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About BlackAlmaz

  • Birthday 01/26/1985

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    I'M back

BlackAlmaz's Achievements


Lieutenant (3/5)



  1. http://www.strategyfirst.com/forum/cgi/ult...c;f=68;t=000608 try that link it looks like the Russian 7.62mm is finally being translated into English by fans
  2. WOW what is that smell....ohh no not more cat food starts waving the sign to get rid of the smell
  3. bahahahaha....no its all in your head... *runs of to change more evil plans to include milk and cookies*
  4. well i guess i'm ready for another mission la la la...charge...*runs into wall* well maybe not ready yet need some milk with the mates
  5. BlackAlmaz


    yeah i'm there duno which email i use.hmm i have myspace
  6. HAHAH awesome , u guys haven't changed. ohh and yes..i got a hug ha! ha! now my ask a Question whats with the troll-cookies? i mean common are ogers out of season?? :)
  7. *rushes through the door* *waves* ey guys, long time no see....just got back from over seas :) ond a great update on the smiles lata Almaz
  8. awesome awesome awesome, this is will be the next game i play after helo 3 for shore..lol
  9. hmm i see i haven't visited for ages and look what i find..awesome fork guys...styer...old version of it, but i can handle..lol good onya guys
  10. the cavern isnt that bad... obys that looked to me like ufo terror from the deep and hmm.....nah thats it
  11. so its a sofs? i remember that, funny that thats why i said couch...seeing if anouther one would start... and holy shit she has come back.......wait if your sick dosent that give you more computer time?
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