


A sporeblower attacks by floating towards your soldiers and blowing itself up, thus showering them with toxic spores. This cloud of spores acts as an area effect weapon, and it applies continuous damage for two seconds.

Range: 2 metres
Damage: 100
Damage type: burn


Soft: 0%
Universal: 0%
Hard: 0%
Burn: 20%
Laser: 50%
Plasma: 0%
Warp: 90%
Paralyse: 50%

Health: 1,800 hit points


Sporeblowers can be found in any territory that has not been swallowed up by the Biomass, and they can be encountered from the earliest stages of the game. They are small enough to be encountered in the second stage of an establish base mission.

Tactical notes

A sporeblower is a biomechanical construction used to house and propagate alien spores that are similar to the spores that were responsible for the Twilight and Fall. When a sporeblower gets within two metres of a soldier, it explodes and releases its spores over the soldier and anybody nearby. The spores will then attack the skin and lungs of your soldiers for the next two seconds. A Sporeblower can never be captured alive.

Although sporeblowers float through the air, they cannot float above obstacles such as cars and walls.

Sporeblowers are not that fast moving and they have to get very close to your soldiers before they can release their spores. This means that a sporeblower is unlikely to cause your squad any problems unless you encounter it by running round a corner or when you open a door.