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Space Voyager

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    Space Voyager reacted to NoXTheRoXStaR in C&C Classics, perchance reborn?   
    I guess I should post my review in the AAR section. I have 16 downs and 14 ups (16 hours play time). Be it as it may, this "remaster" is a 7 out of 10.
    -n0x ( stay tuned )
  2. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Let's Play With Dice!   
    The Thunderbolt fires off everything he's got, but only the LRM and Large Laser connect. 8 damage to the center torso but most of those LRMs missed!

    We return fire on the already heavily damaged mech. Medium laser to the chest!

    BOOM! Mech destroyed!

    The Capellan mech falls to the ground as all it's weapons miss and the pilot ejects!

    Our Griffin is the last mech standing, aside from that crippled, disarmed Urbanmech we'll be salvaging.

    We've taken minimal damage to this mech but our Wolverine is a total loss and our Urbie is barely salvageable.
  3. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to magic9mushroom in Feedback on StrategyCore   
    Hooray, I can post threads again!
  4. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Europa Universalis IV   
    I got EU4 from a humble sale a couple of months ago and I've been playing the crap out of it. Got a few hundred hours into it so far and I kept restarting every couple of hours because I'd learn something new and totally game changing, or I'd get destroyed, but I've got the basics of it now I think.
    First big game I stuck it out in I was Castile, and ended up forming Spain and had a decent South American and African empire. That one spiraled out of control when I declared a theocracy and gave the Pope the finger. My allies all bailed and eventually declared war over it. Lesson learned!
    Next up was a game as England where I basically conquered all the trading hotspots around the world and I didn't figure out I wasn't on Ironman until about 2 weeks in...so I just played it out til the end to see what I could learn just with random savescumming. Basically ended up with North America, Africa and the Far East. Oddly, England didn't take India and Australia...oh well!
    Also this:
    Now for the current game I decided to redo England this time with Ironman for sure turned on. So far I'm beating up France with my allies Portugal and for some reason...Spain. After beating up France, my heir suddenly dies, followed by my king, and since I'm royal married to Spain and France has claims on English territory on the continent, they fight it out and I end up under Spain...
  5. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    YOU ARE A MACHINE!!! Do you ever take a break?!
    Though I am really looking forward to see you tackle that far-gone tabletop, whenever you do. From rotten wood to glossy red polyurethane in a jiffy.
  6. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to NKF in OpenXcom player feedback   
    Hey, there's plenty of nudity in the classic X-Com games. Granted none of it human.
  7. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to Jman4117 in Jman Plays X-com: Extreme Edition   
    High explosives and stun bombs are the way to win these apparently...otherwise the civvies are dead in about 4 turns


    Another one of those massive "hybrid" missions where you go in and gun down 50+ cannon fodder aliens armed with AK47s and RPGs

    And Commander Awesome!
    Fix the board, I have a thread to post!
  8. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Random junk found online   
    Bah, more suitable for work than home.
    I agree with the article, the underestimation of national postal services has been going on all around the world. The current viral lock-down made it incredibly clear how much we actually need a delivery service that won't charge your kidney's worth of money for a single delivery. May be just as an instrumental part of a free society as public schools and healthcare.
  9. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Flowers make no dent in otherwise technical nature of the thread, Z! They do make it lovely. An interesting system for keeping a flowery order. If you can find the right ones each time, it obviously works.
    The date made me wonder though. I thought Mother's day is an international holiday, but we have it on March 25th. So I checked and while it is celebrated in most countries, the date is not internationally set - and Slovenia is the only one to celebrate it on March 25th.
    You should think about shipping world-wide to take advantage of all the dates. I'd love to see how you'd adapt your sorting system to the globe. Kidding, kidding!
  10. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    This, THIS! And don't forget on the raise part.
  11. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Looks like a very good build, Z! I hope you get it covered before it is washed by the rain.
    What is the material you use at the joints? Mineral wool of some kind? Or cotton? Also, why is it there? Is it better to leave things a bit "floaty" instead of going for a completely rigid construction to take less damage in the winds?
    Oh, and beautiful flowers, really lovely. Finally some green among those pics of steel and polyurethane.
  12. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to silencer_pl in Invasion Postponed Until 2012   
    New release date: May 2020, as in May be?
  13. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to silencer_pl in Take Two!   
    You've called?
    My thoughts: The game is good. I wouldn't say it's a fresh take. I believe there were games that already had similar system of action movement. The characters are great (when it comes to skills), love every one I've been playing right now. However most of them are a little assholes. Do note that you can have I believe up to 8 agents, while the entire rooster is like 10-12 agents. Some would say, it might be repetitive, because each mission is sort of breach and clear. You have to dose your reseources, because you can have multiple encounters per mission. One thing I don't like about the encounter beginning, is that you don't know what to expect. You can see how many enemies will be visible in the breach enterance, but you don't know how many enemies will be affected by the for example breach grenade that will holo target or disorient enemies.
    The encounters by itself can be finished within 10 minutes and that includes impossible difficulty, so it would be perfect for you SV, considering that the game itself is far more simplistic than the campaigns of XCOM and XCOM2.
    At the current 50% discount I think it's a no brain buy.
  14. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    He he he, meant very literally!
  15. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from NoXTheRoXStaR in Corona viral thread   
    Guys and gals, how are you coping with the viral problems? Slovenia has it under control so far but as far as I read, things are not pink all over the planet. The news that bother me the most are backstabbing crap like USA stealing masks from France, Germany and Canada. Friends or foe?! Otherwise we manage quite ok. Some land around our house gives my children the much needed space to be outside without much risk, without this space the children would go nuts ASAP.
    So far so good.
  16. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Corona viral thread   
    Guys and gals, how are you coping with the viral problems? Slovenia has it under control so far but as far as I read, things are not pink all over the planet. The news that bother me the most are backstabbing crap like USA stealing masks from France, Germany and Canada. Friends or foe?! Otherwise we manage quite ok. Some land around our house gives my children the much needed space to be outside without much risk, without this space the children would go nuts ASAP.
    So far so good.
  17. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Kinda weird, but I hope you won't have the time to work on the greenhouse (and be swamped with primary work). Do stay safe and healthy though.
    As for the work done... I would never, absolutely never go about saving the hinges. I'm far too lazy for that. New ones will rust? Maybe so, but it'll take years before becoming a problem...
  18. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to brandeburg in New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)   
    Hope everyone are far from Covid.
    Seems that the beautiful project sunk?
    I understand as it is an hard task.
    Take care evrybodies.
  19. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    HA, I said Zombie will fix it all!
    You know, reading all this... makes me kinda want your job. Take it with a grain of salf, but seriously, I'd rather be doing something useful instead of sitting in an office. With work being practically non-existent right now due to corona and all, with bad prospects for an indefinite future as half a state's budget is being funneled into preventing a complete economic collapse.
  20. Like
    Space Voyager reacted to magic9mushroom in Are we totally screwed?   
    Some of that is due to democratic backsliding. I wouldn't say all of it; Tony Abbott ran on a platform of undoing a carbon tax, so that one's on the Aussie public. But in a lot of the modern West, democracy is choosing which head of the hydra eats your leg; in the US, for instance, there are only two major parties (no hope of starting a challenger because of spoilers) and both are bought out by roughly the same interests on most issues, so unless an issue is one of the few on which the parties choose to distance themselves, the public has no power to decide it.
  21. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Zombie never ceases to amaze, so... I wouldn't count it out just yet.
  22. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Bosses son, huh? Dangerous territory.
    Frankly I didn't find the wooden supports to be THAT bad. Judging from the pics only, naturally, can't see the big picture. I've seen far worse... Needless to say, now it looks much better and good for a number of years if properly covered.
    How the business going? If the news have any truth to it, everything stopped all over Europe (some mild exaggeration).
  23. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Sawing upwards definitely IS hard, we're designed for climbing, less so for lifting. Good choice to do it though.
    I'm worried about the virus, too, especially for my elderly mother.
    But ooooooh, a shit hit the fan smiley! Niiiiiice! I'm still thinking of starting a new repository after being screwed by Photobucket.
  24. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    He he he, this will never end. Just like house maintenance, always something that either goes wrong or will do so SOON. Kudos, Zombie!
  25. Like
    Space Voyager got a reaction from Zombie in Let's Paint!   
    Damn, the roof collapsing is crap - though I AM excited to see your work, I learn something new with every post you make! Sorry, I'm a bit self-centered.
    I hope this incident won't have a huge impact on the shop. You still plan to use the place before the renovation?
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