Congratulations on your perservation of Finnish territory. From your score, it doesn't seem like you were that close to failure as you whined about, lol.
Perhaps it's time to upgrade from dial-up internet... lol. How long is it taking you to load this page? It's taking me maybe ten seconds or so. Good job on this AAR, FA. I'm hoping you get rolled over by Soviet might, but we'll have to see. XD
Definitely agree. Keeping the muscles tense just wastes your energy while making you slower. Just because Goku tenses up in Dragonball doesn't make it a good idea. Not that it is really a martial art, but keeping loose in fencing is something that I'm working on. Mostly it's just my bad everyday posture though, haha.
LOL!!!!!! I'll never be able to look at anything Christmas again without laughing. Thanks a lot. XD Thanks for not sending me on this mission, too. What a bloodbath. Santa and his Christmas Slay.
Keep track of iterations. It'd be interesting to see if anyone makes it to their tenth incarnation (e.g. DragonHawk the Tenth). Maybe we should start a little pool or something.
'sup, guys and gals. In the 90s, I must have been more partial to ballad-type music, since those are the only ones that come to mind right now. Sarah McLachlan's Possession is certainly a favourite. And not just because she is Canadian. >:]