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Space Voyager

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  1. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    With the insane success rate of Z's leadership I'm surprised the aliens havent packed yet...
    "Just not worth it, guys, let's go to Mercury, it is far more hospitable!"
  2. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Promotions, you say, nice, nice!  Man, these missions look time consuming AF... BTW, I started playing The Witcher 3, really cool game! Also time consuming, but because there's so much to do. I have to be careful when children are nearby, there is mature content. Which is an extra bonus I wasn't aware of when I bought the game. ?
  3. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Oh, OH, this is a clear provocation! One that I can not agree with and protest against! ?
    Hanging back Triarii-like is good, VERY good even, but you know, backup units need the best armour available as we jump in when times are dire and all. I hope I made a good case and you will reconsider this potentially fatal (for me and Thor) mistake.
  4. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    I'm trying, I'm TRYING! Am I finally git gud? 
  5. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    As we're in the illumination area already, I might as well veer OT for a sec - have you guys noticed that it get harder and harder to buy a light with a lightbulb? Last time I was looking for a ligth in Tjaša's room and 95% of them were LED in-built systems. When it dies, you have to throw the whole damn thing away! I had to search pretty long to find a glass covering Tjaša was OK with...
  6. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Damn, you're really making something presentable from what seems like a basket case...
    ?It does!
  7. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   

    Really? REALLY?! Just as I was beginning to feel good after the previous quote!  
    Crap, how do you divide the quote now?
  8. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    I'm glad I was left in relative safety and given some quality time with Tammy.  I'll patch her up any time, thank you.  
  9. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Man, Gehe sounds so funny and cute, but these seem to be some tough MF... 
    Mmmm, reinforced alien fibres sound great! Make me new underwear, too, please, perhaps these fibres help hide the brown colour of fear.  
  10. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Samz707 in Aftermath Geoscape time messed up.   
    I managed to solve it with some trial and error, I saw claims it was FPS related but my graphics card limtier (AMD Radeon) wouldn't limit Aftermath for some reason. (I could set the setting but it woudl fail to actually limit it.)
    However Bandicam (A free recording software) comes with a limiter and sure enough, it works, locking the game to 60 FPS fixes the Geoscape Issue. (I've updated the PC gaming wiki page for Aftermath with the fix.) 
    So for anyone else with this issue, you have to (via some sort of external limiter) limit the FPS to 60.
  11. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Wow, noice explosions! And again, Thor takes all the glory. ??
  12. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Well, it is better to still have at least some challenge. If all opposition was a pushover, things quickly devolve into a grindfest. Anyway, nobody got killed so all is well.
  13. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold   
    THIS. Dammit, after hundreds of hours...
  14. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    He he he, please don't make it a habit of me soaking up damage...  But nice to see some praise.
  15. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Seems I am good with grenades... and abysmal with shooting damage. Encumber me with them 'nades!
  16. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    HE HE HE, I might yet learn!
  17. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from NoXTheRoXStaR in I'm sorry.   
    For what it is worth... the only thing that helped me in times of distress, however uncomparable, was letting things out, sharing them with people both trustworthy and willing to listen. When I started talking about my problems, tears went into overdrive and washed at least part of the anxiety away. REALLY helped.
  18. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to NoXTheRoXStaR in I'm sorry.   
    Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor 
    I'm trying to type and compose myself. I know, I agree with you both.
    I never shrug anything off, I let things burrow, fester and manifest while I sleep and when I wake there is ether rage or solace.
    I overcame alcoholism (SV knows about that). I won't use that as a crutch now either. 
  19. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from NoXTheRoXStaR in I'm sorry.   
    IMO Thor said it all. I don't find you to be a man that could just shrug off anything, let alone the immense loss you experienced. And will continue to experience for some time.
    Nox, I too find StrategyCore to be like an old pub with regular clientele and excellent beer. I don't mind at all if you find it a place of solace. Still, these are the internets and one has to be aware. We should all t(h)read carefully out here.
  20. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in I'm sorry.   
    IMO Thor said it all. I don't find you to be a man that could just shrug off anything, let alone the immense loss you experienced. And will continue to experience for some time.
    Nox, I too find StrategyCore to be like an old pub with regular clientele and excellent beer. I don't mind at all if you find it a place of solace. Still, these are the internets and one has to be aware. We should all t(h)read carefully out here.
  21. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to NoXTheRoXStaR in I'm sorry.   
    I shouldn't have posted this here initially. This is my favorite venue, think of it as an old class bar/restaurant. I suppose one may consider it a safe haven in which to settle down and compile thoughts? Ah who cares. Until Pete kicks me off, I'll use this time to communicate with my friends and muse with myself.
    There are stages evidently people go through. Sadness, Anger, Acceptance, Guilt. I don't know in which order their supposed to belong. I see my family and friends show their emotions. I get the text messages, the sympathy cards in the mail. The phone calls about my loss, and to be honest. I don't feel anything at all.
  22. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Well, sorry man, SUE ME! I did my best but he alien moved in our turn, I tell you!  
  23. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    Yep, that's the Thorondor we know and love.
    Sorry for being so inconsistent with dealing hurt.  Weird though that the damage can vary so wildly. 
  24. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Play UFO2:Extraterrestrials   
    I was sweating like a PIG at this point, I tell you! Don't let this happen again... Luckily Silencer was there to cover your mistakes, man!  
    Thor and me still have promotions to look forward to? How far can you get promoted? By now we were promoted so many times I thought we were all "Commanders of Earth, nothing above"!
  25. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Merry Christmas   
    I hate quoting myself, but I'm so damn good...
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