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Space Voyager

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  1. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Bargain!   
    Finally, my cheapskate nature gets an official recognition and becomes the stuff of (infamus) legends!
  2. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Let's Play With Dice!   
    Basically, it's a new dark age after a golden age. People can't replace the old tech with anything better, and things gradually wear out, or are destroyed. So you end up with these patchwork weapons systems where you might have half the stock components, a few factory replacements, and a whole lot of bodged together hacks to keep the machine running.
  3. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Kizmiaz in Bargain!   
    Wow! Hard to get a better bargan. I've been tempted to try Shadowrun for some time.

    XCOM goes Cthulhu?
  4. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    One of the most impressive things about your work, IMO, is that you take something others would toss away as unusable and buy a new thing (board in this case)... and make it look - at least in the majority of the area - better than it ever did.
  5. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Invasion Postponed Until 2012   
    I shall not be dared into this. I bought many games just to help the company, rarely did it make any difference. I also bought no. 1 even though I knew I won't really be playing it. I've done my part.
  6. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Ha, you might have stumbled upon a well paying niche job, Z! "Flowering your dead loved ones inc."
    Personally I'm more in favour of pure stone, no maintenance. People have been stealing flowers (even some pigmey bushes) from my father's grave, so I proposed to close up the hole in the stone with a stone lid. My mom did not like the idea...
  7. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Let's Play With Dice!   
    Our Goblin connects with his pop-gun. This rattles the Commando and he only scores a 1 and misses!

    "Attention Capellan mech, stand down or be destroyed!"

    He responds by moving in and taking out the Goblin with a barrage of SRMs. Our infantry squad bails out into the woods as the tank is destroyed.
    "Take'em out!"
    Our Cicada moves in closer and fires on the right flank of the Commando!

    We fire again on the Commando as it moves into heavier cover. Smoke billows from the damaged mech as an SRM launcher is blown out.

    "I've got a shot, sir."

    "As do I!"

    "Surrender and be taken as salvage!"

    "Damn, missed!"
    The Commando moves at flank speed off the map. Our forces miss due to the sheer speed of the mech moving out of heavy cover and bee lining it for the edge of the map.
    All in all, we've put a savage ass-whipping on them this battle. 3 units destroyed, 1 heavily damaged at the cost of an IFV. We've managed to salvage several mechs from the last battle. 2 Catapults, 2 Hunchbacks, a Griffin, a Dragon and a Jenner. Things might be turning around for us now!
  8. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Pete in UFOPaedia.org needs a new home   
    Oh wow that's good to hear!
    I'm setting up another Amazon AWS (hosting) instance for StrategyCore and a few older sites - SC does still get quite a lot of traffic even now so if this situation comes up again in a couple of years I'll have a home set up for it that's scalable - my concern was I needed to keep this stuff separate from business websites as a busy day on the wiki has been known to make servers wobble a bit
    But yes - great that it's sorted for now - thanks for letting me know.
  9. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Invasion Postponed Until 2012   
    I sure did not see this coming.
  10. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to laclongquan in UFO Afterlight Impossible Review   
    *Comment on Impossible pacing*
    In comparison with its two sisters, UFO Afterlight is a step back from UFO Aftershock and return to Aftermath.
    + The devs did try with terraform-->end game BUT losing territories to flood. Yet, the loss only really matter in 75-80, which is a long way from the first loss at 40.
    +++++They really should spread it out right after 40 to increase the sense of urgency.
    + The FINAL battle, really end the game, is the final assault on Zephyria main fortress. Even if you have other gates left, it end. Even if you still havent close Primary Key Gate it still end. YET, the number of enemies in that 2stage mission is too low, much less than UFOAS.
    +++++They should have linkage with other gates: the more gates left unclosed, the more enemy squad will appear on the maps. Just a way to increase difficulty.
  11. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Why yes, yes we did.
    So, you needed a new mirror, huh?
  12. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    These all look standard buckets. Why are they not stacked one into another? Drying? This way they definitely take A LOT of space. And this is... A LOT of buckets.
  13. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Oh well, perhaps today's Mother's day brings some traffic.
    I remain in awe of your demand that everything is 100%.
  14. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Let's Play With Dice!   
    Base! The Dracs are mounting PPCs in the missile pods of their Catapults, uploading recon data!

    *PEW!* Another PPC strikes our Hunchback. We're gonna have to move in closer since we don't have the range to deal with them!

    They're running in through an open field, while we're in the hills. Best we exploit this while we can!

    Moving through the hills our Crab takes 3 hits, the other mechs overheat to fire while the enemy is in the open.

    Our Wolverine and Griffin fire off alphastrikes at the Catapults as they shred our Hunchback and Crab with PPC fire. The Hunchback limps behind a hill waiting on the enemy to get closer since he's so slow.
  15. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Invasion Postponed Until 2012   
    they need to go on kickstarter and raise billions of dollars, that should get the game out on time, for sure!
  16. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Let's Play With Dice!   
    It's the 31st century, that tech is long since gone and we're at the stage of fighting over the last can of tuna fish with our 400 year old patchwork battlemechs!
  17. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to silencer_pl in The Longest Rebellion 2   
    Just do as massive damage as you can. The Vahlen monsters are broken mechanic.
  18. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to silencer_pl in The Longest Rebellion 2   
    At the beginning it's like I have flashbang on every person. It helps vs Sectoids, it helps clear overwatch and it helps with reducing AI accuracy. Until you have some other utilities that help with that and are more deadly. Smoke I use less often since it's only purpose is to help with defence, but when fighting vs snakes or sectoids it doesn't stop vs mind spin or poison spit.
  19. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to silencer_pl in The Longest Rebellion 2   
    Pro tips? Git gud? Hard to say what could help you. Know what you can and what can't. Know how AI behaves. Go for flanks. From Monday I will be replaying Long War 2 on my YT channel.
  20. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Yeah, because why not work extra just before a huge push incoming...
  21. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to laclongquan in UFO Afterlight Impossible Review   
    Every 2-3 years I have a serious case of blue balls about tactical combat, inventory loot management, gun management, troop management RPG. And I would run with Fallout Tactics -- Silent Storm -- Silent Storm Sentinels - Hammer & Sickle -- UFO Aftershock --- UFO Afterlight (not in that particular order).
    This run is nearly to its end. I basically restart UFOAL right before the Primary Key Gate battle just so I can have Zamyatin's Grave and get Olga early. And I am estimating if I will try Xenonauts or XCOM EU. Possibly Xenonauts~
    Or maybe a change of speed and try Dungeon Rats. I dunno. I dont feel the blue balls fading.
    Or maaaaaaybe a 90o turn and try Front Mission 4 or Valkyria Chronicles, though turnbased tactical jRPG is a bit ...
  22. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Happy New Year   
    Though it CAN be worse. It may be beneficial for all of us to remember that 2020, while bad by the standards of 1990+, was a great year compared to say 1944. Just saying. But yeah, I too hope 21 will be a better year.
  23. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Merry Christmas   
    :charges like a madman:
    Cherub by Hayes?
    A very merry Christmas, fellow StrategyCoryans. We're fighting aliens on a daily basis, so don't let a few months of a pandemic get to you in any fracking way.
  24. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Thorondor in Bargain!   
    @SV: Your reputation precedes you, Sir, and I shall strive to raise our standards to your lofty spending goals... Please don't mind the disposessed game devs desperately reaching out for scraps on your way in - there are steep promotions I must bring to your attention!
    For instance:

    GoG's weekly sale is here. Dedicated to turn-based games with discounts reaching even 90%.
  25. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Bargain!   
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