6th form and it'll be me just working to get cash to support my Alcohol fulled University life ready Also if it's after June I'll be able to legally purchase alcohol
  14. My average team number is 20, 4 teams of 5, as for the 36 number I really like that idea!! So what is the best weapon for demolition jobs? I once tried Disruptor cannons and Vortex on a 9 piller slum building but I ran out of V.Bombs and had to pound away with my Disruptor Cannons and it took awhile (30-45minutes!!) before it finally all came down which was jolly well fun. And much more than a Diemension missile launcher being used to blow holes in random places in slums! mwhahahaha!! As for the Griffon and leveling building it does cause a hole in the Cult's budget but I often find that one of those hover bikes with a side car can destroy a Griffon tank if they blow up the road!!
  15. Ah those 'thosands' I quite sure at least 1000 of the vists are from me on diferent comps
  16. It appears to be quite a common error on new machines and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with machines that run Windoze 98+, because that program and another Xed for Apoc ran fine on my old 95 Machine, but just show up a Runtime error on my new machine which runs 98se.
  17. I think I'll come dressed up as the ph33r'd Ego Terrorist! If this happened. and any how the XCAS ppl know a fair bit about X-Com and it'ud be a good chance to finally meet some of them guys!
  18. LMAO!! Yes... I know of a few more people that we could force into coming most of them being part of XCAS!
  19. Yeah I must admit that Matrix style Apoc games are fun, dual Lawpistols and a Marsec flight suit can make it quite fun, just make sure you're raiding a cult of sirus joint or even a corper HQ and its even more fun when you've got Spybreak playing in the background!
  20. I don't know of any editor like that, but if you try Xcommand they might have an editor for maps...I think
  21. I can accept any casualities as long as the character named after me doesn't die (Who is also the Commander) Plus I generally prefer to use as many infantry units as I can transport plus 1 Tank which is always the first off and usually my first loss, and as for my UFO assualt tactics mainly involve every single unit surrounding the door(s) with their guns pointing at the door, wait a 5 turns then I storm the UFO.
  22. Convention? In UK? Ah, you may count me in, after all you're going to need at least one celeb!
  23. LOL! Whoops!! As for my character yeah he knows aliens exist he was part of the Britush team that investigated them. As for what type he is, he's a spook that's done paramilitary operations and has done covert ops of every kind, so yeah he can be sent out on missions, though he can also do a bit of paper pushing.
  24. Well I've posted my arrival, so Commander post! now! and you too! yes you! Post!!
  25. ~450ft, 3 miles from Pine Gap~ The Bell 206-B-1 Kiowa Helicopter in the service of the RAAF flew lowlevel the pilot spoke into his mic, his passenger was sat behind him facing towards the rear of the helicopter. "We'll be arriving at the Pine Gap shortly." "Right, thank you." John looked out of the main window and then returned to his file, it was an intelligence update on the major powers, nothing really of interest China was getting a little frisky with Taiwan, who inturn called on the US to commit forces in the area to 'train' it's personnel. Russia had increased troop deployments in Sibera, and France was in a state of political chaos after an attempt on the President's life. "And here I am stuck in the middle of nowhere at some unearthly hour of the morning." He mumbled to himself, though what he said was drowned out by the rotors. In the distance he could already make out the buildings that were exposed on the surface that made up Pine Gap's only persence known. The pilot spoke into his radio requesting permission to land, the pilot circled the landing pad and then brought the chopper to ground level, the engine kept going as John got out, pulling his bag with all of his kit in it, he waved to pilot as the Kiowa rose back into the sky and headed back to the nearest Army facility. "Well, it isn't England, and it sure as hell is too bloody hot for my liking." He said again to himself, not much in the way of any one to greet him. John strode over to the SigInt building, which also was where the main lift was too. Inside he found himself quite at home and the cooled atmosphere much to his welcoming. "Hello I'm Terrance Garvy, and you must be John Pickering?" Lieutenant Garvy had a small frame and a face that felt quite out of place in such a facility. "Aye, that I am, anything came through?" John had read up on the base and it's facilities on his flight from London to Darwin, and had familiarised himself with the bases layout and capabilities but he didn't expect any messages from London, Moscow or Washington, and Garvy told him that there was none, and told where he'd find the base commander, John nodded and entered the lift, Garvy had already issued him with his internal security pass which afforded him access to all levels, he decided to see a bit of the base before seeing the Commander, the first level being the Hanger level, or Level B-1. John walked the corridors poking his head into the various rooms, nothing he hadn't seen before. John did the same on level B-2 where the accomodation was located before finally entering the Command Center on level B-3 where he found the Commander. Commander Genega, also known as Knight by Pine-Gap's original personnel, was standing with one of the Admin personnel reading a report. John strode up to him and stopped, Knight turned his head to look at John and then John introduced himself. "Commander Genega, I'm John Pickering your head of Intelligence, terribly sorry about my late arrival, however that whole business in france - the shooting of the French President, who was damned lucky, meant that I was called back before I even had a chance to get out of MI6."
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