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About Bastiaan

  • Birthday 02/07/1981

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Lieutenant (3/5)



  1. After finishing the Bureau and waiting for Enemy Within, the Aliens decided not to wait any longer and take the fight to my doorstep. Fortunatly I found the Nerf to fight back. http://forums.2kgames.com/images/dark/smilies/smile.gif
  2. So entering buildings is in the game for sure, that's what we want to hear, multiplayer would be cool too.
  3. Do you have to change ufoaftermath.co.uk to ufoaftershock.co.uk Slaughter? Maybe change it to ufo.co.uk so you won't have to change anymore everytime a new game appears, like the X-COM site. And Hard, I had that too a while ago on my laptop, but I had to install divx and then it worked.
  4. New UFO....coming 2005!!!! Oh no, we know that kind of promisses, www.ufo-aftershock.com isn't up already, but we got a cool trailer. Saw enemy humans, with some weird DNA that is, the one with the gasmask looked like the soldier I have seen in a magazine from S.T.A.L.K.E.R, there was also a spiderlike creature, and the spiked floating balls you have in aftermath (what were they called). A human Psyker, a mussle guy, looks like there has been messed with the humans to create different units. We X-COM fans have nothing to complain really, we have the UFO games, the ever evolving Laser Squad Nemesis, everything we want....exept X-COM.
  5. He Pete, cool main page, It works oke from here. always liked the Firestar. It seems fan fiction is missing in the bar above, or it's a flaw in my connection. Or there is no Fanfiction anymore, anyway see you later, in a month I am back in the Netherlands and then I will be here more often, there are a few projects runnung I see, UFO Alien Invasion, Xenocide is starting to get shape, a while ago we had the freedom force mod, UFO Aftermath ofcourse and I am curious how it is with X-COM Last Hope, that FPS. Anything I have left out, anyway nice work Pete.
  6. Well, let me think.....X-COM!!!!!
  7. Will the desktops be permanently on the site Slaughter, as I would like to see it when I am back, see you later, I will be back half March.
  8. Very wise decision, won't be here to follow the project next few months but I will pick it up next year to see the progression.
  9. Is their a possibility to install the weapon in a place before you want too shoot an alien, I am often a bit late to deploy the weapon when the target is in range.
  10. Will xenocide use X-COM terms, as I have seen people talk about X-Force, X-Net instead of X-COM and Ufopedia, but the aliens are our old friends, what is the intention, to let it take place in the X-COM universe with a few little things changed to stay out of legal troubles?
  11. Looks a bit alien, purple-ish lightning, two circular red "fans"on the wings and two tailfins. I have seen the other one too, it's more a "delta" shape right.
  12. Bastiaan

    A X-Com mod

    Sorry Strong , don't cry pall.
  13. Bastiaan

    X-com Mod

    A few weeks ago theCyke came up with this mod for Freedom Force at XTC, it's called X and it is very cool, it's based on the original X-COM with an Alliance flavour, you do need a copy of Freedom Force and need to upgrade to 1.2 for it to work but I assure you some fun, some of the models are extremely good. For screenshots you can check out the topic in the news section at XTC.
  14. Bastiaan

    A X-Com mod

    I finished the game, the sectopods look very good, in the end you get power armour and flying armour and hovertanks, it's a nice little evolving story, not too heavy, simple conversations, but better than in enforcer ,I had lots of fun playing it, you can also create a mission, it's called danger room, you can choose a map and choose the aliens and numbers of them and then start blasting them away, my favourite is the aircraft carrier, with 20 sectoids, mwahahahaha.
  15. Hey, I found the Lightning and the interceptor, I hope the Joint Strike Fighter will be just as cool.
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