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Alexandre Lange

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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. Yeah, I read. Family, right? But two months is not that much time, and this mod is his baby. He seems to love it, I don't think he will just drop it. We will know soon or later. I hope soon, I and wish the best for Blunter's family. Cross fingers, guys.
  2. Hi, guys. I am new at S^x series, and I am looking for some game tweaks. First, I would like to give you guys - especially Blunter and Lt.Havoc - my respects for all passion and effort you put on making this awesome game even better. I really like this mod, but I JUST NEED another mod to play: the Cookie's Weapon Modification (S3). Without it, we (and the enemies) need 2 or 3 rifle headshots to put a weak target down; it's not realistic. After taste rifles putting down targets with 1 headshot, as it should, you can't live without it anymore! So, I would like to see Cookie's mod working along with Blunter's mod. I am not asking that Blunter's mod incorporates it (even if I think it should), but asking for help to make it for myself. I don't know shit about modding Silent Storm. I read the tutorials, but I just can't make it happen! As a side note, I don't like the idea of the 'special weapons' avaliable at start (first missions) too. This game is supposed to be a real challenge, and that power weapons at start make it too easy for my taste (even at Impossible difficulty). If I learn to mod, I think I can take care of it too. Anyone can help me? Please?
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