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Space Voyager

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  1. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Thorondor in XCOM: Chimera Squad   
    Death. Devastation. Anarchy.
    Peacekeeper n0x has been summoned. This should prove entertaining...
  2. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Perhaps it is just beyond our understanding!
    This is the most important bit!
    I'm soooo funny.
  3. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Ok, there are swarms, they are just not going well for the aliens...
    But I don't see you cheating for better loot. If nothing else, the time investment would probably be too great just to get a slightly better reward.
  4. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    This game is more or less decided, right? You're making tons of dough, not losing a soldier, not even wounded... Is there room for a surprise, like no. 1 had - swarms etc?
  5. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Why bother writing when Thor got it covered? So, what he said.
    But all in all, amazing job. Never would have thought it can all look usable. That said, the refrigerator... Yes, good job cleaning it up and all, but the colours definitely reveal its age! That light blue is so yesterday... or several decades ago.
  6. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Are you using the same stuff for the countertop and the floor? The wooden tiling looks better already and I wonder what the second coating will do. Might turn out just fine, considering your constraints.
  7. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Seriously, a map filled with aliens and not even a wounded soldier?! I'm starting to feel bad for the aliens... They suck at invasions!
  8. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Low tech solutions are the most reliable... Improvisations often turn out the best ones.
    Are you sure cleaning the floor will do the trick? It seems as it needs proper sanding and lacquer. Otherwise it will be completely ruined soonish.
  9. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    You know, for a time I resented the similarity of this game to the original X-COM. But the more I think about it, the more it is a testament to its ingenuity and lasting appeal. I'm starting to like this game and you're to blame, Z!
  10. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Thorondor in Other gaming news   
    @SV: there's no denying terms Roguelite and Roguelike have been widely abused with extremely variable degrees of propriety, as you well know. These days the former mostly just implies there will be dying and some form of non-volatile cross-session RPG stat progression to alleviate the consequences of death.
    So yeah, plenty of chaff and not much real wheat. These qualifier liberties aside, it doesn't mean quality and enjoyment are absent in a select few of these so disregarding them entirely on those grounds (particularly without having played something) would be a disfavour to what's actually on offer in a title that is potentially worth knowing about. Just my .02.
  11. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Ehm, certain conventions might interfere... Though, those might apply to use in Human, not humane, warfare.
  12. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    I must caution against the use of bio weapons. ANYthing could go wrong there.
  13. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Seriously, Telemat and no tele-psychic abilies? Oh come on, what a deceit.
  14. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to makus in OpenApoc   
    We create website at our domain https://openapoc.org
    where you can find latest news, information, FAQ
    our forum moved to https://openapoc.org/forum
  15. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    Just a quick Q... Does the leveling of the soldiers depend on what they do or is it just overall?
  16. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to NoXTheRoXStaR in Take Two!   
    I don't know if many of you heard about the Nvida leak? XCOM 3 next year? Too early of course to speculate. Yet, it would make sense that 2K would green light a successful sequel.
  17. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Zombie in Bargain!   
    Thanks! I added them a couple years ago (approximately) because you were always adding funny smileys to your posts that were not in the forums. If you come across something you want added feel free to pm me and I'll add it in as soon as I can.
    - Zombie
  18. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Bargain!   
    Dooon't... DOOOOOON'T!
    I resisted so far. I will meditate on NOT buying. Why not buy an excellent game at 75% off? Simply because I have several of them bought and not played...
    BTW, Z added quite a lot of smileys. I don't know when as I can't recall when I last went through them all but they are AWESOME!

  19. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    I've been reading this AAR and it makes for an interesting read, but mostly because of the descriptions you provide, Z. I can't see myself playing this game, looks just as time consuming as the originals.
    Thank you for the AAR though, really good fun.
  20. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Snowblower... That would come in handy. Twice or three times a year. Than again, that would rob me of the morning exercise. There is no greater joy than getting up an hour earlier to clean the 80-100m2, with the addition of the plow dam that usually gets added from the street just before I want to leave for work. Ok ok, perhaps there is some joy even bigger , but I wouldn't want to have an extra machine laying around whole year for those two occasions. Naturally, if the area was larger, it changes everything quickly...
    Anyway, the frame looks awesome. Pro work. Sorry for the repetitiveness of my responses, but that is YOUR fault.
  21. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    I'll bet, this is almost a wood file!
  22. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    FINALLY someone recognises my wisd... wait, was that... ehm, don't wanna know.
    I found the hardened foam to come off whole and without a trace quite a few times, especially from smooth or dusty surfaces. When I tried to wipe it off wet, I ended up smearing it over an even larger surface. As this was parquet, I resorted to scraping it off very delicately (using the glass-ceramic plate cleaner) later, when the smear hardened. It went ok, but slow.
    YES, but with what I was doing, there was no chance in hell any foam would fall to the ground. I just forgot to tell this to the foam, so it fell anyway. Since then, I too cover up every damn thing.
  23. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    If you buy the foam cleaning spray you just twist the straw onto it and spray it through. Quite handy. Bought it and only used it once... Otherwise I noticed that the foam is easiest to clean if you let it dry completely. If you start removing it pronto, you better have that solvent ready, true. Though if it falls on parquet, I wouldn't recommend solvents.
  24. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Thorondor in Random junk found online   
    @SV: remember when you needn't pay to maintain your privacy? Well, those days are gone. It is what it is.
    Speaking of keeping our cool:
  25. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Wood hardener?!!?!
    :writes it into notes:
    I totally knew that was a thing.
    I hope people at work notice the details, like even covering the screws to make it all perfect. If they don't... WE DO.
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