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  1. Thanks, brandeburg. I'm glad you liked the update. I just checked your classes info (in your other thread) - very practical perk assignments. I think the "saboteur" pulled a short straw somehow and some of the marksman perks I am not totally convinced about... But overall, it's a very nice and balanced chart. Great work! I am looking forward to seeing those perk tree charts and having a discussion about them. I think it'll be very helpful... -------------------------------- [EDIT] When preparing those perk trees, please consider adding the "Look for free" too. I changed the default Crawl rotate cost from 4 to 6, the Rotate from 2 to 4 in RPG APs, and changed the parameter in RPG Perks from 0 to 2. I already tested it. It's 2 APs for all rotations now after applying the perk. So, no freebies anymore. What would we call it now? "Born Curious"... "Reduced AP cost for looking"... "Observant"... "Spinner"..? -------------------------------- Scar and Kat are not military trained, so I wouldn't expect them to have skills and abilities that make sense from a "let's create a class that is efficient and serves a specific purpose" type of approach. Their skills/perks are a mixed bag, some might have certain synergy but most probably won't. That's why I was asking about perk ideas for a civilian medic-turned-sniper, and a civilian mechanic-turned-bandit. They'd be separate classes, specifically tailored for Scar and Kat, not available to any of the possible mercenaries or the main character. Would they be a pain to play? I don't know...maybe... well, if I add all the bizarre conversations I've imagined they could engage in, yeah...a very strange couple of folks, indeed. I am also thinking about adding rare, unique perks. From the start, Scar would have an "addict" or "alcoholic"; ex.: he'd be the only person who could use spiked alcohol and heroin. Kat could have a "bookworm" perk that wold allow her to use magazines and other literature, we find in the game world, to temporarily increase her medical, engineering (or some other) skill above the normal levels. The same goes for the main character... based on the class we chose for them. - It might be a "Diplomat" perk (that would help us with various negotiation and persuasion checks), - "Eagle Vision" would have a higher than normal Spot value. - "Commando training" would add an otherwise unavailable "Good Evasion" perk (???) ... basically minor, not necessarily critical but a decent helpful boost to something... They'd be 'attached' to different classes with proper visual representation but without any visible prerequisite, basically not selectable by the player...can only be given through a script. ----------------------------------------------------------- Well, all that was about our average grunts/mercenaries/hirelings or whatever we call them. Now, what about the officers? I think "inspiration" should have a huge aura and be available only to officers. With that in place, eliminating them as soon as possible would finally make sense. Seriously, in vanilla, they were restricted to pistols, had no perk panels, nothing special or outstanding except for Acks, and even those were kinda meh... I think they need a major boost: proficiency in most weapons, higher Spot and stealth values, plenty of VPs, higher interrupt etc. (maybe even some 'evasion' skills, not too much... just a little bit...) ----------------------------------------------------------- You know, redesigning all the item sizes is a big undertaking. If we have our bike with us then the whole "increased difficulty" goes right out the window, since we can access anything we need right there in the zone (once the objective are completed). Besides, aligning every item in the backpack, x, y, z and the distance adjustment for thousands of items (because for most items it's not just a size increase)... is a lot of work... and could potentially be worth it if we had a lot of zones (25-30) to visit and could really appreciate the new challenge. At the moment - there are only 2 completed zones. In short, I hear you and get your point... Actually, I agree with you to a certain extend. Carrying two MGs in one's backpack is pretty unbelievable. But right now, I'd rather get on with developing the plot and building more encounters. ----------------------------------------------------------- I think using snapshot is somewhat similar to shooting from the hip... no aiming is necessary or required. At least that's my understanding of it. (...and that's based on the fact that we already have the "aimed" and "careful" shooting modes using the iron sights, and also the low AP requirements and relatively low accuracy when in snapshot mode just screams 'not aimed'.) ----------------------------------------------------------- I haven't decided what the main character's rank and specific branch are. They could be a Senior Lieutenant of State Security, from Department 3 (counter-intelligence) or 4 (special) ... not sure... they are gonna be dealing with quite a few of doppelgangers here... more like Department 13 (ghost-busters???) Main task: discover what happened to the missing agents (4 NKVD agents disappear without a trace in Lubni/Poltava areas) - check if any of the safe houses have been compromised - ensure competency and loyalty - find and eliminate traitors (we don't know about the doubles yet) - once we find out what's really going on - find their training facility and destroy it, find both surgeons and kill them, capture the Intel on the remaining doubles and deliver it to the drop. Opportunity objectives (while keeping a low profile): - kill any doubles you come across - assist allied groups and forces in the area (partisans, civilians, resistance...) - capture any Intel we encounter - eliminate or compromise any targets of opportunity - sabotage German military installations - increase tensions between UPA and Wehrmacht/SS There will be a time when we are joined by a couple of other State Security agents (if we use your classes then they'd probably be a Skirmisher and an MG gunner)...but that's going to be later... in the winter... --------------------------------------------------- As far as I am aware the vehicles don't move... --------------------------------------------------- In Sentinels, there is no way to determine the type of uniform a character is wearing... UnitGetUniform() is not a valid function is S^3, unfortunately. --------------------------------------------------- Thank you for bringing up some excellent points, brandeburg. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Now, I have a question: What was the correct German radio communication procedure for the tank and aircraft crews? Why I am asking is because when we find our first radio in a destroyed/abandoned Tiger (transceiver's operating radius around 150-200 km) we'd need to pretend we are not who we are while trying to reach the right 'audience'. So what would that exchange be like? - An example of a successful (we get to talk to one of our operators in the area) and unsuccessful (we happen to get someone else) transmission would be great. Perhaps this will help. I've found it somewhere (I think it was on axisforums.com): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. to call another radio operator (otto calling ida): Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. Wait 5 seconds Repeat if no answer 1a. to call with priority: Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. K R. (I have no idea what K R stands for) Wait 5 seconds. Repeat if no answer. 1b. to call with message and no reply required: Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. Keine quittung, Keine quitting Send message. Repeat. 1c. to call with message and ask for verification: Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. Bitte prüfen, bitte prüfen Send message. Wait 10 seconds for reply. If no reply, repeat. 2. to answer (ida answering otto): Ida empfäng. Ida empfäng. Kommen. 2a: to answer but not ready to receive: Ida empfäng. Ida empfäng. Warten. 2b. to answer 1c. Ida quittung, ida quittung. 3. to report signal strength: Lautstärke ... - eins (weak) - zwei - drei - vier - fünf (strong) 3a. to ask for a repeat: Bitte wiederholen 4. to end a message: ende. There are 3 bullet points at the bottom, written in red, which I assume are important: - speak clear - speak monotone - speak short (I assume this means keep it brief!) Underneath that is the mnemonic: KMK (klar, monoton, kurz) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have any ideas? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Hey, Tsylie, thanks for editing. (Corrections entered!) I added a full canister to the first mission's template. ____________________________________________________________________ Oh, and here is one of the female models Heruvim shared with me. Doesn't she look fantastic? ______________ ~ Blunter ~
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